ByTara Fastrim Giveaway To Lose Weight

your secret to losing weight ends 19/10/15

Hello hello! It's time for another exciting giveaway from your favourite plus size blogger!. Well if you compare the average Chinese species of mine, I am consider fat. Just picture a broomstick and a industrial vacuum cleaner, that's the difference. Anyway :D while I lost a lot weight last year, I been consuming this secret weapon on and off whenever I have money to maintain my weight. I reviewed about it once here, so please read to find out what I say about ByTara's Fastrim.

Whenever I re-order Fastrim, my morning ritual will be like a cup of Cocoa like clockwork. That keeps me full for the morning until I have a yummy nasi lemak or nasi ayam kukus ayam goreng for lunch. I don't get to exercise and I hate dieting so maintaining my weight is the best method so I swear by this product which I've been taking religiously to keep my weight in check. Combine with Nightrim (Mango drink RM118 for detox), the result would be much better but I can't afford buying both as Fastrim costs RM178.00 a box for 15 days.

Leave a comment with your name, e-mail & why you want to try Fastrim! I'll pick 3 fatties lucky readers to try a box of Fastrim worth RM178 each to lose weight together. Giveaway starts from today until 19th Oct, 2015.

P.S: I normally wait for their promotions to get my hands on a few boxes and soon ByTara notice me and asked if I wanted to do a giveaway for my readers? I said yes happily in exchange for 2 boxes of Fastrim (good deal good deal). 

losing weight the lazy girl's way

So now I have 3 boxes of Fastrim to giveaway to 3 lucky readers who wants to try what I'm drinking every morning and see for themselves if it works!. Fastrim (Japan) in short is a Cocoa flavoured drink packed with fish collagen (so you've nice skin), natural ingredients formulated from Japan to help burn excess body fat and speed up metabolism without excessive exercise. You can lose up to 2kg in 2 weeks. Especially good for girls who wants to look young, the fish collagen helps to improve skin texture, elasticity and revitalizes the aging skin including fine lines, wrinkles, roughness and dryness as well.

Special Features
1. No Side Effect
2. No Synthetic Chemical
3. 100% Natural
4. Expels Wastes, Water Retention
5. Detoxify, Lose Weight and Trim your body shape
6. Restore Skin Cell Elasticity, Improve Skin Fairness
7. Reduce Pigmentation and Wrinkle

Recommended Consumption
For weight loss: Consume daily in the morning
For maintain weight: Consume 4 days a week in the morning

Not be taken during menstruation or pregnancy. For best result, drink at least 2500ml
of water a day.

Direction Of Use
Mix 1 sachet Fastrim into 150ml of lukewarm water, stir and consume immediately with empty stomach.

Can be purchased from here if you can't wait for this giveaway.

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  1. Kien Mei ,

    I want to try Fastrim because I want to lose weight so that in coming December when I wear the jimui dress for my friend's wedding, I will look good.

  2. Name : Eirna
    Email :

    Hi Tammy...Have a nice day...

    I want to try Fastrim because my body now become bigger after I deliver my third child 5 years ago.Why?Because I like eat everything I like...I don't like diet because its make me sick..Now I want to minimize my weight to ideal because I have hypertension.I have to lose my weight and control my stress.

  3. Me! I have been trying various slimming detox product but have not found my ideal one yet as the results are not sustainable. If this works for me, Tammy, I will give you a kiss the next time I see you XD

    1. Oops.. Name : Juneci Siong.

  4. Anies

    I want to try Fastrim because i dont need 'the extra fat' on my tummy waaaaa

    Tqvm tammy

  5. Kylie

    I want to try Fastrim because of your statement in facebook: 'It's not a yucky drink for slimming' as I never heard any slimming drink that's nice.. :)

  6. Name - Angel
    Email -

    Over the past 10 years I have been trying every method available to lose weight. I was mocked and laughed at for being the fat kid next door. Now that I have grown older and realized how important it is to stay fit and healthy, I would want to try out new method to least maintain my weight. I want to try Fastrim because staying healthy and fit is my lifetime goal now.

  7. Ree


    I'd like to try some natural products to lose weight rather than just munching on apples and pills :(

  8. Name: Elie.

    I really need to try this Fastrim drink, reason being that my brother's wedding is in a month and I've been working out since April but I'm still as fat as I started. *Cries*

    I've tried diets, I've tried detoxes, but nothing seems to work. Maybe Fastrim will? :(

  9. Name : JasJas Teoh
    E-mail :

    I really want to try this Fastrim drink because I want my body to be back when I was 14 years old. I look very thin when I was that age. After that, I don't know why I started to look fat especially my arms, tummy and thighs as well. I also spent a lot of money on slimming stuffs but then end up I didn't works on me. Maybe Fastrim drink will help me! I hope I can be one of the winner <3 Thank you Tammy sis <3

    I have been tried a lot of products and bought a lot of slimming cream and at the end it didn't works on me. I am very sad because I had spent a lot of money on those slimming stuffs. I really hope I can win this giveaway from you Tammy so that I want look thin back. I am so so fat on my arms, tummy and thighs as well :(

  10. Name: Cindy Chin

    Ok...I am among the Fatties!! Come on, i just wanted to try it for free first!! Everythings increasing, but not my salary.. 70kg need how many box of Fastrim to help? Well, i need to try out a FREE box first and convince myself to allocate apart of my salary on it.
    Hate you body fat!! haha~

  11. Name: Leona lim email: I really want to try fastrim BecoZ I need to lose some weight fast before Christmas!

  12. MsCarolineLzt

    I won't say Im fat just right now it is not my ideal body and I have big butt+legs even though I exercise every weeks 3times or more my bodyfat just won't go away. I looked up in FASTRIM it can help burn body fat and improving skin. The two magic words is in BURN FAT & IMPROVING SKIN!!!

    I got to get it!!

  13. I want to try FASTRIM because I don't want a fatter person calling me fat anymore! I'm gonna show them who's the fat one! Grrr

    Goh Xin Yu

  14. I want to try FASTRIM because I don't want a fatter person calling me fat anymore! I'm gonna show them who's the fat one! Grrr

    Goh Xin Yu

  15. Name: Miriam Goh

    I want! I want!! I've started gaining weight especially after moving to Kelantan due to lack of proper food and a more lethargic lifestule plus I would love to look fantabulous before going off to further my studies to the UK! I'm definitely not considered to be one of the average Chinese species out there so I would certainly like to try Fastrim to trim down that waistline!

  16. Name: JJ See

    I have given the rest of my life to lose weight. It has become part of my daily routine. I tried so many ways, so many product, and aim for one that will help me to maintain my weight forever. The most I consider is no side effect. I read your blog on FASTRIM too. I really hope I can try it out before I keep some stock.
    Wish me luck and cheer!
    Aja Aja Fighting Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Name : Maggie Woo
    Email :

    I'm at fatties! Not that I'm proud of it. That why I really want to try the Fastrim. I desperately want to lose weight, but failed miserably over the years. Especially now I work like no tomorrow, I don't have time for gym or even energy to choose to eat clean. I want something quick and easy to prepare, no life threatening product and yummy to consume! That why I need it! To maintain my ever growing tyres and if could lose weight lagi best! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee!

  18. Name : carynwong
    Email :

    I wish to win this product to gain back my confidence. I want to reduce back to plus size as im now in super plus size, after 1year of delivering my bb 1year ago*.
    Hope i can win this n have back my self confidence.

  19. Name : carynwong
    Email :

    I wish to win this product to gain back my confidence. I want to reduce back to plus size as im now in super plus size, after 1year of delivering my bb 1year ago*.
    Hope i can win this n have back my self confidence.

  20. Name : carynwong
    Email :

    I wish to win this product to gain back my confidence. I want to reduce back to plus size as im now in super plus size, after 1year of delivering my bb 1year ago*.
    Hope i can win this n have back my self confidence.

  21. Name : cindyrina
    Email :

    I lose only 3 kg after spending RM3k plus for HCG weight loss programme then now I gain back 6kg. My body feel heavy and don't feel healthy at all. Tammy, let me try this one so if this is ok I will buy more of this if it suits me. Thank you :)

  22. Name : Eileen Lim
    Email :

    I do wish that I can be one of your lucky reader that get a chance to try on this product.
    I had been trying numerous slimming product and go thru many ways on try to loose weight, but it is always in a yo-yo condition. In the end now I am still fat fat with big ass.
    Really hope can have a chance to try on this and hope that this will be the right product which can help me out.
    Do hope can get the good new from you Tammy. Thanks. ^_^

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Name: Shi Pei Tan

    I wish to win Fastrim because I am currently a mummy with 7 months baby girl in my belly, ready to lose weight after welcoming my girl 2 months plus later! I wanna be a pretty mummy!

  25. name : Jovinia J B Yong
    e-mail :
    I am fat and keep on building extra kilos whenever my partner cook yummilicious meals, from lazy to super lazy, as I do not know how or where to start losing all this access. Maybe with Fastrim I can jump start and lose some extra kilos and build back my consident as I want to be healthy figure minus some access kilos.

  26. Name : Kueh Ju Lien
    I always wanted to slim down, have use many method including eating less, doing exercise and also applying slimming gel but it all didn't work on me. Been through quite a rough time trying to slim down, so I hope Fastrim could help me balance up my body weight and also to keep up a healty diet as well ^^

  27. Name: Zurin

    Hi Tammy! I absolutely need Fastrim because I had my second baby about five months ago and have yet to lose all this weight (accumulated from the first baby which was 4 years ago!). The thing is, I'm quite active - I go for fitness classes 3 times a week and have been eating super clean, but my weight seems to be at a limbo. So I'm really hoping that combining these three will finally get me past that step and take me closer to my ideal weight (a whopping 10 kilos to go). So pick me, pretty pretty please, with sugar, whipped cream and cherries on top!

  28. Name: Rebecca Wong

    I NEED Fastrim because being a food writer with busy schedule, I've been eating A LOT of food (sometimes 2 meals non-stop continuously) and I don't have time to really exercise. I tried working out at home during the night, but eventually my night time became my working time too >.< So I'm really hoping Fastrim can help me to control my weight so that it doesn't go crazy plus make my skin look younger~~

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Name: Angel

    I WANT to try Fastrim to lose weight in a healthy way. I've lost 5kg last year by diet & exercising. But it's hard to control the diet recently especially when I travel a lot this years, which cause me to gain back the 5kg this year. Would hope this product could help to shed some of the kgs. =)

  31. I always think thousand mind to yes I want slim down ....but too bad...I can't find any product that able to help me..hope to try this product where its can help me lost abit of weight....

  32. Name: Sharipah nor asiah

    I want to try Fastrim because I need to lose my weight urgently! I will getting married on February and my weight now is 89kg. I try many things and methods to lose weight but it failed. With only 3 months left, I really hope Fastrim can helps me to reduce 15kg. Dear beautiful Tammy, please please please let me win. I need to look gorgeous on my wedding. Only you my hope now=)

  33. Name: Diane Cheong

    I wish to have this to present this as a gift to a friend of mine who constantly tries to reduce weight due to her PCOS condition (polycystic ovarian syndrome) that has caused her to easily gain weight. This will definitely help her in boosting her self esteem. Thank you.

  34. Blog is really amazing that was truly fantastic


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