Coach + Kamon Girl = Happy Miu

After work, I went to Kinokuniya, KLCC to pick up an magazine order from the Japanese department. I made a pit stop at the Chinese Mags section, browsing through all the mags that came along with freebies. Nah.. I guess the mag that gives the hand soap/shower gel seems great but I'm not a big fan of that. Then behold I saw Vogue (Taiwan?) Magazine and a pretty design caught my eye.

It's the latest issue of Vogue (rm37.60) and they're givin away COACH LOVE POPPY KEEPER freebie! The packaging looks awesomely nice but I had no idea what they're giving until I requested to see the item at the counter. Behold! it's actually a magnetic metal standy that comes with 2 Coach Loves Poppy magnets. AWESOME! I just love artsy stuffs. This one is going to be ON MY WORK DESK! to tag memos and urgent stuffs. I bought an extra copy to have one at home next to my pc so I could tag pictures on it ^__^!

I also love the artsy photos in this mag
(I'm thinking of posing like this for my blog profile pic)

Afters I went 2 the Japanese section to pick up my order of Voce (August issue) RM29-80. Its sold out since June so I had 2 ordered mine after Cai Wing told me about it. Thanks Wing! I am soo in love with Kamon girls right now I'll buy anything that has it (ok except the RM 1.2k Kamon Girl make up case). I asked Kinokuniya if my friends can still place an order, they say Japanese already sold out :( so no more.

latest issue of Voce (August)

gives Kamon Girl Bento Cloth & cleansing oil samples!
(Haku skincare samples as well!)

oh the japanese manga girl so adorable

the Kamon Girl bento cloth is pretty big!
(and it's not some el'cheapo cloth either)

nice sample packaging

helped PrettyBeautiful buy a copy of Hello Mag
that comes with a free Revlon Nail Polish!
(from and KLCC branch has a lot to giveaway!)


  1. hey woman...i was walking around KLCC too after work, running errands, redeeming freebies..aiyo, if not bumped into you, kene sampuk, i pun beli magazine chinese tu jugak...


    eh, did you pass the soaps to lilian then? *wondering wondering*

  2. alamak babe!!!!!

    i had your soaps with me but lilian was not working today! she's off cuti! so i carried it around in my bag sob sob..

    this friday i am goin for my facial at shu 7pm. C u there?

    the coach thingy is so cool, but it's not a bad buy.. although i dun read chinese, i do study the pictures n layouts in the mag to improve myself! (rm37 ok ok sob sob)

  3. thanks girl!!! :D cant wait to try out the revlon polish :D

  4. investment !!! in return for your millions readers!

  5. so nice :) any idea if MPH store got freebie too?

  6. sherry: faces mag @ mph gives a sothys's goodie bag worth rm100

  7. check out VOGUE n ELLE (TAIWAN) from time to time..they owes giv out interesting freebies!
    i got coach file folder before :p

  8. thank you Miu for info, must go check MPH when got time :)

  9. oh 7pm?
    hmm tomorrow i have class at 5.30, so i'll off from office earlier.

    hopefully lillian will be working tomorow.

    if anything just text me okay.

  10. uu lovely magz scans~~
    i like the bento wrap!! kawaii
    wahh coach poppy magnet!! neat!
    i always like magz comes with freebies!


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