Win a SKII Pitera Set Share Your Meaningful Gift Story

the limited edition SK-II "Wings of Change"
find the design inspiration behind this Christmas gift

When talk about meaningful gifts, it's the gifts from the heart that counts. Last Christmas, was an exceptionally hard time for me as I embarked on a new frontier with me, myself and I. Friends and family were there, all ready to give me hugs, kisses and words of wisdom which in my own world, are the most beautiful gifts a girl could ever receive when your world seems so small. They gave me the courage to fly and spread my wings. No words could describe how such a simple gesture could be a meaningful gift, priceless to say. Christmas, is still my favourite festive season, the season of giving, the season of love. I hope this year My Christmas will be filled with the same love again if not more.

 the best gift in life, is the gift of love

With Christmas nearing, SK-II has combine all the elements of Christmas and their philosophy of change inspiring the creation of the limited edition SK-II "Wings of Change" in three captivating designs featuring the iconic Facial Treatment Essence. Which is the queen of queens in the SK-II.

The limited edition designs, celebrates the power of personal transformation and the will to change one's destiny. You could see the use of two symbols often use to describe freedom, strength, will, change in nature's most beloved winged creatures - the butterfly and the hummingbird.

5 - 11 Oct Centre Court, Mid Valley Megamall

To catch a glimpse of the pretty powerful limited edition Wings of Change, dropby SK-II's #changedestiny World - Festive Edition event happening right now from Oct 5 - 11 at Centre Court, Mid Valley Megamall. Get your skin check, participate in the activities at the event and if the promotions entice you, why not make it an early Christmas to someone who needs a change with this inspiring limited edition gift.

SK-II Pitera Essence Set Giveaway (RM229)

And for my readers, I know you have been following my life story of how I have changed from the messages I get from everyone. Now I want to hear your meaningful gift story because SK-II has graciously granted me a special gift to do a giveaway. One (1) lucky reader will receive one (1) SK-II Pitera Essence Set worth RM229 containing the iconic Facial Treatment Essence 75ml, Facial Treatment Clear Lotion 30ml and one Facial Treatment Mask for her most meaningful gift story posted here.

This meaningful giveaway starts from today until Oct 9. I will announce the best story and share it on my blog for everyone to read by Oct 15. Leave a comment with your name, e-mail and your meaningful gift story.

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  1. Jessie
    The meaningful gift is never in monetary. My precious gift is my girl. Having William Syndrome, a developmental delay, she is a bubbly and happy joyful 6 years old. Her social and brave personality connects me to people around me. I am flooded with prayers and blessings each day, words of thought and the positive vibes are always the great mind gift. This provides us to be strong, be contented with life and be grateful. Everytime you think of giving up, always think of why we started it at the first place. She hasn't been speaking well, much of gestures, pointing and crying. But each new words, even a simple one like tomato or potato has always amazed us. Thus, appreciate a simple thing in life. I try to slow down and every new development of my both child seems a priceless gift each day. Have a great day Tammy. Life is a beautiful gift. :)

  2. Jessie
    The meaningful gift is never in monetary. My precious gift is my girl. Having William Syndrome, a developmental delay, she is a bubbly and happy joyful 6 years old. Her social and brave personality connects me to people around me. I am flooded with prayers and blessings each day, words of thought and the positive vibes are always the great mind gift. This provides us to be strong, be contented with life and be grateful. Everytime you think of giving up, always think of why we started it at the first place. She hasn't been speaking well, much of gestures, pointing and crying. But each new words, even a simple one like tomato or potato has always amazed us. Thus, appreciate a simple thing in life. I try to slow down and every new development of my both child seems a priceless gift each day. Have a great day Tammy. Life is a beautiful gift. :)

  3. Jessie
    The meaningful gift is never in monetary. My previous gift is my girl. Having William Syndrome, a developmental delay, she is a bubbly and happy joyful 6 years old. Her social and brave personality connects me to people around me. I am flooded with prayers and blessings each day, words of thought and the positive vibes are always the great mind gift. This provides us to be strong, be contented with life and be grateful. Everytime you think of giving up, always think of why we started it at the first place. She hasn't been speaking well, much of gestures, pointing and crying. But each new words, even a simple one like tomato or potato has always amazed us. Thus, appreciate a simple thing in life. I try to slow down and every new development of my both child seems a priceless gift each day. Have a great day Tammy. Life is a beautiful gift. :)

  4. Hi Tammy! Life is beautiful! Why I said so? Is because I have been tthrough tough time like you.. I could never understand why people always tell me life is beautiful while I was in pain and miserable. After all, is the confident in our mind. I broke down, LET GO and moved on.. Then, you'll truly enjoy the meaning of Life Is Beautiful. Women like us, we have to love ourselves and stand up tall.. Having SK-II is not only to give me beautiful skin but to gain back my confidence :)


  5. One of the greatest gift from God are my twin girls. This story is one only a few close friends know of. A year and a half ago, when my twins were 1 year 3 months, I found out I was expecting again. We went to the local clinics and were told that I was 8 weeks in and I will get a scan at 12 weeks. We were over the moon. I was afraid to tell since it was so early on, but nonetheless we informed our families. One morning as I was breastfeeding my twins, I felt a warm gush of liquid between my legs. I winced. I kept calm, finished feeding them, and brought them downstairs. I then told my mum "ma, I think I'm bleeding. Can you watch them. I need to check."

    The fear in my mum's eyes were obvious. She knew from the sound of my voice, it didn't sound good. It was bright red. I had a lump in my throat. As I got ready for a trip to the hospital, I had a weird sense of calm. That maybe, just maybe, it was ok. As I walked down the stairs,... I already knew. It felt empty. I kept quiet and left for the hospital. After a scan, it was confirmed that I had miscarried. Tears started rolling down my mum's face for she too has had the same experience, if not worse.

    It wasn't until the doctor said "I can schedule in a D&C for you tomorrow morning" that it really sank in. Its gone. Big fat tears fell onto my lap. I couldn't go through it. Not yet. I scheduled it for the day after.

    As I got home, I was in disbelief. Just yesterday I was getting so excited about the scan that was to happen in a week's time. And now, its over.

    I laid down on the sofa and stared into space. Suddenly my twins woke from their nap and came to me. They didn't cry like they normally would from waking up after a nap. They came to me, and said mama. They looked deep into my eyes, touched my cheek, wiped my tears, and placed their head down on my chest and tummy. And there they stayed for quite a while.

    While I mourned the loss of an unborn child, my two dearest angels somehow knew that something wasn't right. They were not even 1 and a half years old and yet, they knew exactly what I needed. They truly are, my most meaningful gift from above.


  6. One of the greatest gift from God are my twin girls. This story is one only a few close friends know of. A year and a half ago, when my twins were 1 year 3 months, I found out I was expecting again. We went to the local clinics and were told that I was 8 weeks in and I will get a scan at 12 weeks. We were over the moon. I was afraid to tell since it was so early on, but nonetheless we informed our families. One morning as I was breastfeeding my twins, I felt a warm gush of liquid between my legs. I winced. I kept calm, finished feeding them, and brought them downstairs. I then told my mum "ma, I think I'm bleeding. Can you watch them. I need to check."

    The fear in my mum's eyes were obvious. She knew from the sound of my voice, it didn't sound good. It was bright red. I had a lump in my throat. As I got ready for a trip to the hospital, I had a weird sense of calm. That maybe, just maybe, it was ok. As I walked down the stairs,... I already knew. It felt empty. I kept quiet and left for the hospital. After a scan, it was confirmed that I had miscarried. Tears started rolling down my mum's face for she too has had the same experience, if not worse.

    It wasn't until the doctor said "I can schedule in a D&C for you tomorrow morning" that it really sank in. Its gone. Big fat tears fell onto my lap. I couldn't go through it. Not yet. I scheduled it for the day after.

    As I got home, I was in disbelief. Just yesterday I was getting so excited about the scan that was to happen in a week's time. And now, its over.

    I laid down on the sofa and stared into space. Suddenly my twins woke from their nap and came to me. They didn't cry like they normally would from waking up after a nap. They came to me, and said mama. They looked deep into my eyes, touched my cheek, wiped my tears, and placed their head down on my chest and tummy. And there they stayed for quite a while.

    While I mourned the loss of an unborn child, my two dearest angels somehow knew that something wasn't right. They were not even 1 and a half years old and yet, they knew exactly what I needed. They truly are, my most meaningful gift from above.


  7. Name: Germaine Low

    My precious gift would be my family where i am glad to have them as my family members, they have been supporting me throughout regardless of up and downs which i have faced throughout 29 years.

    Since young, they have provided me the best and would accommodate me with regards of my stubbornness and many more ...they have been patient and have been tolerating me throughout.

    What else is more precious than family members, especially my parents, they have given me the best education and here i am today, without them, i do not have the opportunity to study in a law school and receive the best in order to be capable of earning.

    I cannot imagine my life is without them. i will be totally support less and perhaps may not be able to achieve what i have and who am i today. Despite education, they have been giving me positive support, hence, i would like dedicate this post to them to show them how much i treasured them.

  8. I've struggled for many years to find out who I really am and in the years, I've constantly asked myself why life is unfair and why things never seem right. Although from a third person's point of view, I was just out of my mind and being sensitive and emotional. Wherever I went, I felt like I just didn't fit in and I came to a point where I felt that life had no meaning and I just wanted to end it. I was told only to say things when i'm asked and do things that are told.

    I went abroad for four years and I came back a different person. I fought for my rights and did things the way I wanted and spoke whatever I wanted to whoever I wanted. They were ups and downs and they were people who were judgemental. But I believe that I am who I am today, because I stopped shutting myself away and started loving life.


  9. Hi Tammy..

    Saya selalu follow blog awak.Banyak benda menarik saya boleh dpt di sini.Jadi saya akan cuba join giveaway kali ini..

    Anugerah paling bermakna yang saya ada ialah anak lelaki saya,Qayyum.Qayyum adalah budak lelaki autisme.Mild autisme tetapi high-functioning.Sejak saya dan suami dapat tahu Qayyum adalah autisme,rasa sedih dan bersalah tetapi saya cuba kuatkan semangat demi memperjuangkan hak Qayyum untuk jadi insan yang berjaya.Saya cuba yakinkan suami,anak-anak dan keluarga untuk cuba memahami keadaan Qayyum.Syukur mereka boleh menerima dan banyak membantu saya selama ini.Saya bangga sebab dapat anak sepertinya.Saya bangga menjadi ibunya walaupun saya tak dapat beri yang terbaik.Saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk pastikan masyarakat boleh memahami dan menerimanya seperti kanak-kanak tipikal yang lain.


  10. maybe my life not perfect as yours but the power from above make me be a stronger girl. may life be hard or gave you a hundred reasons to angry or sad. but remember you have a thousand reasons to happy. an amazing moment in my life is when i'm be my self without makeup but im still have a confidence. you can check on my insta (@estherdeadev_brideluxe) i had post my face without make up.. may be my skin far from perfect skin but i choose to be happy because all aspects of my life is a gift from He
    Sorry for bad grammar


  11. The Ultimate Paracord Survival Kit Review

    Get off the humdrum merry-go-round of giving gifts that stay in the box or gather dust on the shelf. Here are a few unique holiday gift suggestions for those people who are impossible to buy gifts for -- those that have it all and those that are just plain persnickety. Give them gifts that give back in caring, humanitarian ways or that help them in ways they might never considered. Be a gift-giving hero this year!

  12. Name: Aslina

    meaningful gift stories:
    Travelling during festivals or school holidays would never be a boring trip to us. Mind the dizziness and drowsiness I had to face whenever we had to travel in an air-conditioned medium like buses or trains. How my parent and siblings had to bear with my motion sickness, up til my brother making fun of me on not being able to travel oversea in an aeroplane like them as I will b travelling by the sea on boat, waving at them in the sky. We were happy despite the long hours of travelling or 'bersesak2' with people when we jump from one bus to another.

    As the years go by, things become tougher and burdensome to people affected by our presence (picking us up at stations, etc). 'kata2 sindiran' was not the sound of music to our parent ears anymore especially to my mom. We were young, we did not understand then, but I do get it now.

    One day, my dad came home with the most brightest smile and joyful eyes. He got promoted, and finally we would never go on a cumbersome journey anymore. He bought a car! It was Proton first edition (he still use it until now).

    Though the car was the best gift he could give to us, what matters to me was the love that we share until 'it' arrives. Thank you mom and dad. For caring and sharing.

    No more jumping. No more troubling people. And the most important is, thank you for the comfort that you bring for us, Mama & Papa.

    I love you so much!


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  14. My mum is the greatest gift that god has given to me. Let's me start my story from my childhood time. 3 of us was raise up by my mum alone. When I was small, I wondering why other children have daddy and I did not have. Whenever I ask my mum, she will says daddy busy with work. My dad only will come home during weekend and spend a few hour with us. I never know daddy have another family until I grow up. All I know, my mum wake up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for us before drive us to school. She purposely go and enroll for driving class just to prevent us from taking bus. Whenever we feel sad and down, she will cheer us up. She never ever complain about her life and she accepts the fact. One day I saw her hidden behind the door and cry as she started feel lonely. My heart was pain when seeing my mum crying. I promise to myself that i will earn more money and want my mum to go through happy life with us. I keep my promise and every year I will bring her for vacation. seeing her smile is the biggest gift I ever have. I hope I win this wonderful gift and presented to her. She is my destiny and I love her so much.

    Name: Betty Liew siaw Fan

  15. Name: Azurin

    A few months after I gave birth to my first child, I was diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD). It was traumatic to say the least. Every single moment, starting from when I got my first contractions, to giving birth, to bringing the baby home seemed so wrong. I failed to breastfeed - it was painful and my baby never seem to get enough, and when people came to visit me, I smiled like the proud mother I was supposed to be, but inside I was yelling for someone to take the baby away.

    Nobody understood what I was going through. Not friends, not even family. But throughout it all my husband stuck by me patiently. He was as baffled as anybody else. I would have moments of rage and he'd be the sole target. I screamed, I cried, I got violent, I even told him to leave me on more than one occasion, but he still stuck by me. Even though he was tired from work, he would come home and immediately relief me of my duties. When the baby woke up for her nightly feeds, he woke up despite a severe lack of sleep so that I would get enough. During that time, I was in my own little world. I was bare conscious of what was happening around me and the consequences my actions had on other people, particularly him.

    When I finally got better, I realised the sacrifices he made. I had gone from a somewhat healthy, compassionate person to someone he hardly recognised, practically overnight and although he couldn't understand it himself, he refused to leave me to deal with my issues alone, refused to give up on me. Even when I got better, he wouldn’t allow me to blame myself for the way I behaved while I was depressed. He builds me up in ways that nobody else can and he restored my confidence in myself, makes me believe every day that I am beautiful and smart, and amazing in my own way.

    And so he is my most meaningful gift. He is the walking definition of “for better or for worse”. I could not have dreamt of anyone more considerate, more loving, more helpful, more willing to share my burdens than this man I have by my side. I could not have asked for a better life partner and I am eternally grateful for this precious gift that was bestowed upon me.

  16. I do cheerish every gift given to me and I really feel special about all the gifts I get. However, the most meaningful gift of all is a random gift given by my besties without any special occasion. I believe it is expected to get gifts from your loved ones on your special day. But random gifts always makes me goes 'awwwwwww'. I once started to collect makeup and have a mini collection of it. However, I do not have any proper storage for my makeup. On one fine day, my friend surprised me by knocking my room and gave me a handmade makeup pouch to store my mini collection. I am so touched it bring tears out of me. I also cheerish every single drawings they gave to me. Both of them are crafty and all creative and full of imagination. They will write and draw using watercolour and snail mail it to my house. Who uses snail mail nowadays right? I am so blessed to have them as my friend and I will always love them unconditionally.

    Name: Alyaa

  17. I do cheerish every gift given to me and I really feel special about all the gifts I get. However, the most meaningful gift of all is a random gift given by my besties without any special occasion. I believe it is expected to get gifts from your loved ones on your special day. But random gifts always makes me goes 'awwwwwww'. I once started to collect makeup and have a mini collection of it. However, I do not have any proper storage for my makeup. On one fine day, my friend surprised me by knocking my room and gave me a handmade makeup pouch to store my mini collection. I am so touched it bring tears out of me. I also cheerish every single drawings they gave to me. Both of them are crafty and all creative and full of imagination. They will write and draw using watercolour and snail mail it to my house. Who uses snail mail nowadays right? I am so blessed to have them as my friend and I will always love them unconditionally.

    Name: Alyaa

  18. My life started to change when my mom passed away due to cancer. Before her passing, I was there taking care of her as I am the eldest in the family. I struggled at the age of 19, I delayed my studies in KL and went back to my home town to take care of mom and my 3 other siblings, my youngest brother was 9 years old back then. Taking care last stage cancer patient was not an easy task. It was hectic back then.

    Few years later, dad passed away. Them passing away changes me. I find my self more matured, independent and I am living and loving my life. I started to cherish and love the people and things around me. I keep reminding myself life is so fragile that we will never know what could happen in the next second. Mom and dad gave me that gift of life, the most precious gift I ever received, life. I am blessed and grateful.

    A gift so precious no one can deny.

    Name : Catherine Khor
    Email :

  19. My most meaningful gift from my entire life of course is my family. But I have other meaningful gifts as well. For me, there are two important days in our lives, the fist one is the day we were born, the the other one is the day when we found out why were born or for what we were born. Briefly, the day when we found out our passion. I thank God very much because I have found out my passion. There is a story behind my passion. One night,before I found what my passion is, I sang with my band in a gathering event. Before the event was held, the manager of the event organizer was mad at me, and yelled at me because of my look in this case, my makeup. He said that my makeup is not suitable with night event. He told me that my makeup is not glamorous enough, I should wear bold red lipstick which at that time I was not confident to use it at all. Whereas, I use makeup. I filled my eyebrow, I had brown smokey eyeshadow on my eyes, and nude pinkn lipstick. Maybe, it was not enough for him if I didnt wear bold red lipstick and fake lashes. And the worst is that he told me that I CANNOT DO MAKEUP AT ALL. At first I was so mad at him and I was so not in a good mood to sing,
    After that event, I used this experience to gain my makeup skill. I learn how to do makeup properly from youtube and blogs. I keep learning and going everyday. Day by day, I fall in love with makeup. I know that this is my passion. I never run out of my energy to do this thing. And the day I realize what my passion is, what I have to run for, why I was born, what I have to do in the future and for what I was born is my most meaningful gift. Thank God finally I found my passion although it had to pass an ashamed story. Thank you to the manager of the event organizer for helping me find out my passion hehe.
    So for those who still havent found out what your passion is, dont worry be happy. Because you may find your passion accidentally.
    Thank you so much plusizekitten for letting me sharing my meaningful gift :)

    Name: Cicilia Ani Derinenta
    Email: cecilia_derinenta

  20. Let me just start by saying that my life changes when i joined the butterfly project group. I was a blogger back then but i did not actually involve other things inside my blog other than my own personal view and my personal stories. How i feel etc. After i joined the butterfly projects group, i can feel that my blog now has a direction to it and i can meet new friends by attending events too. Besides friends, i am more independent and i can drive myself alone to anywhere that i want to just to attend the events organized by The Butterfly Projects group. Never in my life i dream about attending event alone without knowing the other attendees. Then, i can improve my communication skills too. I can talk to my new friends, make jokes with them, add them in Facebook and more! So i really think that The Butterfly Projects does make a huge impact in my life.

    Name : Anfaal Dhiyana
    Email : laminatecrown@gmail

  21. Yi Tin

    Dear Tammy,

    After seeing the question, what's the most meaningful gift I've ever receive, the first idea that pop out is the engagement ring from my husband.

    We've been throught a lot, more that anyone else can imagine, at the beginning we get to know each other from internet, then it's long distance relationship for years, and then there's a few year life of having stress about our relationships from others (not that convenient to share public :().

    After more than 6 years of relationship, I received this ring from him, he wasn't rich and wasn't earning big, but he willing to spend that money to get me a diamond ring that every women would dream of.

    But of course, most importantly, its far more valuable than how much it cost, as its also representing another life chapter of our relationship. So to me, it's the best gift that I've ever received. :)

  22. I lost my job... I was jobless for 6 months... my best friend rejected and friendzoned me... I was cheated and lied to by the person I loved and trusted... Most nights I find myself crying at night.

    2014 was an emotional roller,coaster ride for me. I wanted to give up and end my life, I felt like it was game over for me.

    Then I had this phone call to go to a land I have no knowledge of... that I never been to. I thought maybe if I take this opportunity then I can run away from all these and start anew. So off I went to Malaysia.

    Believe it or not the drama wasn't over. The only few people I knew and trusted took me in then threw me out. I almost ended up sleeping in the streets of a country I barely know. Then I was bullied at work by jealous officemates just because I was not the same race as them, but the management was noticing me more than them because I was doing a better job than them. To make matters worse, the temporary house where I stayed in, my lady room mate didn't like me just because she felt insecure around me (yes, she confessed that to me at one point) so she made my life miserable. I thought hell will be over when I come to Malaysia but I guess it wasn't.

    But do you believe in angels? I certainly believe that somehow God uses other people to save us. Because that was how my gift came to my life. The gift. The guy who rescued me from all the series of unfortunate events... and the guy who saved me from the heart aches brought to me by the boy who dumped me in PH.

    He encouraged me to pick myself up, dust myself off and try again. He showered me with positive aura. He was very patient with me. I felt like a lost and scared kitten finally saved by a human. There were still some ups and downs... but since he came to my life it was mostly up.

    Now, I just want everyone to know that after 4 years of being single and getting my heart broken, today my angel and I are celebrating our 9 months together with possibly another gift from God... a promotion at work and a raise.

    So, to everyone who wants to give up just because they stumbled upon a road block, look up in the sky and talk to God. He will send down an angel to bless you. You may not notice that person but he or she may be in the shape of your best friend, your mom or perhaps a guy you just met in train station. They will come in the most unexpected places and in the most unexpected time... but when they do come, you'll know it and feel it, that they're there... that gift sent from Heaven. :)

    Name: Reia Ayunan

  23. My Meaningful Gift Story

    "Sebaik-baik manusia adalah manusia yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain!"

    Dalam hidup I, sejak I sekolah rendah hingga ke universiti I selalu tak dapat membanggakan kedua ibu bapa I. Apa sahaja yang mereka harapkan daripada I, selalunya akan berlaku kekecewaan. Mereka memberikan sepenuh dan setinggi-tinggi harapan pada I, tetapi banyak perkara yang buatkan mereka sedih dan kecewa. Pernah satu masa, I rasa I tak berguna untuk family I. Terlalu banyak menyusahkan mereka, terlalu banyak membuat kedua ayah dan mak I bersedih.

    Namun, jauh di sudut hati I, I sentiasa ingin perbaiki diri I. I selalu mencuba untuk menyenangkan kedua hati mereka. Sentiasa belajar untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Walaupun kadang-kadang satu perkara itu susah dan banyak halangan. I tetap meletakkan ibu dan ayah I sebagai sumber kekuatan dan inspirasi.

    Bila ayah I diserang strok beberapa tahun lepas, I rasa hilang arah. I tak tahu nak mulakan dari mana kerana ayah I merupakan sumber kekuatan I sendiri. I terlalu sedih sehinggakan ketika itu I di universiti dan pelajaran I terganggu. Kawan-kawan ada bercakap sinis mengenai perkara ini kerana I terlalu kerap pulang ke Johor selepas kelas, malahan I terpaksa meninggalkan banyak aktiviti disebabkan mahu menziarah mak dan ayah di kampung.

    Ketika itu, I memohon pada Allah untuk berikan kekuatan I. Dalam family I, kesemua adik beradik adalah perempuan. Dan ketika itu, kami sekeluarga hilang punca pendapatan kerana ayah I tak bekerja. Entah bagaimana I dapat sumber kekuatan yang luar biasa! I melihat ini merupakan peluang terbaik untuk diri I memberikan sesuatu dan menyumbang kepada kebaikan buat keluarga I.

    I terus gagahkan diri I, bina semula kekuatan, jadi tulang belakang keluarga dan uruskan semua urusan keluarga I. I cuba sedaya upaya untuk memberikan yang terbaik buat ayah dan mak I. Setiap dua minggu I pulang ke Johor, uruskan keluarga, uruskan barang dapur, uruskan ubat ayah dan mak, uruskan perihal pelajaran adik dan sebagainya. Waktu tu I yakin, mak dan ayah I mula melihat I tidak mengecewakan mereka.

    I lakukan semua secara ikhlas dan tak pernah meminta dibalas. Allah Maha Adil, Maha Penyayang dan Maha Mendengar. Sejak I mula berbakti dan memberi kepada keluarga I, rezeki I semakin murah. I mula melihat satu per satu masa depan yang terbaik dalam diri I dan Allah sentiasa membantu I dari segala aspek.

    Dari situ, I yakin bahawa apabila kita memberi, tidak sedikit pun kita menjadi miskin. Apabila kita membuat orang lain gembira, tidak sedikit pun hati kita berduka. Apabila kita menghadiakan sesuatu denga ikhlas dan kejujuran, kehidupan kita menjadi lebih sempurna.

    Ingatlah, tidak akan rugi mereka yang sentiasa memberi dan berbakti dalam hidupnya!

    Nama : Innanie Ariffin
    Email :
    Blog :

  24. Amalina

    My most meaningful gift was when I managed to buy back my family home which was auctioned because my dad did not pay the instalment. It was difficult, the process filled with tears as I just started working at that time. Imagine which bank will approve my loan as I did not have any bank record.

    But at the end of the day, Im so glad the house is mine now. And there is the place where my mom, my 2 other younger siblings stay. Their happiness is my happiness.

  25. My most meaningful gift is my license to dive. My dad is always supportive of me to pursue my passion. Believe in my abilities is my dad's assurance and greatest gift besides the license.

    Sherrie Pui

  26. How To Get Your Lost Husband Back

    I am from New California, i want to use this medium to testify of how i got back my ex husband after divorce, i and my husband have been married for 6years with 3 kids, we have been a happy family. Last year his behaviour towards me and the kids changed, i suspected he was meeting another woman outside out marriage, any time i confronted him, he threatened to divorce me, i did all i could to make hings right but all to no avail until i saw a post on a "love and relationship forum" about a spell caster who helps people to cast spell on marriage and relationship issues, when i contacted this spell caster via email, he helped me cast a re-union spell and my husband changed and came apologising to me and the kids. Contact this great spell caster for your relationship or marriage issues via this email all call him +2348133873774 Goodluck

  27. My best gift: Life and love.

    I have always been very independent, working very hard to achieve whatever I want that sometimes I neglected my own health and forgot to pamper myself.

    Then slightly 3 years ago I found out that I had high blood pressure from the annual medical check up (it was scarily high btw!!). But I didn't feel uneasy, or dizzy, or whatever medical symptoms that I gave little thought of it. Instead, I continue to busy chasing the material wealth.

    After slightly more than a year had passed, I went for the annual medical check up again. Something was terribly wrong with the medical result. My family doctor referred me to a specialist at a hospital. And the specialist suggested a biopsy operation.

    And that's how I was confirmed that, I was having critical illness or dread disease, at Level 3. By insurance term, if my illness reach the end stage (Level 5), I would be able to claim my insurance benefits without haing to wait till the policy matures lol...

    Anyway...back to the diagnosis...when the doctor informed me that I was confirmed having this illness, I thought I was going to die. Because this illness is incurable; no medication or surgery, in the current medical technology, that able to cure this illness thus far.

    The only chance I have is, to review my lifestyle...that is, to take more care of my diet and food intake, regular exercises, minimize stress etc. Which means, I might have to let go some of my career goals. And let me tell you, it was really, really hard to let go.

    During the first few months, it had been very difficult for me, going through all sorts of emotions in response to my illness. Eventually though, I have to accept the circumstance and allow it to flow. For this, I'm very grateful to have the morale support of my close family members and friends, who knew of my condition.

    Nonetheless, apart from career, I have my own dream of living, doing things that I enjoy. I would not, because of my illness, refrain from doing whatever I want to do in my life. I would not live in fear everyday worrying whether I would die tomorrow.

    Because while no one wish to contract any disease, sometimes, somehow, I do think this could be a blessing in disguise :)

    One very valuable lesson I've learned, from my experience living with chronic illness is, happiness has little to do with what happens to me. Happiness, it shall depends upon what I pay attention to during the rest of my following moments after I was diagnosed with the disease.

    Gradually, I was enlighten that, happiness require nothing more than a bit of attention on gratitude and appreciation. I choose to pay attention to smaller, simpler pleasures and appreciate little things like the color of the sky in the sunrise, the sound of a bird's song, the pleasant aroma from the bakery. I also appreciate the people around me, that love me and really care about me, more.

    I shall cherish every people that is true to me, appreciate what I have, and embrace every little moment in my life. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. I shall love people who treat me right, and forget about the one's who don't. Difficult times have indeed helped me to understand better than before, how indefinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way.

    La vie est belle!!


    1. Cp Moon, I am deeply touched by your story. Thanks for sharing and I do hope that you will be blessed with more love from people around you and strength to get through everyday.

    2. Cp Moon, I am deeply touched by your story. Thanks for sharing and I do hope that you will be blessed with more love from people around you and strength to get through everyday.

  28. meaningful gift : It would be my 2 failed pregnancies experienced. One is ectopic pregnancy that I lose my right etopic at 8 wks pregnancy, I have heavy dark spots that time, also I went 4 times blood test at a private clinic unable to detect the sack, they did screen too unable to see. Then fed up of waiting for blood test, we go SJMC for screen. Doc told me its ectopic and I need to surgery the night, but doc came later in night saying that coz I dont feel much pain can wait next day to surgery as night surgery is cost. After surgery, I was told that my right ectopic has been remove because it bleed, doc says that it he didnt remove I need to undergo 2nd time surgery.

    I have 2 kids with only left ectopic preg. Best meaningful gift for me.

  29. Juneci Siong

    I may not be a Christian but I strongly believe in the existant of God. I have been blessed too many times and with so many close call, it is surprising that I can make it til today. I nearly lost my Right Leg at age 2 due to a fracture turned infection. Although so many doctors have confirmed there was no hope in saving it, I finally met my saviour in a Government hospital. I am counting my lucky star for the high fever that doesn't cause me any permanent head damage, drowning that did not take my life, breast lump at age 15 that doesn't turn malignant, dengue fever that was quite serious but doesn't require an Critical Care and a car accident that left me almost unscratch. For all these, I am returning the good deed by working as a nurse. Yes, one incident during work may have left me unable to pursue my dreams but I am thankful that I am still able to feed my family. Most importantly, I must thank my mother for her unconditional love. Her perserverance in facing challenges made me the strong person I am today. I want to say be thankful for what you have today and look at things optimistically. Your life will be different.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. My meaningful gift is my laptop. I have won this laptop from a contest. Why meaningful for me? Because I never win any expensive gift from contest. I still remember, that time my laptop was broken. I were so devastated and sad. To repair or buy new one is impossible for me as I don't have much money. Then I saw this contest so I decided to give a try. After I submit my entry, I prayed to my God. I prayed day and night asking to win the laptop. I even called my parents to pray for me. Luckily God listen to my pray, I won the laptop. You will never know how happy I am that time. I even cried and shaking. Finally, I got the laptop. But most important thing I learn is my God loves me. God will fulfill our wish as long as we remember Him. Thank you my Almighty.

    Name: Sharipah nor asiah
    Email Address :


  32. Hi Tammy,

    I have a story to tell about my changed destiny too. I was born left handed dominant and as insignificant as it sound, my life has turned 360 degree after I was involved in a bus accident 5 years back when I was a freshman in University of Malaya. I sustained a crush injury on my left hand, wasn't able to do almost everything including writing with my left hand even after 17 major surgeries performed. I wasn't able to go to school for 2 semesters so in the meantime, I learned to write again with my right hand, just like a kindergarten kid. I even started blogging out of boredom; spending time in the hospital and at home. really, the struggle is real! I underestimated the struggle of a kid learning to write just because I can hardly remember it. With all the courage, motivation and hard work, I was determined to go back to school, take exams and graduate and here I am now, a proud University Malaya's Bachelor of Engineering graduate and, an engineer in Western Digital Sdn Bhd and a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogger.

    yours sincerely,
    Najlaa 'Aqilah

  33. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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    \f0\fs34 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Throwback few years ago, i was an ordinary student studied in University Malaysia Terengganu. Being apart from family are bitter things. Nevertheless, i caught in a lab accident that ruined whole of my life that i really thought that i will give up on my life. My face was injured. For a girl with my age, there is nothing worse than that. After that incident, i felt shame, unconfident, sad and hopeless. My parents and friends were worried. They keep supporting me and accompany me all the times while my parents rushing here and there just to get me the best medication. Being a teen can be tough, im glad that surrounded by family and great friends that really back me up and take good care of me. From that moments, i realize that while losing my beauty, i gained family & friends unconditional love. When i look back on my life, i see pain and mistakes. When i look in the mirror, i see strength, i learned lessons and pride in myself. In this story, i believe in faith, believe in myself , believe in HOPE ! Never give up on hope as this will change your destiny. #changedestiny\
    Yuen yuen\\

  34. Name: Marie

    I hope to try out this product and make it a ritual and my final stop to lose weight. I used to feel confident and was active but after a bad relationship and constantly trying to pull myself together and focusing on studies And bow work, depression took its toll on my body and my family always call me fat. It makes me feel worse. No matter how I worked out or reduced eating, it never helped.

    In my line of work, we 're required to show face and look presentable but I'm nowhere near confident. Being called fat , compared to with other family members with perfect complexion and body really kills me inside.

    If this product is as good as it sounds, I will make it a ritual, hopefully being slimmer would boost my self esteem...

    I've got so many plans ahead but nobody takes me seriously thinking I'm just being vain but truthfully, I just want to be given a chance.

    Thanks for this opportunity Tammy!


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  36. Hello To The World At Large,I am from USA.I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY MY FRIEND IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS THAT HE CAN CAST A SPELL THAT CAN MAKE YOUR LOVER FALLING LOVE WITH YOU FOREVER. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a woman should give to a man,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my friend use to love his wife so much. I was binging to think that i was not doing the right thing to her that will make her love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my friend office to ask him the secret that made his wife love him so dearly,In the first place he refused in telling me,he asked me why i am asking him such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told him the reason that made me ask him about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before him for him to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask him,he opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what he want to tell me,my friend started to say to me that he used a very powerful spell on his wife to love him,And the spell that he used is harmless, But the spell is just to make her love him and never to look for any other man except him. I QUICKLY ASK HIM HOW DID HE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,he said that a friend of him also introduce him to the spell caster. Then i also ask him how i can meet with this spell caster.HE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS Dr,ZACK BALO .My next question to him was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,he said he is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really he gave to me this spell caster email address and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next three days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in their faces !! The direct email to get this man is : or you call his phone number +2348078927387 ,This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost ok..Thanks Regards Matthew,


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