Day 1 Hong Kong Disneyland: Disney in The Stars Fireworks

Are u ready for some fire?

Here's part 3 of my day 1 at Disneyland Resort story! I know I know, so membebel right? Many things to show even for 1 day need to split 3 stories haha. Well I really want to show how awesome my trip to Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is and I took lots of pictures to show what I saw and do. Writing about them would be hard so I'll show a walk through instead from when I had lunch to watching all the shows and then saying goodnight in my "Mickey Mouse" hotel. Continuing from Mystic Point, the three of us - me, my fiancé and my brother headed to Explorer's Club Restaurant. A exotic restaurant themed after world cultures with yummy International delicacies waiting for us.

welcome to the Explorer's Club Restaurant

first thing I saw was this!
(easy to choose my food haha!)

come aboard!!! chuu chuu

which ticketing booth should I go?

alright this one here?

recognize any of the delicacies we have here?

The unique restaurant is inspired after Lord Henry Mystic and the Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.) travels. It was not only exotic looking but spacious as well, enough for a whole army to dine in. Also I felt that I was in a train station waiting for my journey too with Lord Henry Mystic but my stop would be my stomach! At each "ticketing booth" is where you get to select your favorite delicacies from around the world to eat. I place an order, collected my food and went to pay up. Service is that fast. The dining rooms were themed after Egypt, Russia, Morocco, India and China. My brother and me had the Chinese Hainanese Chicken Rice Meal while my fiancé opted for the Japanese Grilled Salmon Bento. All the food served in Explorer’s Club Restaurant is certified by The Incorporated Trustees of The Islamic Community Fund of Hong Kong.

Mystic Point at night

After our dinner, it was nearly time to catch the must watch show in Hong Kong Disneyland Resort! The one show you cannot, I repeat cannot miss if you visit Disneyland! Can you guess what it is? It's on air every night but may be at different time; click here for the schedule. It was at Main Street USA, above Sleeping Beauty's Castle. In the daytime you see it looking like a normal castle but at night, something magical is going to happen.

BUT wait hang on! We have to go through these theme lands first...

Grizzly Gulch at night

the geyser goes "psssss blup blup psss"

Toy Story Land at night

pretty romantic don't you think?

Feeling like the 60s?

Yes you're right! It's Disney in The Stars Fireworks!

watch this stunning firework display on my video!

bye bye Mickey! I will see you tomorrow

Now Disneyland is really different during the day and at night. At night, you can feel the time stops and you learn to appreciate the beauty of each park light up in the dark. From being at Mystic Point where the xx glows purple to the gassy sounds of the geyser at Grizzly Gulch and walking under the giant Christmas lights at Toy Story Land, you can't help feeling like its a dejavu.

souvenir shop is still open at Disney's Hollywood Hotel

check-in to our room finally!

wee! It's got a bath tub!

so spacious & the bed is huge!

perfect for a family of four to snuggle & watch tv

the piano pool is close but it looks so iconic

I can't believe the Disney's Hollywood Hotel rooms are so big compare to hotel rooms in the city. I was so worried my fiancé and brother would have to squeeze together fighting for space but the double beds were enough for 4 pax to sleep on! The bathroom has a unique Rolls Royce theme feel and there's even a bath tub! But I was too tired to use it. After bathing because we have been out for a day under the sun, the cooling shower made us feel so good! We came down to explore the hotel a bit. Checking out all the eateries here and even finding the pool area outside. It look like a movie theatre from the past! 

time for a Disney mocktail

Guess which drink is mine & my fiancé?
(Sweet Rose or Refreshing Woods?)

Before we head off to our room to sleep. We want to chill at the Studio Lounge. It was 10pm and there are still many people awake! I could smell pastas and burgers too but we were too full from dinner. The full-service bar offers specialty drinks but fruit juices, hot beverages and snacks as you relax in plush art deco surroundings. The mocktail selection was so cute! It has Disney inspired drinks and I could not resist not ordering! 

Guess which drinks we ordered? My brother was sleeping in the room already so it's just me and my fiancé, chilling out and having a great time here. Tomorrow we will be dating in Disneyland themepark without my brother hehe! Stay tune for Day 2 Part 1 :)

Check out my Hong Kong Disneyland Stories here:
Day 1 Part 1: Arriving in Hong Kong Disneyland & Eat Disney Dim Sum!
Day 1 Part 2: Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is FUN!
Day 1 Part 3: Night time in Disneyland & Fireworks


  1. I felt that the food at Explorer's Club Restaurant are not bad.
    Wow...the room so nice.....
    guess ar...hmm...I guess yours was 'sweet rose'?? ^_^

    1. The food at Explorer's Club is alright :) it fits Asian tastes if anyone prefer more Asian dishes. The room is HUGE i tell u! compared to Mongkok, I stayed in a quite new and $$ hotel, it's wow.. 1/2 the size of my Disney room.

      Mine is the MONSTER INC Refreshing Woods..muahahha and my bf took the rose one!

  2. Love this post & HK Disneyland :)
    May I know what camera r u using?
    Have a nice day :)

    1. I'm not a pro at camera, I point & shoot using Canon 550D hahahaha!!! *shy*

  3. OMG, you stayed in Disneyland? May I know the exact hotel and price??

    1. Bendan, ops sorry.. i replied u in FB liao right? But u wait for Groupon Deal :D I saw earlier this year... so good deal with flight!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway Disneyland also got it's 3D2N package but it was full when I trying to buy.

  4. went hk few times also never go disneyland.. huhu.. shall go once..

    1. but don't go alone wei.. i know u like to romantic alone... during your trips.

  5. The first thing you have seen is really delightful, have you tried it?

    1. Nope Olivia :) didn't try that. I choose that succulent looking steam chicken rice instead! XD

  6. Hi dear,
    Plan to visit disneyland this coming november.
    May i know the check in and check out time for hollywood disneyland hotel? Any ideas for early check in and late check out?
    Ermm. how much is the cost for luggage storage service?


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