
I was never a full time blogger

I'm old.... old like the restless Balinese lady
(took this during Bali trip 12/15)

Wow... it's been some time since I saw my blog due to work. These days I could only have time for myself during the weekends. My routine? Eat, work, eat, sleep, repeat. I wouldn't even look at my phone or Facebook anymore because I'm so tired. The funny thing? People still think I'm a full-time blogger and I would proclaim I have never been a full-time blogger. Blogging remains a hobby to me. I guess it's whether I have the time, or I don't have a chance to blog. 

When I do have the time to blog, I wonder what I should be blogging about *scratch head*. 

Let's see at work; I was telling my boss who hired me that I am no feymes because I'm giving my all to the company. Makes sense right? I wonder if he's going to fire me then since I am no longer feymes. I put feymes instead of famous because I never thought of myself as famous. How can I be famous like Kim Kardashian, famous? I am not famous like xiaxue. I'm a small potato.

more pictures from my Bali trip which I picked out to showcase
mommy when can I eat?

boy / men

 girl tourists in Bali

a silversmith at work

Popularity is very subjective. For instance in Malaysia, bloggers think by frequently attending events and showing off what they get is a measure of popularity. The downside of this is when you don't have time; you're going to be not popular soon because you built your popularity over being seen at or with things / people / services. Not for your content. 

When it's about content, it's how great your contents are. When you stop creating content. There goes your popularity because your readers think you're dead. I see there's still die hard readers who come back to peek now and then *thank you*.

have you heard of tandhk?

Someone from Australia dm me on Instagram asking if I would review their acne cream. It's a brand call TandHK. Priced at 15ml for AUD$50 (pretty expensive for SEA), this product helps to reduce redness (erythema) and irritation caused by pimples/spots in as little as 12hours* - quoted from their website. They wanted to pay me to review this but I told them honestly, I don't suffer from acne or spots so I wouldn't be a good candidate for them to waste their money on. Also, I feel reviewing comes from unbias testing and being paid to review seems... wrong. Unless you want me to post an advertisement for your product, then it makes sense or if you expect me to review this with priority postings (deadline & sticky post for 24 hours). 

Otherwise, pay to review do readers believe in us anymore when money is involved in reviews?

I don't see what's in it for me if I don't love the product. Having it laying around my home is as good as keeping an Ikea picture frame.

She was surprised I wouldn't take her money. Instead, I told her I'll try her product on victims and blog about it. I think I have found my victim. My boss today had a bad breakout due to haze, so I think I'll bring this cream to the office on Monday to help him reduce the redness.