Taste Australia Launch Fresh Juicy & Tasty In Season Summer Fruits

A selection of Fresh Juicy Tasty Australian Peaches, Plums, Nectarines & Apricots
If you are a lover of fresh juicy summer fruits such as peaches, plums, nectarines and apricots, then now is the time to head down to your local supermarket to stock up as they are now in season. Taste Australia recently launched the "Celebration of Flavours" campaign at Aeon Metro Prima, Kepong. Taste Australia is the whole-of-horticulture brand used by industry and Hort innovation to help increase the profile, sales and consumption of premium horticulture products in key export markets. Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day will be all that much sweeter with these tasty luscious fruits.

Malaysian Celebrity Chef Abang Brian presenting the result of his culinary skills using fresh juicy Australian Summer Fruits
As consumers prepare to Huat Ah and toss the Yee Sang high and wide to usher in prosperity and happiness this CNY, the campaign is aimed at inspiring consumers to level up the celebrations with exciting ways to enjoy these delicious summer fruits. Taste Australia, engaged Celebrity Masterchef, Abang Brian to kickstart the season with great recipes that Malaysians will love.

L-R: Mr Liew Kong Cheng, Business Development manager of Austrade Malaysia, Ms Irene Khor Kim Eam, Persihabe, Dairy & Daily Senior Manager Aeon Co (M) Bhd and Abang Brian Malaysian Celebrity Chef displaying the Summer Fruits Yee Sang & Peach and Chocolate Trifle 
At the Launch of the campaign, Abang Brian shared an unconventional Yee Sang recipe made sweeter and healthier with Australian summer fruits, such as succulent Australian White and Yellow Peaches, White and Yellow Nectarines, and Black, Red and Dapple Plums.

Yee Sang Time!
"The flavours of these stone fruits are incomparable - some sweet, some tart, and the combined flavours in a recipe such as Yee Sang is simply divine," said Abang Brian as he sliced and assembled the Aussie summer fruit Yee Sang. He went on to explain that stone fruits such as nectarines, peaches, plums and apricots have cultural significance for CNY as the fruits symbolize long life and prosperity.

Abang Brian working his magic
The celebration of flavours didn't end there as Abang Brian shared a recipe for Romantic Peach and Chocolate Trifle layered lovingly with juicy peaches and white chocolate cream, decorated with peaches and red plum. Perfect for a romantic Valentine's Day dinner or a CNY dinner party.

Romantic Peach & Chocolate Trifle
Business Development Manager of Austrade Malaysia, Mr Liew Kong Cheng, explained that Australian produce are usually highly sought after due to their deeper flavours and freshness. He added that thanks to Australia's warm climate and hot summers, the stone fruits come out sweeter and juicier. The proximity to Asia also ensures Malaysians have access to Australia's freshest seasonal produce.

Fresh juicy tasty Summer Fruits In Season now all the way from Australia
"These fruits can be enjoyed in so many different ways. They are perfect as snacks on their own, sliced up in fruit or leafy salads, delectable in baked and fresh desserts, perfect with creamy ones, great stewed, grilled, poached, pureed, baked or sautéed, and make excellent jams, chutneys, pickles, compotes and sorbets. It combines beautifully with so many recipes creating a joyous celebration of flavours,' said Liew.

Summer fruits also make perfect gifts as their round shape and gold and red hues are said to symbolize prosperity and bring the recipient good fortune throughout the year.

Available to buy In Season now at your local Supermarket
To see the Taste Australia campaign in action and try the flavoursome summer fruits, head down to participating retailers including Jaya Grocer, Village Grocer & Aeon supermarkets.

For more info :
FB - https://www.facebook.com/TasteAustraliaMalaysia/
