Protecting Malaysian Dolphins

 Baby G goes to Langkawi to see DOLPHINS!
(note: dolphins do not eat people, now u know)

Are you aware that on the west coast of Malaysia on the island of Langkawi it is possible to spot dolphins? Yes, you heard correctly, dolphin watching right here in Malaysia! A lot of people were surprised when they learned of this, as they thought dolphins were usually seen in neighboring countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines. People like me, who went all the way to Bali, Indonesia to catch a glimpse of the dolphins in the wee morning.

bet you didn't know we have dolphins right?

That all soon change, thanks to thanks to 1 Utama, Baby G was lucky to be invited along to experience this once in a lifetime chance to witness these much loved and intelligent marine mammals in Langkawi. It was part of 1 Utama's Feed-The-Fish and Recycle-A-Bottle "Go Green" Campaigns which raised RM12,000 to be donated to MareCet for dolphin research.

What's MareCet?
Short for Mare and Cetacean, MareCet is Malaysia first and only non-profit, a non-governmental organization solely dedicated to the research and conservation of marine mammals in Malaysia. They're also known as Langkawi Dolphin Research. They do research, protect and educate people about dolphins in Malaysia.

Established in 2012 by a team of young Malaysians, MareCet's Langkawi and Matang Dolphin Research projects involve collecting ecological data on dolphins to help protect them and improve marine mammal conservation. MareCet also studies the endangered dugong and their habitats.

MareCet educating children about dolphins

you know plastic is a dolphin's nemesis!
(they can hurt/kill dolphins & other sea creatures)

SO PLEASE recycle your plastic bottles. If you do not know where you can recycle, you can always bring it to 1 Utama. Look out for the collection bins shaped like a giant bottle around the mall to drop your plastic water bottles. They'll be sent for recycling and funds will be collected and donated under the Recycle-A-Bottle campaign.

1 Utama Recycle-A-Bottle campaign

Which is just one of the many efforts from 1 Utama's Go Green community projects as Malaysia's 1st Eco-Mall to embrace environmental sustainability since 1995. From recycling bins, to Be A Green Ninja (e-waste campaign), World Ocean Day, Kid's Field Trip, Feeding-The-Fish (charity campaign) to building the 1st Rainforest in a mall with koi ponds, suspension bridge, and lush foliage right in the heart of the mall surrounded by Mother Nature and freshwater fishes swimming in the aquarium. Which mall do you see putting so much into conserving and raising awareness?

Some of the many conservation efforts from 1 Utama's Go Green Campaign

Secret Garden - the largest rooftop garden in S.E.A
(free admission & guided tours every 1st weekend of the month)
E-Waste Campaign - Be A Green Ninja
(electrical  & electronic waste recycle safely with 1 Utama)

World Environment Day - I'M YOURS campaign
(1,000 free plants giveaway)

Hug a Shark Day Global Campaign
Pledge To Stop Eating Shark's Fin

World Water Day - Refill, Reuse, Reduce Carbon Footprint
World Oceans Day - Save Our Oceans

and many many kids field trip to connect with Mother Nature
(Explore Secret Garden, Feeding-The-Fishes, Plant-A-Pot)

one of the many Feed-The-Fishes CSR Campaign
(100% sale proceeds goes to charity)

What's The 1 Utama Feed-The-Fish campaign?
Launched in 2004, Feed-The-Fish is one of the most successful and longest running "Go Green" community projects since 1 Utama opened its doors in 1995, as Malaysia's 1st pioneer Eco mall. It aims to raise funds and keep fishes happy and well fed at the mall's award-winning Rainforest (an actual rainforest built in the middle of Malaysia's largest shopping mall spanning 4 floors and home to more than 100 species of forest trees, plants, koi fishes and tortoises) by sponsoring and packaging fish food for sale daily, which shoppers then buy at RM1 per container to feed the fishes.

1 Utama's award-winning Rainforest (Lower Ground)

with multi-level ponds stocked with 3000 koi fishes

buy fish food to feed the koi fishes for charity

How Can You Help?
You can donate by buying fish food for RM1 at the "Feed-The-Fish" kiosks at 1 Utama's Lower Ground Rainforest to feed the koi fishes. It's a fun way to learn about the fishes while having a day out with your friends or family. Especially for children, they just love watching the fishes eat and swim around leisurely in the ponds. There are aquariums and al fresco restaurants surrounding the Rainforest where you can take a rest too while enjoying Mother Nature.

All sales proceeds from the fish food are donated to a charitable organization of choice every year by 1 Utama. This year 1 Utama nominated non-profit NGO organization MareCet as its campaigns' beneficiary.

Previous beneficiaries include Sabah's Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre to purchase medicine and essentials for sun bears, Malaysian Nature Society to protect Perak's Temengor Forest Reserve, HOPE (Help Our Penyu) for sea turtle conservation, Zoo Negara to adopt Malaysian elephant Teriang and WWF Malaysia to help re-establish the fish population in Sabah's Molleangan Island. A total of RM192,000 has been donated by 1 Utama to date.

this year 1 Utama is helping MareCet (Dolphin Research Langkawi)

and I got to witness the whole thing! (I'm the angmoh in blue)

Baby G's "Dolphin" Story

Day 1: I arrived at KLIA 2 all packed bright and early in the morning to meet up with other media and the 1 Utama team. After getting acquainted, it was time to check in and board our flight to Langkawi. About 1 hr later we arrived at Langkawi International Airport to be picked up by our tour guide driver who drove us to our 1st destination on the itinerary - Kilim Geoforest Park for a Mangrove boat tour. I was excited to learn that we would be traveling through one of the world's most diverse tropical ecosystems home to fish farms, birds, cheeky monkeys and creatures known by local guides as Langkawi's flying five - lizards, airborne lemurs, tree snakes, frogs, and squirrels. Unfortunately, they eluded us, I guess you gotta be lucky when looking for wildlife in their natural habitat.

However, we did get the opportunity to witness bats sleeping on the ceiling inside a cave, cheeky Macaques, (Old World monkey species) white-bellied sea eagles and Brahimy Kites (which means Langkawi in the Malay Language) swoop down and dive to the surface of the sea to catch small fish. It's such a privilege to witness nature up close and personal with your own eyes instead of the more freely available wildlife documentaries on TV. I recommend this memorable experience if you're ever in Langkawi it's definitely worth a visit.

We ate lunch at Floating fish farm which is located on the Kilim river and houses several water tanks where many different species of fish are kept for tourists to view. After Lunch, we traveled to Resort World Hotel Langkawi to check in for the next 2 nights and then visited Pantai Cenang for some sightseeing duty-free shopping for a few hours before having dinner at Orkid Ria Seafood restaurant.

a collage of the fun things during the trip

1 Utama's "Go Green" Campaign Raises RM12,000 for MARECET

Day 2: After an early morning breakfast we assembled at the hotel lobby and proceeded to Resort World Jetty to embark and climb on board the yacht that would hopefully ferry us to catch a rare sight of some Malaysian dolphins! We were informed that sightings are not guaranteed due to the nature of these wild marine mammals. Needless to say, everyone was feeling excited and praying it was going to be our lucky day!

Proceedings commenced with a speech from 1 Utama's PR Manager Lee Li Lian followed by a welcome speech and briefing by Dr. Louisa Ponnampalam, Founder of MareCet Langkawi Dolphin Research (MareCet projects, the different types of marine species in Langkawi & marine conservation issues in Malaysia). This was followed by a marine mammal boat survey demo (how marine mammal surveys are conducted by a boat, particularly relating to the research conducted in Langkawi)

an educational trip with MareCet

It was an interesting and educational talk as we found out there are purposes, dugongs, and even whales as well as dolphins roaming the seas along both west and east coasts of Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah. These marine mammals are collectively known as Cetaceans and according to MareCet, there are 27 different species of Cetaceans in Malaysia. In Langkawi, the most common species spotted are the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, Indo-Pacific finless purposes, and occasionally Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins and Bryde's whales.

During Dr. Louisa's presentation, we heard some commotion coming from outside on the deck people were shouting saying they spotted dolphins! So everyone rushed outside in anticipation and excitement to see for ourselves. Sure enough, as I gazed out into the sea was the magical sight of not just 1 but several dolphins swimming together! You had to be alert as sightings were sporadic and they didn't come up to the surface for too long, only a few secs but it was worth it.

Soon it was time for the main purpose of the trip 1 Utama's Feed-The-Fish cheque presentation and a group picture.

After a buffet lunch on board the yacht and free flow drinks (alcohol included!), we disembarked back at Resort World Jetty to depart for Langkawi Cable Car and Oriental Village.

look it's a dolphin! wait, no, it's two dolphins!

it's a mommy and baby dolphin swimming!

It was a fun trip to be a part of, getting the opportunity to see more of Malaysia and make some new friends. As a European traveler, I wasn't aware there were Dolphins in Malaysia before I came to Langkawi so I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they do actually exist not too far away from KL, only a short 1 hr flight away! So hopefully more people will realize that there is another reason to visit Malaysia other than the food! It's encouraging and heartwarming to know that a big popular shopping mall like 1 Utama cares deeply about the marine environment and helping worthy community projects in the local area.

As Malaysia's 1st Eco mall, it has been running successful ongoing CSR campaigns for so many years since it's opening 14 years ago. I guess most people just assume that big shopping malls only care about their profit margins and getting as many customers as possible through their doors to spend money. I've often passed by the Koi pond in 1 Utama and at one point bought a packet of fish food to feed them but didn't realize the significance and extent of the small contribution I was making to help the dolphins through MareCet.

I feel a lot better now knowing I've contributed in some way and it's not just "entertainment" for mall goers as I 1st thought. I hope many more people will become aware of this campaign and buy more fish food when they're passing by the Koi pond in 1 Utama, in order to contribute to an even bigger cheque to be presented next year!

I'd like to say a big heartfelt thank you to Li Lian and Joey for kindly inviting me along to this truly wonderful trip creating many memories to cherish forever. I wish you every success in the future in getting the message across to everyone, about the importance of social responsibility and caring for our environment, especially our wildlife and marine mammal conservation.

From feeding the fishes. For more info on 1 Utama’s Go Green campaigns check out their or

written by Baby G, the co-writer a.k.a bf of plusizekitten. An "angmoh" travelling around the world, eating roast duck rice, nasi lemak and having culture shock 
