Bride Wars Movie Preview Screening

Yesterday I was the first to collect the Bride Wars Movie Preview tickets at Cathay Cineleisure @ Curve. Waited from 7pm - 7.30pm for the cinema online crew to come. I don't normally take pictures of the preview event but I guess I should from now on? if not nothing to see each time I blog about movie previews LOL

Schazwany's birthday present!

First of all, I enjoyed the movie spree with all 15 who showed up (1 ticket wasted nvm). Ty to Dee for finding her friends to come along to watch the movie *muacks* Ty to everyone who show up and enjoyed the movie. Get free Perfume somore! best kan!  (tapi all the perfume vial like 1/2 gone already? or is it like that? did u girls check your perfume? mine like 1/2 gone).

omg smells so lovely

Now My Review on Bride Wars:

I don't understand why people in YouTube are commenting it's Kate Hudson's worst movie and her acting is bad. Same goes to saying end of her career with Anne Hathaway. When I watch the movie yesterday it seemed like just any chick flick and I love both of them being best friends and getting on each other's nerves like wild beasts. 

Kate plays a strong, aggressive always no.1 woman while Anne plays the doormat best friend who always tries to help people and gives in to her best friend's wants. That's over when Anne realize Kate's been getting all that and it's time that she gets some too. Hell breaks lose with them trying to ruin each other's wedding preparation. 

Some of the mean stuffs? (spoiler alert)

1. Sending your enemy sugary filled yummies by her "fiance" to make her fat so she can't fit into her wedding gaun;
2. Ruining her wedding gaun (by any way possible like making it more.. "pretty");
3. Ruining her beauty routine before her wedding day (hair dye/tan/etc);
4. Exposing dark secrets on wedding day really helps too.

Over dramatic? well I think if u're having your wedding in 3 months time, you'll go crazy too.  3 stars for a fun chick flick and guys stay away this is really a chick flick alert!

Nothing beats being married in June and at the Plaza~


  1. I love Kate Hudson in this movie..

  2. Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway both did a good job. The movie itself was not too bad and since I went to see it for free and before it was released in theaters, I can't really complain.

  3. Hi, thanks for making and sharing such a nice blog, actually i was searching to get my mood ok, so i thought to watch bride wars movie , if you want to Download Bride Wars Movie , you can visit here..


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