Estee Lauder Staff Sales Report

I slept for 2 hours, woke up, got to Renaissance Hotel @ Estee Lauder Staff Sales before 4am all thanks to Wing who graciously fetched me from Mont Kiara. We were among the first few 20 people waiting in line in front of the Grand Ballroom Hall. The only thing missing was Alibaba screaming Open Sesame.

seriously, last year at 7am this place was already packed until the second hall, down the stairs, lobby & up again to the ballroom hall! this year, thank gawd it's not like that! Take a look at last year's waiting Q pic below!!!

the hall outside grand ballroom (last year)

the line that hall is from another hall (last year)

Because I @ awake since 2am, I won't be able to fully blog about the warehouse sales tonight. I'm currently admiring my haul & trying hard not 2 fall asleep. I know you're waiting 2 see my Estee Lauder Haul, it's not much but our shopping team that gathered this morning at 3-4am @ entrance of ballroom was GREAT & they made the long wait (goodbye). I had fun & I hope everyone had fun too this morning. We're also very lucky to have swipe some really cool goodies by being the first batch in at 6.45am (supposed to be open at 8am, but due to the large crowd forming, they had decided to let in the public early).

estee lauder haul

For starters, you'll be curious 2 know what's the crowd like this year from this time-line:

can u spot Shopaholic from sns here?

I'm surprised, the staffs giving us hand sanitizer lotion
(bcoz h1n1 prevention?)

everyone was given plastic bags & invitation cards collected

There's plenty of crowd control staffs around & they went around catching people who are Q-jumpers! Fatin got confronted to leave! I was like OMG? apparently the man thought she was not there earlier when he took our invites! WELL it was sorted out bcoz we have plenty of witnesses in our shopping team to vouch for her! if they made her leave, I would made them pay! (anyway good improvement for crowd control I must say & Q-cut prevention).

On a side note, I'm quite surprised that they provide hand sanitizer lotion to us all! as a precautionary step against H1N1 (well at least something right!). Also found out we can bring out bags and bagged it in the plastic bags given! arghhh! wish I brought my camera with me so I don't need take sappy 2mp pictures with my hp!

Our invitation cards were collected, at the Q line thought I'm not sure how that works. I thought invites were collected at the entrance b4 going in.

the Q line is already down to lobby area at this time

fortunately for all of us we were allowed in at 6.45am!
(instead of 8am due 2 the large early crowd)

came out & saw the Q line all the way from lobby
(heard it's dam pack down there too in morning)

still a large crowd waiting to get in at 9am
(and inside is hell packed & crowded)

Q-Crowd: The crowd this year is 1/3 hell than last year (or less). I am relieved! haha coz last year is MAD! I Q up at 7am plus and I only manage to get in at 10am! but this year everyone got in super quick although it was jammed until lobby (but not filling up the next ballroom hall!) and I heard it was already empty outside from around 11am. Practically empty from 1pm onwards. This sale ends at 3pm.

Wing parked at nearby open car park
charged us rm10 @ same rate as HOTEL car park

Car Park: The car park rate at the hotel is rm10 per entry, u need to validated it. I'm happy that they've provided car park validation stations outside the ballroom halls. You might miss it if the crowd is huge, but I saw it while walking out of the hall and going to the bathrooms. The open car park outside the Hotel charged us rm10 per entry, we parked at 3-3.30am I wonder if they thought we're clubbers? or is this their usual whole day max rate? when we drove out of the car park, we saw this sign that says RM3. Wonder if it's per entry or per hour? there wasn't any signs saying it's per hour, the service booth posters did not help either. The prices were (blank) per hour. Free? lol.

Price/Products: The pre-packs are a BARGAIN! prices range from rm28-70 (or more) could be lower as well! There's just too many pre-packs and brands that offer it too! Mac, Bobbi Brown, Clinique, Estee Lauder! Nail Polish 3 for rm28 THAT'S A STEAL!!! Lip Gloss RM55 for 3!!! the downside? u can't choose colors bcoz they're all pre-packed & u can't tear open the packs up to check if they're defective.

Cosmetics were at a great bargain! up to 70-90% off with Mac, Clinique, Bobbi Brown & Estee Lauder. There were individual items till really eye-opening items like no-brand-label-unbox items that looked like display cosmetics that's packed for sale from rm5-15 or more. They were a hit with the shoppers! excellent way to stay within your budget and still go home happy with plenty of colors to play!!! I did not buy any coz I wasn't interested in having more eye shadows. I prefer lip gloss, sets and items that's fabulous as gifts (i am a gift freak).

Perfumes were priced from RM90-RM190 (more or less from here). I've compare Estee Lauder's perfume with that of last year and I kinda feel that this year, they have increased the prices for their perfumes/sets. Last year Estee Lauder Pleasure Exotic set (perfume+2 freebies+miniature) was RM140. This year Estee Lauder Pleasure Exotic is rm130 but only 50ml perfume+75ml lotion. DKNY perfumes were priced from rm90-rm200 over (depending on individual/sets). When I first went into the sales, I asked & hunted for DKNY Green Apple which was no where to be found. I even asked the Sales Staff & they told me it's not for sale here. However there is a slight contradiction here with Shopaholic (Donna) informing me she did find 1 but didn't buy it. I notice they even leave the original sale price tag on the perfumes bearing the departmental store name on it. Averagely they're only 50% off.

Skin/Body care products like Origins is snapping up fast with more varieties & more sets this year! Origins fan went home happy. It's still cheaper than retail counters mind u! However I am not a user of Origins so I did not buy any. Bobbi Brown has something interesting, I took the Bobbi Brown Baby care set at rm150, there's about 6 or 7 actual size items in it (including a cute bag). However there was no label or manufacturing date on them, I was not confident buying something discontinue for babies to use, especially since there's no manufacturing date on it. It was told it was only 50% off. IMHO for discontinue items, 50% off in warehouse sales is not very attractive (there's no tester as well, so shoppers like me will not be confident to buy it).

Gosh just too many brands here to mention! Overall it was an exciting sales event with really a lot of people! a good buy for anyone out there with a budget or $$ to splurge on! A bargain place for hunters & fans of brands alike. You won't go back disappointing! (unless u came really late & all the good stuffs gone). I will go again next year with a shopping team!!! so much fun! I was so excited, even though i slept 2 hours I could still fight through it and go around lepak in KLCC until evening and then slept at 1am LOL.

Shopaholic Team!!!
-camping from 3am-4am-

Chris & Fatin

Ayna & Aesha

Hanna (poor darling is sick)
*get well soon Hanna!*

Wing & Me

Me & Ayna

Wing is also sick sob sob, get well soon

Lizzie @ hot babe shows us how to camp!
(grrrrr i wan psp too!!!)

Another one of my invitation card winner! La Estrella
I also gave an invite to her bf so he could be with her
(woah.. glamournya scarf dia)

La Estrella, Me & John (Gossip83)
Early Shopaholics We Are!!!

our pictures from Gossip83!!!
(thanks Gossip83 for the pics)

Sarah, Fatin, La Estrella did I miss out anyone who got an invite from me? gosh.. I forgot what happened that morning already! and I still have 6 invites leftovers. Lizzie bought her invite! and actually she won from my contest :( aww babe but nevermind, it was worth it right. Vina could not come bcoz her mom was unwell, hope everything goes well for her. The Shopping Team was amazing, it was really cool hanging out with everyone! I also met Chris another pretty babe! Nice 2 meet u 2! She got her invite last minute from someone ni Cheras. Non-stop chatting & gossiping, at times we stand up just coz we're getting cramps from sitting too long! Tutu J came and she was glowing and so chatty too! Aesha another maniac shopaholic came too! wow this is really the shopaholic team! Ayna, Hanna, Von, Wing & the rest of the girls! thank you for making it a fabulous camp out! I didn't feel the hours of wait coz u girls made my day :) Luv u all lots!!! xoxo.


The Bobbi Brown Baby Set RM150 (full size set)
rm50 (trial size set)

almost everyone grabbed this item! RM80
Estee Lauder Set has like mascara, nail polish, lippie what else?

Mac Counter WAS full of people!


is warehouse sales safe to go?

Cai Wing got hurt in the sales bcoz of the mad shoppers & crowd. Everyone was pushing everyone. It was just so packed & crowded! there's no space to breath and I don't even dare to move from one corner to another. The huge Estee Lauder set that everyone's grabbing for RM80 was a big disadvantage to take around inside there. Cai Wing was hit by one of it & she scolded the careless shopper. In fact I was also hit by many things including boxes carried by the staff. People couldn't care less inside there, my feet was stomped on. Carrying large shopping bags around in this sale weren't helping too. Big & Heavy, it was hard to walk in the crowd. I could've hurt someone with my shoopping bags too. Pregnant ladies pls don't come to crazy sales like this! u could get hurt.

how much did u spend & what did u buy?

Pictures of our haul (random) & prices for your viewing pleasure! don't faint or scream! someone might look at you weirdly! I shall continue blogging & updating tomorrow, didn't realize it's 1.30am now!!! omg.. and I have work tomorrow!

rm65 for a pack of 2 MAC e/s

all the value packs! from rm5-15
(unknown brands! haha i duno which one is which)

MAC pre-packed e/s pigments 2 for RM35

Miu's Mac Pigment Haul

these are all the colors I have!

MAC nail polish all sold out by 8.30am
(unless ppl let go while sorting)

More Pics to be up when i am not lazy lol...


  1. today at 12:00, if u no
    Invitation Card also can go....

    My friends sey no ppl go at 1~2pm

  2. Just stoppin in to say I love the blog and your business saavy

  3. hey Miu, you are awesome! hehe... I am stay near can go but hiya.. got commitment cant go so far.

  4. so jealous laaa! =( cant go.. huwwwaa!

  5. Just want to say thank one more time , am so happy can go to this sales , love love love the stuff i got =D

  6. I wish they had something like this in the US. Sounds like fun!

  7. wah i faint until 6 eve go home admiring stuff until 11 then oni sleep =.=
    thanks to our group i having WONDERFUL FUN >.<

    tutu J

  8. i wanted to go but got no time and invitation card too.... very sad la...

  9. akiki: why din join my estee lauder invite giveaway contest! din see ur nick there! :(

    i got plenty of invites leftovers lol..

    tutu j: wahh.. i also fainted already at 1am today.. wake up 10am. Wonderful n fun! we must do this again! n wear sailormoon uniforms ok??

    dee: hey dee i thought in the US there's also warehouse sales, like Stila warehouse sales? (but some brands are already quite a bargain T_T online and with beauty crunch websites)

    sarah: dear sarah, you're welcome :) happy 2 meet u 2! what did u get? mind listing down?

    aangel: T_T sob sob......

    Sherry: T_T i not yet i better enjoy my "youth" haha

    gossip: ya i heard!!! at 11am already can go in without invites and no CROWD! so what's the use of stupid invites? ppl even pay for it! wasted..wasted

  10. hey Miu, hehe.. not yet married can just do what you like. Haha... shop til you drop.

  11. Ya not marry yet, can buy until pokai!! Haha.. also husband might start to nag later... so envy at Vonvon's hubby, so good take care baby while she go and sapu!

  12. bengang when i saw people without the invites can simply enter the hall since i'm paying bout rm35 just for the invites inself...

    lucky i manage to the grab the DKNY perfume that im looking for n its last piece...

    dont know is it really worth to go....think metrojaya is way better than this one.n i cant even imagine people get up as early as 3am just to be there....

  13. Miu2, very2 nice and detail review...
    so rajin lah u, hehehhe =P me so tired + lazy to write such a long post,hahaha =D

  14. wild!! thanx loads again miu for the invite.. i wanna do it again! lol! its amazing how detailed your report is when i still haven't recovered from the lack of sleep.. ;p

  15. :( aww babe thanks!

    i enjoyed meeting u too and chatting with u! u r such a cool person :) like ur smile ^___^ u shocked me too!! was about to call u hahaha... pretend pretend yah!!!

    oh.. i din really blog in detail.. i wanted too but it would be too long winded. So i cut everything to a summary :(

  16. oh....rugi lah x pergi......the price damn cheap......

  17. hey miu,
    i did saw you guys in wing's car (kelisa aite) when she drove out from the outside parking. Damm RM3 so cheap meh huhu...(spend RM10 for hotel parking).
    So jealous with ur shopping spree although we manage to sort and swap items inside there. Nways, i didnt notice the clinique happy perfume + bag+ lotion and lipgloss (huhuhu :( ) Is it 50ml or 100ml for the clinique?

    ps: After i went back home i regret coz didnt really buy cosmetic and make up items (Bought only slimshine liptick by Mac )
    isnt it a clear sign of a shopoholic's syndrome.

  18. So nice.. i wanted to go but got no invitation card............... Ahrghhh.... want to cry ald.... everytime look at your hauls....

  19. wah shiok year we can go again.....n become SEOW female again >_<"".....feel bo satisfy wana go again le........the RM 10 to 15 i think either is clinique or EL refill e/s.....i CHAP mine from EL boxes at EL counter .....but no brand onda plastic so i also duno but dun care la RM 10 nia.........hahaha

    BEST DAY in my LIFE la this SALES >_<""

    tutu J

  20. Alaaaa..So rugi i didnt join the contest..So malu to join since i;m just a silent reader here :p

  21. gasp! choke! wheeze! that is one fabulous haul~ XD

    how much are you letting go for the MAC polishes? ;)


  22. How did u manage to get MAC pigment?When i reached more pigment left. Btw, i saw u at the MAC counter. U look prettier in person :)

  23. whoah!!! what a haul!!! so good!!! i wish i was there... :(

  24. Agree with tutu J, best time of life :)

    after buy now thinking what to do with it cos I think i really got many shades in same colours @_@


  25. wahhhh!!!!

    3 am?!?!?!?!

    tabik sprriiinggggggg!!!!!

    i wish i had the budget n energy to go shopping like dat!

    jealous ok!!!


  26. hi Miu , here is the list of my plenteous harvest from the sale:

    BOBBI BROWN lip set RM75

    -1.5 scruffing lotion (for men) RM35
    -age defense hydrator SPF15 (for men) RM90
    -antiperspirant deodorant (for men) RM30
    -great skin for him set (contains actual size age defense hydrator SPF15 x1, actual size face scrub x1, sample size daily eye hydrator x1, and a big & ugly pouch) RM100
    -UV response body cream SPF50 RM55

    -body slim shape serum RM40
    -body slim firming body cream RM40
    -cyber white cream foundation SPF20/PA++ RM50

    -purifying toner RM15
    -soft skin creamy cleanser x3 RM15 each

    -nail color set RM28
    -litter darlings 5 warm pigment & 5 cool pigment RM65 each
    -5 eye shadows palette RM78
    -authentics face palette RM50
    -beauty powder RM55
    -face & lip set (contains one blush , one mini pigment , one lipglass , one eye liner, one cute mini pouch) RM82
    -paint pot set x3 RM40 each
    -pigment set RM35

    ORIGINS cleansing oil x2 RM55 each

    ~THE END~

    =D, if u need any further info pls let me know

  27. Hey dear m interested at getting some pigments from u. Can u just let me know wat colours u have? :) Pretty please...

  28. oh my my what an incredible haul!!
    you sure went crazy in this sales~
    i luff the MAC & Bobbi Brown loot

    will you be letting go the MAC beauty powder & lipglass ^.*

  29. i love MAC nail color! i only manage to grab one set!! argh....seriously, it's not safe, i got bruises on my time, long pants!

  30. miu..u xnak letgo clinique happy set tu ke?if u do plz mail me at

  31. wow miu i've just discovered ur blog when i was searching for reviews of origins mask n saw urs! wat a nice blog u hv here! i shall visit ur blog everyday so i would know wher to get good stuffs ;) thanks for all ur efforts n infos. love ur blog!

  32. Hi :) thank you Vinn Pang? that's your name right? sorry coz i can't read chinese :(

    maybe u can nominate me for nuffnang blog award! :D i have lotsa juicy posts around, u can dig up n read especially on warehouse sales :)


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