What Happens When We Drop Our Phones?


LOL! I didn't know dropping our phones can be so cute until I saw these from OtterBox. I didn't know anything about OtterBox, so I'm surprised it's the No.1 selling case for smartphones in the U.S and a global leader in mobile device protection. They conducted a study with Hong Kong Uni to show what happen to your body when you drop your phone. Obviously, if I drop my phone, I'm going to kill myself. My hard earn money all shattered away on the bumps, cracks, and dents on my phone will break my heart! Yes this is how attached I am to my phone (and everyone else in Asia).

#DropTheStress Experiment

They even have a video to show what happened to the "test subjects" put into various stress activities and in the end, purposely drop their phone. You can watch the video for the reactions of the subjects to that. Though I was hoping to see more reaction, they seemed pretty compose having their phones dropped. I would have gone ballistic and howl obscenity while demanding for a new phone.


Conducted by a research team led by Dr. Chia-huei Tseng, an assistant professor at the Department of Psychologyat Hong Kong University, ‘The 21st Century Scale of Stress Report’ reveals that a person’s heart rate increases by an average of 15 percent (an increase of 7.45 beats per minute) when their phone is dropped - three times the amount that it increases when giving a public speech. A person’s cortisol level - the hormone released by the body when under stress - increases an average of 32 percent beyond the normal rate (from 8.19 to 10.82 ng/ml) when a person sees their phone crash to the floor.

1. The heart skips more than just a beat
If a person has a sudden increase in heart rate, it can mean he/she is heavily stressed, excited, or anxious. When the subjects saw their smartphone being dropped, heart rate variability increased by 15 percent on average - about 7.45 beats per minute - three times more than other stressors 1 . This increase rate is three times more than when they were asked to perform tasks under a short deadline, or to give a public speech. (1.7 beats per minutes).

2. The body releases the stress hormone
Cortisol is a stress hormone that the body releases when a person feels stressed or in danger. When a subject’s smartphone fell to the floor, the cortisol concentration level increased an average of 32 percent (from 8.19 to 10.82 ng/ml) from a normal state. 

3. Taking a deep breath
An increase in respiratory intake is a sign that a person needs more oxygen to handle stressful or dangerous situations. When subjects saw their phone dropped on the floor, their respiration rate increased by over 15 percent compared to a resting state. This is four times more than when asked to give a speech in front of a group of strangers.


Women might have a smaller heart physically, but they are the more fearless gender when reacting to modern stresses. The study reveals that male participants experienced bigger stress in all four tasks than female participants. Men’s cortisol level increased by 22% when their phone was dropped, while women’s changed just 16%. Women, however, did find dropping their phones twice as stressful as public speaking. When measuring respiration rate, men breathe three times as quickly when they drop their phones compared to when they were asked to deliver a speech.

Downright we women won the test of stress haha.

for more information about the study click here


  1. omg! this is an interesting post!
    i think i would have tried to catch it and go like farrrkkkkkkkk~~ please be ok please be ok the whole time while i try to turn it on.


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