Lost World of Tambun Blogger's Getaway

another awesome project by The Butterfly Project Malaysia

Let me entice you away from the busy streets of Kuala Lumpur to an adventure of a lifetime to find lost treasures at the Sunway Lost World of Tambun - Malaysia's premiere adventure theme park. That's a mere 2-hour train ride away from KL Sentral where 30 bloggers from The Butterfly Project Malaysia will be traveling, old school style to good old Ipoh where the "taugeh" a.k.a beansprouts stays as big and juicy as the rats rummaging in your backyard.

start your adventure by watching this video

Having been in Malaysia for the longest time, I only heard about the Lost World of Tambun during my stay at The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat Ipoh 2 years back. I gotten as far as to feed the cute bouncy raccoons at the petting zoo with cat biscuits before I head back home to Kuala Lumpur. I vow to return back again and this time to savor every inch of the theme park and to just laze around and watch the stars at night while having a delightful hot spring soak at the Lost World Hot Springs Spa.

Welcome to the Butterfly Project Malaysia, a community that welcomes beauty & lifestyle bloggers around Malaysia blogging with a focus and from the heart, soul and passion. At Butterfly Project, we design monthly projects for bloggers that would benefit, motivate and encourage them to find their voice, goals and dreams. Walk away inspired, full of ideas and armed with your blog knowing you can make a difference while making a bunch of new friends in a supportive online environment. 

Never did it occur to me that I would be planning and going on a trip with bloggers from the community I founded, The Butterfly Project Malaysia. My passion to organize and to create unique experiences; couple with my love for blogging has fuel my love to bring bloggers from all around Malaysia to connect as one and to inspire all via our blogs. It is through blogs that we tell stories of our life, our love - be it tangible or intangible desires and our happiness. Through such stories, I believe we can inspire all.

Travel Date: 22nd Sept - 23rd Sept, 2013

If you are a travel blogger, an adventure seeker, a spa lover or looking to amazed your readers with your camera, come be a part of our growing community and join us on an all expense paid trip to the Sunway Lost World of Tambun on 22nd - 23rd September, 2013! Just click and register on our Rafflecopter Giveaway App and submit a blogpost or a vlog on "Why you want to go to The Lost World of Tambun with The Butterfly Project Malaysia". The best entries will receive an invitation in early September and go on an adventure of a lifetime. Give a high five to ETS Malaysia who will be transporting all 30 bloggers KL Sentral to Ipoh!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms & Conditions:
  1. This review project is open to all bloggers from The Butterfly Project Malaysia to join. Just blog or vlog "Why you want to go to The Lost World of Tambun with The Butterfly Project Malaysia".
  2. Bloggers must complete past project reviews to qualified for another project.
  3. This campaign starts from today until 31st Aug, 2013. Invitations will be sent out in early Sept. Trip starts 22nd Sept (Sun) - 23rd Sept, 2013 (Mon). Meeting point KL Sentral 8.00am depart by ETS train to Ipoh.
  4. The best blog/vlog entries will receive an invitation from the SWAT Team (admin team) and details about this review campaign and your trip itinerary. RSVP to confirm.
  5. You must bring along your camera to capture your moments! There will be a blogging contest on your Lost World of Tambun adventure where you might win a 2D1N Stay for two! (yay).
  6. There will be 3 blog post required from this getaway project: Lost World Hotel, Lost World of Tambun & Lost World Hot Springs & Spa. Dateline 22nd Oct, 2013.
  7. You are responsible for your own safety and belongings during this trip. Sunway Lost World of Tambun and The Butterfly Project Malaysia is not liable and responsible for any loss, damages or accidents that happened on this getaway trip. 

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  1. When is the dateline to submit the application?

  2. Wuwuwu...too bad I cant join as I just back from my Europe trip ;(

    Anyway, hope this event will be held superb successful!

    1. Aww I bet your Europe trip is awesome Lulu :) stay tune for our future projects!

  3. OMG! Yeay! Can't wait! Time to jot down all my reasons and blog away!

    Thanks for organizing this Tammy! Much ♥ to you and the Butterfly lovies! =)

    1. Looking forward to see your entry Kay! It's been some time since I last saw u!

  4. oh my godness! I dreadly want to join after watching the video! want to join the team building one, and spa which I never try before.

    1. We won't be doing team building but we will definitely enjoy the spa at night after a day of fun ^_^

    2. okay, girl spa is wonderful for me too!

  5. I saw a Sugar Glider! <3 Haha and that spa...wow... Really hope it is as good as they portray :D

    1. If they blast that music whole day long it's goin be like the video haha

  6. Awesome gateaway with mah fellow blogger friends. Kena tengok dulu cuz I have to organize an event on 21 sept!!!! :O

    1. Our getaway is on 22nd Sept! :D See if you can join!

  7. yorrrr I'm working can't take leave ah T_T but I will clear all my past project review asap! Enjoy tammy <3

    1. Thanks Yuh Jiun! ^_^ get a day and remember back your experiences. Don't rush else it'll be a soul-less post.

  8. hi tammy, just wan to clarify whether we need to blog about 1 blog post about "Why you want to go to The Lost World of Tambun with The Butterfly Project Malaysia" to be eligible to participate this contest. While i need to blog 3 blog posts which includes Lost World Hotel, Lost World of Tambun & Lost World Hot Springs & Spa once we came bck from the gateway (if i win)?

    1. Hi Suquan,

      I'm glad you ask ^_^ it's only 1 entry post on why u want to go. If you receive an invite, you will be required to blog 3 reviews on this campaign ^_^ :

      1 - the hotel sponsored by Lost World of Tambun
      2 - your lost world of Tambun experience
      3 - the lost world hot springs & spa at night ^_^

    2. and yes ^_^ after you're back from the trip you will be giving birth to the 3 posts!

  9. Ala.. I can't join because the date is my first day of internship. :( too bad...

    1. Sob would be missing the sweet smiles of Wiida!

  10. yeyeyeyey!!! nak join nak join!!! :)

    1. I am waiting for your entry post Innanie!!!

  11. Replies
    1. Sabby I'm going to be seeing u right? Haha

    2. Yesssss!! I dah submit, hope I'll get in! *praying hard* T_T

  12. this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! and travel by train!!! i am so so in love with train trip lately. must join this!

    1. Its been ages since I travel by train! I wonder how it is like now. Curious and exciting to find out! U must join us okay!

  13. Wow, such a nice projext =)I guess it will be a lot of fun

    1. We are so happy that Sunway is making our dreams come true!

  14. hiye tammy,

    this one for beauty bloggers only right? (just to make sure) :)

    1. Hey :) nope it's not limited to Beauty Bloggers. Travel bloggers, lifestyle bloggers, fashion bloggers, food bloggers are encouraged :)

  15. Hello, is it okay for new bloggers to join this blogging contest? :)

    1. Kimberly, you are most welcome to join :)

      Chewahh.. illy tolong sibuk2 jawapkan :P

    2. LOL thanks Illy! U know I'm away so you help reply, chewah!

      Hey Kimberly, we welcome bloggers new or old, fame or closeted to join our review campaigns. We'll pick the top entries to go on this review project :)

  16. I am crossing everything cross-able to join this! It's like having all the places I'd like to go to in one resort. Let's get lost? :-p

    1. I want to see you THERE LAURA!!! go get a CUTI!!!

  17. Replies
    1. I haven't been there before too and I can't wait to experience it with the rest of the groupie!

  18. tammy!!! i dah post!!! :) yeay!

    Hope TERPILIH! :)

    1. u sudah DI PILIH! we're announcing the 10 best entries this week :) 20 after the dateline!

  19. I wish I could join but its on Sunday-Monday. September is the start of UiTM's semester, and I'm pretty sure I'll have class on Monday though right now jadual belum available lagi >.<

    1. Mieza, isn't usual for them to have nothing much going on the beginning of the semester? *sheepish grin*

    2. pernah dengar "ponteng" hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

      anyway babe, kita pulang Monday afternoon dah :O kira kira lepas check out 12pm.. pergi naik train balik.. mebbe sempat u masuk dalam balik kelas macam tak pernah hilang?

  20. Auwww...can't join! Too bad. Being a part time driver, i have to send my kid to kindy. Takpe, I'll wait for October project :)

    1. Oh Liz T_T nilah time utk manjakan sendiri... lepas become mommy... u need some de-stress time... kalau boleh join datang lah ^_^

  21. Hey there, i baru je submit entri! bestnya innanie dah terpilih :)

    1. Hey Sheila! mind to share your link here incase we missed it in our rafflecopter? a lot of bloggers didn't update their blog link there so we're worried >_<

    2. really? saya dah submit di fb the butterfly project malaysia. heee. saya hantar juga di sini ye. incase kalau terlepas pandang ke.


  22. Replies
    1. Those who needs to take the ETS train to IPOH will have to meet at KL Sentral to depart. If you can make it to Ipoh to meet us :D or meet us at the Ipoh train station, we're okay too!

      As long you're the 30 bloggers who wins an invite yeahhh

  23. Hey Tammy, does it have any requiremens in order to join the contest or I'll only have to do a post regarding 'Why you want to go to The Lost World of Tambun with The Butterfly Project Malaysia'? Thank you! -Shelyn.

    1. Besides the requirement that you will need to complete any reviews participated from The Butterfly Project, you're all set to just tell us why you want to go in your blog, submit the link in rafflecopter and we will announce 30 bloggers after 31/8!

    2. Ok thank you!! :D

    3. I've submitted!! *finger crosses* :P

  24. dah submit entry! hope terpilih...sebab tak pernah pergi sana lagi! berharap jugak dapat jumpa dengan team butterfly!

  25. Mamasan, pika tak sempat nak update link dekat Apps tu..blogpost dah siap...hwuuuuuuuuu~ HELP ME!! I want to go to Tambun with The Butterfly members as well!! please please..heeee~~


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