Shop for Charity at Natta Cosme

charity fund raiser for Typhoon Haiyan

The Butterfly Project Malaysia is helping Natta Cosme to kickstart a charity fund raiser to raise funds to help the victims of the Typhoon Haiyan in Philippines. It's quite a simple fund raiser and it's also rare to see a company giving 100% of the proceeds from selling their products to charity. You can choose to just donate a RM10 amount or do a charity purchase where the product listed as "charity" is available for purchase and the purchase money will go to charity. 

make a donation or purchase a charity product
(where full payment of the product will go to charity)

If you're a blogger there is one way you can help charity as well. That is by blogging so we can join hands together to spread awareness about the fund raiser by Natta Cosme. The first 50 bloggers who blog about this charity drive will be given a token of appreciation by Natta Cosme. It's not something big, but it's something from the heart. The charity blogging drive will end at midnight on 15th Dec, 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Replies
    1. yeah plus 100% purchase price goes to charity.. not many companies like this

  2. Just received the beauty bag!!so happy it's for charity..Can't wait to blog bout it!

    1. wow you manage to buy the dec beauty bag?! lucky u!!! what's inside btw.. pss.. faster blog n show

  3. darn.. pc acting up.. slow loading and unable to save pic.. error :(

    worst is write half way.. x more..

    it doesn't stop me.. I will try write up.. just take time.

  4. finally its up after fourth trial. .. pc crazy lio.. loading slow. and open slow.. everything slow. eeerrrr

  5. Ahhh I accidentally copied a wrong link to submit my post. :/ Gonna use another email add to submit again I guess. Sorry Tammy..


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