DIY Handmade Paper

source: kissthegroom

Having moved to a new home, I find myself wondering where and how I could create more space for myself to keep my growing pile of books, magazines and documents.  Yesterday I decided that I should let go of the magazines that I have been collecting for years, some even as far as 2006. The last time I cleared my magazines they were even older. My dream to collect magazines from the day there were first published e.g Seventeen Magazine or Cosmopolitan will have to be abandoned due to space. Still I feel the pain of letting them go to the bin. Is there a better way to recycle magazines?

While googling for an answer, I found this beautiful blog site teaching how we can diy handmade paper. You can even make your own lavender or grass paper using... yes LAVENDER! or grass.

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  1. Remember making something like this but definitely didn't seem so complicated back then @_@

    1. yeah this one looks complicated :(( but the pic is so prettttttttyyyyyy

  2. Noooo...dont throw away all your mags! At least keep the few 'special' ones. I like collecting mags too but sadly I barely have much space for all of them. So I keep only the special ones, like the FIRST ever seventeen Malaysia mag I bought way back in Dec 2002! Yep I still have it. =D

    1. T___T I kept some special ones like women's weekly (really like the cookin and diy section) and expats mags. I wish I can collect them all in my room n like.... take pic of myself sitting in the middle (but too bad.... !!! threw so much away already).

      I gave up on collecting seventeen T____T i bought like 5 copies of it!!! when it came out... COSMO too..argh....

      guess I shall wait for the next.. 1st issues of something.. like Dolly Girl Malaysia or...

  3. Dolly Girl!!! Wish we had the local version kan? Yup i kinda kicked myself for not buying the first ever 17msia issue. The one i collect is the 3rd or 4th I think. I keep it coz it's the 1st one I bought. =)

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  5. One of my must try's one day. So Martha Stewart. Love her crafts!


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