Christmas Ain't Over Yet

I wonder why it took so long for this movie to show in Malaysia? It was release here on 1st January (my birthday). It should've been release in December before Christmas, you know why? because this show is all about Christmas baby & Santa isn't retiring just yet.

I am organizing a movie spree this Friday night at Cathay Cineleisure, Mutiara Damansara (Curve).  I have 20 movie tickets to giveaway. I already know who I'll give to (uncle frog & wife, hurley & a date? ewin, joyce, vivian, dee, tubbies etc if they haven't seen it yet). The thing is, I already watched this movie today and I REALLY LOVE IT. I bet the people who's going to watch this soon will love it to. Take it from Santa Miu~

20 tickets up for grabs (Cathay Cineleisure @ Curve). Time - (night, the box office isn't giving the schedule yet so I'll confirm back what time). Who? maybe u if u blog about me =)

Leave me a link to your blog, e-mail & name. Who knows if you've been noty.

Santa Miu~

Movie Spree: Four Christmases
Venue: Cathay Cineleisure, Mutiara Damansara @ Curve.
Time : night! (real time? to be updated once schedule is out)
Do I have to pay? : Not if u're my fan!


  1. Xmas movie around CNY. What's going on here? :p

    and btw, Happy Belated Birthday! :)

  2. just comes to show msia is whacked!

    ty :)

  3. Hi Miu,

    I would like to thank you for your Cold Storage blog, on Saturday I went to CS Solaris and they over charged me, luckily I remembered your post about them and check back the price.


  4. Hey Fizlynn!

    omg.. they're still overcharging people? Actually I went there again 4th time to buy the same item (that they've been overcharging me) this time they just smile when I let them know it's not that price and they just put a discount on my receipt! wonder what happens if we just keep quiet.. ?

    something must be done about cold storage.. what kind of daylight robbery is this!!!

  5. Miu,

    Next time I think we need to take photo or jot down of every item that they displayed and then show it to them, I can remember all the price if I purchase more than 10 goods. Hope the manager of Cold Storage read your blog, hehehe...

  6. izz yesterday i read Malay Mail, section Hotline (my favourite section). Got consumer complaint about Giant overcharged and paparkan that story. I think maybe we should complain about Cold Storage doing same thing also!

  7. ops it's carrefour sj, not giant.. hehe

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  9. تتعدد خطوات الحصول علي البيت السعيد واحدي هذه الخطوات تكمن في نظافه المنزل وللحصول علي افضل شركة تنظيف بالرياض ماعليك الا الاتصال بنا في اي وقت ونحن نضمن لك باذن الله اعلي جوده نظافه مع شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض احدث الامكانيات وافضل مواد التنظيف وتشمل عمليه التنظيف عدة مراحل تتلخص في الاتي : المرحله الاولي تكمن في عمليه التواصل مع العميل وتحديد الموعد المناسب للبداء في عمليه التنظيف وحجز موعد لتنفذ العمل
    لاكن تاكد عميلنا العزيز اننا بفضل الله افضل
    شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض اما الخطوه الثانيه في تنظيف المنزل من الخارج بالاضافه الي السطح وتشمل 1- غسيل وتنظيف الحوش وازاله المخلفات 2 تنظيف سطح المنزل بالكامل 3 - تنظيف الخزانات وهذه العمله تشمل التنظيف وتعقيم خزانات المياه


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