The Body Shop's Lemon Grove Home Fragrance Oil

The Body Shop's Lemon Grove 10ml RM17.90

what's burning today?

After a hectic week, I really needed some aromatherapy infused into the air at home. I ran out of my favorite essential oil bought from The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat (RM50) so I open my toiletry cupboard to see what I have left. It was down to The Body Shop's Lemon Grove or The Body Shop's Lavender oil. I picked Lemon Grove because it's weekend and I'm staying home trying to focus on packing and trashing all the house moving stuffs and if I get to it - cleaning the house too. I guess lemon smells clean? (most bathrooms are using lemon scented detergents and what not) but what I didn't know is lemon aromatherapy also has the following benefits:

  • reduce anxiety & depression
  • increase your concentration & memory power
  • makes you more lively & raring to go!

The Body Shop's Lemon Grove don't smell anything close to what bathroom detergents have. It's more of a softer note of a lemon oil that smells calm and relaxing. Seriously, fear not that it smells like your lemon dish washing liquid, it's nothing like that. I think The Body Shop has replaced this scent with a new range coz I can't find it in their website anymore. 


  1. #woof....burner sama one^_^ am using this burner as well...LOL


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