About The Blogger

I'm a free spirited writer who owns a blog

I'll try to keep this short and sweet so you don't start snoring on the keyboard. My Christian name is Tammy which means "palm tree" but I know my mom named me after Tammy Wynette the country singer. I'm a Malaysian Chinese if you're wondering what breed of human I am. My Chinese name is 林翠恩 which means jade of kindness / grace which just so explains why I have so much heart for people around me (a weakness imho). According to my personality trait, I'm a ENFP - a free spirited person. There's only 7% of people like me in the population (like seriously?). 
How I started Blogging? I was a hardcore World of Warcraft (WOW - MMPORG) gamer for 6 years. After losing sense of time, I quit and started a blog called Plusizekitten (big, bold & beautiful). Blogging started out as a passion, the innate desire to share about my experiences be it as a consumer or as a woman in Malaysia. Blogging in short, has changed who I am and shape me to become a better person, a person who's more open and sociable. It brought me to places I never imagine, experience things I never thought I'll get to feel. I've been blogging for over 8 years now and my followers are my greatest muse to continue. 

10, 9, 8, 7, .... 2, 1 Happy New Year everyone!

Whenever someone gets a glimpse of my NRIC (identity card) they'll gasp and say "You're born on New Year's Day?!". I get that a lot, so much so I have a response ready "Yea it's cool and all but nobody remembers you on your birthday. They're too busy counting down and being hung over the next day". Yes my mother is awesome, she managed to countdown and then gave birth to me at 3am in the morning. My sister was born on 8th August, 1988, so now you know my mother is really something. New Year's Day baby, yes I do feel special especially when I get free fireworks at the stroke of midnight on my birthday.

I write the way I think, sorry if my English sucks

I wanted to be a writer for the longest time but truth be told, my England isn't that awesome so I stuck to blogging instead. The way I write is exactly the way I speak. I can be long winded and I can be quite simple, depending on my mood which often enough is carefree and light. Sometimes I can be cynical. Carrie from Sexy & The City is my inspiration (but who don't love SATC?). To keep this from becoming a biography, I'll make a list of top 10 things about me for a speedy understanding of what makes me, me.

1. A fashion rebel, loner & dreamer

2. I love all things apple, Steve Jobs is my hero

3. I want to discover the undiscovered
(Japan, Korea & UK on top of my list)

4. I love photography, even if I don't know how
(check out my instagram)

5. I love winter & winter clothings
(sweaters, hats, jackets is my weakness)

6. I love whimsical, cute, dreamy things

7. Peonies are my favourite blooms

8. Spas & massages make me feel like a woman

9. I'm a recovering shopaholic
(now I have only 1 credit card)

10. My life experiences would shock most people

And you would often see the way I write would be a melting pot of elements from here as I relate all my writings to my life and personal experiences. That's about the shortest introduction I could do and if you're interested to find out about my blogger profile click here.
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for - and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool - for love - for your dreams - for the adventure of being alive. - Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Plusizekitten.com has a following of an average of 300,000 pageviews a month, highest 600,000 over pageviews sighted. Highest unique viewers sighted was over 30,000 unique visitors according to Nuffnang. Followers are 99% females aged between 24 - 34 years old (Malay 40%, Chinese 50% others 10%) Malaysian young working adults. Tammy Lim competed in Cleo's Next Top Blogger Malaysia competition and emerged as the winner after a 5-week blogging challenge in 2011. She was nominated and featured by Top10Malaysia (business magazine) as the Top 10 popular female bloggers in Malaysia Dec, 2014.