The Butterfly Project Community Project Philips

believing in the power of a community

At the Butterfly Project Malaysia, we believe as a community of beauty & lifestyle bloggers we have a say in improving the quality of lives of people in Malaysia. We believe in the power of social media, in the power of sharing. After all sharing is caring right? That is the foundation of our community and we have pledge to help Philips Malaysia to spread the word to get more people to join in the Philips Innovation That Matters To You contest. This contest is held internationally with Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore competing to get the best ideas from their people and making it come true!

What is the Philips Innovation That Matters To You contest? watch this video below and you'll soon understand why we are so gungho about helping Philips to reach out to Malaysians.

what's the contest about? watch this video

How can I as a blogger help? How does it work? Follow these simple steps to blogging about the contest.

Great things can happen when people and sheer imagination come together to produce solutions for modern living. Your innovative ideas can help Malaysians everywhere live in safer cities and healthier homes! Learn how you can make a difference. What are your ideas for building safer cities and healthier homes? click here to submit an idea
submit your idea for healthy homes / safer cities

After submitting your idea, blog about what you idea you have contributed and what the contest is about? Tell your readers how to join and what prizes they can win! Show them how they can help Malaysia and also get their winning ideas, prizes! click here to see

this is how the contest it works

After you have blog about the contest (don't forget to include the idea you have submitted) drop your blog post link at or here. For being pro active in being our community blogger, we have decided to give out amazing Philips Prizes for 7 lucky bloggers! Don't forget to copy paste this at the bottom of your blog post:

Join the conversations on #meaningfulinnovation on Facebook, Twitter @PhilipsMY and Instagram and visit to find out more!

blogging prizes for 7 lucky bloggers

Now the idea is to do our part as a community to spread the word about this contest. Winning a prize is just a bonus! But how do you win one of the awesome prizes given here? First by blogging about it, second by socially sharing about the contest on your facebook and twitter to increase your chances of winning of the lucky prizes! The more you share, the better your chances are.

Let's do our part as a community! Go Butterfly!


  1. great, cracking head to think !!

    1. hahha yeah if your idea is good, you can also be one of the 6 winners for the Philips Innovation That Matters To You contest :)

    2. I done the submit to Philips only problem is pic of how contest works, don't know why it's not showing in my post.

  2. Replies
    1. Come come Mieza!!!!!!!!!!! ^___^ boleh menang from blogging & also from the public contest!

    2. I have completed 3 tasks. Now working on the blog post (along with Tambun posts). i'm moving at the pace of a snail, I still get tired easily since I was discharged =_=''

  3. Hi Tammy
    My permalink
    Thank you

  4. Hi, Mama Butterfly!

    My blog post:

    Thanks. :)

  5. ive done join tammy.. all d best to u..

    please check mine

  6. Hellooo! Submitted mine -


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