Relax time

After a tiring day yesterday, I'm preparing my own mini-spa at home (no money to go out have spa now haha). I've put on Body Shop's Lavender @ aromatherapy scent burning in the Body Shop cube oil burner, tub filled with warm water & Crabtree & Evelyn's Aromatherapy Distillation skin softener milk bath with relaxing lavender & rosewood essential oils. The descriptions says to pour 1/4 into running warm water (omg? so can use 4 times only? this product is retailed at RM115). Maybe after a long warm bath, I'll feel more relaxed & ready to continue blogging about Estee Lauder's Staff Sales.

Bath tub:
-Crabtree & Evelyn's Aromatherapy Distillation skin softener milk bath with relaxing lavender & rosewood essential oils.
- Body Shop Lavender Oil Aromatherapy

Etude House's O2 Mask
Elianto Eye Mask
RMK's Kiwi Gel Scrub
Clarin's HydraQuench Face Serum
Biore Nose pore pack

Crabtree & Evelyn's Aloe Vera Shampoo & Conditioner
Ascience hair treatment

Clarins Bamboo Scrub
Clarins Body Shower Gel
Clarins Huile d oil (water retention massage oil)


  1. eye mask? hmm.. I thought just put on slice cucumber thats it. yeah seen your pic put o kiwi :)

    wow I like your bath tub so clean, mine dirty and leakage can't use!

  2. you got a bath tub...nice, i can only enjoy this at my hubby home at KK. KL home no bath tub

  3. wah, shiok habis!!! yay, a good pamper to yourself after the great "war"...

  4. Who needs expensive spas when you have all these at the comfort of ur home? Whoa NICE tub u got there Miu. And the products u have, not bad at all! Maybe u should open a mini spa at ur bathroom, I'll be ur fist customer, hehee.

  5. Perfect relaxing day,if only someone else doing it 4 us, hehehhe =P

  6. wah only bathtub pic ar? no towel pic ar? hahaha jokin >_<""

    tutu J


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