Hugo Boss Giveaway: Show Me Your Hugo Man

Hugo Red the daring new fragrance for men
(Hugo Red 75ml EDT worth RM202)

100ml Hugo Just Different & 100ml Hugo Men
(worth over RM200 each to giveaway)

Yay a few days ago I received my Hugo Boss fragrance prize won from blogging about Hugo Red fragrance recently launched at Sogo KL. I can't believe I won (happy until headache) I got the news after midnight from the hardworking people who organized the contest (arigato). Of course I wouldn't have made it so far as a blogger without the support of my readers (arigato). With my blog birthday coming I'd like to see hot guys for a change instead of showing them on my blog. With the fragrance prizes I have - Hugo Red 75ml EDT, Hugo Just Different 100ml EDT & Hugo Men 100ml EDT worth over RM200 each. I will give it away to the top 3 hottest man my readers have. Hot doesn't mean just in terms of looks, it can be intelligence, his style? his smile, his sexy eyes that penetrates your very soul. Show me your Man and three winners will win a Hugo Boss fragrance from me! 

watch this video to get an idea to win Hugo Red from me

example of how to show your man
(Darth Vader is hot I know but not the kind I'm looking for)

By now my lovely readers should be familiar with the giveaway app that I have been using? it's easier for me track and easy to use ^_^ with a few clicks you get things done yay! This contest starts from today until end of this month and you can show your man via facebook, instragram or e-mail (or all three if you really want to catch my attention). Don't forget to follow my blog because giveaways are exclusive for my followers only! not follower no get okay? fair right.

All entry photos will be uploaded to my fanpage for viewing. Winning photos will be shown on blog!

sample on pasting facebook timestamp link

a Rafflecopter giveaway
post signature


  1. What's the timestamp? how to do?

    1. Hi I have example up now for ease of understanding :D

  2. Why I think your man deserves a Hugo Boss because he is the man of my life (wah..<3) for 7 years and counting, i can lay my eyes on him all day! <3 :P

  3. Because I wan him smell nice beside me so i like to stay around him

  4. LOL I got the urge to take other people's pic, I no hot man beside me wan :(

  5. Because he is true ,he is original and he is the only desirable man in my life although he is no longer existing.

  6. My man is like a boss who deserve a HUGO BOSS <3

  7. My man is one of a kind and he is my shining star!

  8. My man deserve a Hugo Boss coz he's the best hubby & daddy[Dr Cheah Sin Dee] in the world...If got chance to win this Hugo Boss then it could be a good father's day present for my hubby...:)

  9. jared leto is too freaking handsome nobody can replace him, not even my man.. huhu.. XD

  10. he had a GA..but he dont like the smell,i want to get a good perfume but i really had no idea which kind..Giorgio armani was quite famous right?? ...i hope he will like this i will "stick"him more...

  11. My bossy man should get it. . If it's international.

  12. good luck everyone :) Thank you for having this giveaway Tammy!

    I cant wait to upload my victim picture muahahahaha

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. my guy deserve a Hugo Boss simply because he is busuk! hahahaha

      No la, actually I believe my man deserve a Hugo Boss because I never got him any perfume (which contribute to his busuk'ness) for the whole duration I was with him. Since I was a gf up till I am his wife.. So, I totally hope he will be able to (finally) get a nice perfume from his wifey :P

      p/s: I saw so many other macho2 entry.. snapped pictures of him semalam.. but decided to have another round of snapping session before I submit :)

  13. Tell me why you think your man deserves a Hugo Boss?
    I really want to give him a Hugo Boss perfume :D lol. we used to buy perfume together, I mean we still do now. But I've never won him a perfume before, for free! HEH, and most importantly I want his face to be show on one of the winner cause my boyfriend is just so unlucky that he never won anything before -.- So, as a girlfriend.. maybe I am luckier and might get it :p

  14. My man deserves a Hugo Boss because he is my knight in shining armour who comes to my rescue every single time and is always there for me. So, the least I can do for him is to ensure he always smells super nice by winning him this Hugo Boss perfume

  15. It is about time as he didn't change perfume for 5 years already.

    That's the last time I shopped for men fragrance. :p

  16. My man deserves a Hugo Boss because he's my Alpha Man!

  17. HE deserves a HUGO Boss Red is because he is like a Big Boss to me whereby i pamper him the most whenever we are together. Hence i think he deserve it for him to feel like one and hopefully in return he will be motivated by Hugo Boss and be the Hugo Boss in his career.

    Thank you for having this opportunity to win something for my Man , as it is always about me winning for myself..i wish to win something for him and surprise him! <3 <3

  18. Nice post babe! Hugo boss is epic, even my dad uses it haaha

  19. Red means Go! I'll go for this contest cos the the fragrance smells real good

  20. HOT! Oozing with sexiness...Macho Hunks on the loose...

  21. My man deserves a Hugo Boss Red because with the baby coming - He will be the Super "Man" to handle everything needed. This is a way to reward the upcoming effort my Super "Man" needs to do. A little effort comes a long way, A little gift gives a leeway :)

  22. Always a big fan of Hugo Boss Fragrances. xoxo

  23. I really think he deserves the Hugo Boss Fragrances, he never fails to train his biceps and hand muscle every-single-day, he will hit the gym every Monday and Friday, as for other days, he will train them at home! His determination never fail to touch me!I think he deserves Hugo Boss Fragrances after his long work-out! so yeah! Really hope he could win!

  24. My man deserve a Hugo Boss because he is my HUGE BOSS. Ahaha. Working indoor and outdoor is horrible especially when he is back, i cant hug him because of the smell.So, I think HUGO BOSS suits HUGE BOSS of mine.

  25. My Man (I'm actually trying to win this for my lil bro's birthday^^) deserves a HUGO BOSS because he needs it to smell irresistibly good for all the ladies out there. As an older sister I can't give him all the man training, but the least I can go as a big sis is to make sure he is well groomed :-D

    Thank you for the giveaway Tammy!!


  26. My man deserves Hugo Boss coz he's crazy sexy cool...almost like Jared Leto and if I can't have the real Jared Leto the least I could do is get him to smell just like Jared and like a BOSS :)

  27. Well, I wanted to win this Hugo Boss for my daddy! *since father's day is around the corner* My dad is indeed like a boss at home, and I respect him with much loves! Hugo Boss can make my dad even boss-er, means become a true man in steel! :)

  28. My man deserves to win this Hugo Boss because
    [H]elpful, positive and very determined,
    [U]nstoppable keep exploring the world, he is a journeyman,
    [G]lowing and shine me up, he is my gentlemen,
    [O]f course he deserved the treat from Plus Size Kitten!

  29. I think My man deserves a Hugo Boss because he loves me! LOL :p But really, I have not gotten him any nice smelling fragrances yet because he is really really picky, but he seems to love the Hugo Boss fragrance, so I want to win this for him! He has been my knight in rusty armour ever since we've been together, and this time, I want to pay him back, by giving him something he likes that he can use for a very long time. After all, I get to have a pleasant time to whenever I go out with my man smelling good :D

  30. I think my man deserves a Hugo Boss because:
    Despite being mad busy at work he would still help with feeding and changing our 5 month old twins without complaints. When I first had my twins and was staying in the hospital, i wasn't very mobile due to the pain from my c-sect wound. He would come at 8am to 11pm (visiting hours for NICU) to help look after the twins so I can have some rest. He's the most doting husband and father.

  31. I think my man deserve a Hugo Boss because he is simply too hot to resist. He is smart, caring and knows how to cook! Most importantly, he loves me to the deepest of his heart just like I do. <3

  32. My bf likes perfume I wanna win it for him:-)

  33. I think he deserves this because he cares about me:-D


    Here's the link to my entry.

    With such a guy, I'd give a shot to win this.

    He deserves a Hugo Boss simply because he behaves like a BOSS - boss of his own. He is a crazy fun, loving, understanding guy who never fails to put a smile on anyone especially me. Did I mention that he's a great cook? What more can a girl ask for?! ♥

  35. My beloved father is the hottest man because...

    he loves to read anything diligently,
    just so you know knowledge is sexy ;) ,
    his words of wisdom are powerful like Superman,
    he tirelessly shows me the way to be a real man.

    ...and YES he deserves to win this HUGO BOSS!

  36. My dear friend is a huge fan of McLaren F1, which Hugo Boss is one of the main sponsor.

    With Hugo Boss Red on him, it'll make him much more of a complete McLaren fanboy. This will help him to be more confidence in himself when going out with girls :)

  37. Hugo Boss ist einfach immer klasse.


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