My Lush Giveaway

Rainbow Donkeys! I just spent like... $$$ shopping online at Lush Singapore. Call it retail therapy because I have been down since last Christmas. Personal matters, my dad's health took a turn and I went back and forth Port Klang (my hometown) to take care of certain matters. Then right at the same time my fiance went ill, with high fevers and chills at night. I suspected it was dengue and the blood check (dengue blood check, not the normal blood check) came back positive. It was a tiring December visiting the hospitals almost everyday. Yeah so I missed Christmas and decided to splurge on myself a bit and start reviewing Lush products (my near year resolution). 

To kickstart this happy hope to revamp my blog this year, I am going to giveaway Lush products / gifts this month via Instagram!

Enter the contest using your Instagram account.
  1. Follow @tammy_miu (if you’re not already)
  2. Repost this photo and “tag” @tammy_miu
  3. Use hashtag #plusizekitten and tell me which Lush gift you love most
That’s it! One lucky winner will be randomly selected at the end of the month to win a Lush Christmas gift set value around RM65.

Ho Ho Ho
This gift is designed as a twist on the traditional Christmas, so we decided to customise a vintage Christmas card with a touch of graffiti. This is one of the many gifts that embraces the spirit of Christmas anarchy this year. Ho Ho Ho is a reworking of a gift from last year whose name, Secret Santa, has now been given to a new bath bomb. We kept this gift as we didn’t want to lose the smiling face of Santa from our shelves. This year, we have removed the plastic glitter from Father Christmas bath bomb, but don’t worry, with his red and green layers, he still creates the ultimate festive bath. Snow Globe soap is packed with energising lemon myrtle oil to leave you refreshed and uplifted.

- Father Christmas Bath Bomb
- Snowglobe Soap 120g

Snowman Invasion

When we saw a collection of the Snowman bath bombs all lined up in a row, we thought they looked like they were invading the labs! This was the inspiration for this gift, and we added Cinders with its crackles and sparks to create the atmosphere of a snowman invasion. This is great for bath bomb fans, with Snowman’s skin softening cocoa butter, and cinnamon leaf oil to warm you on a cold night.

- Snowman Ballistic
- Cinders Ballistic

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  1. Yayyy :D Thank you for the giveaway! BTW my Instagram is private for personal reasons, is that okay? :(

    1. as long u tag me (and i follow u) then i can see the pic!

  2. Hello :)

    I follow on Instagram as sinnia87 and I´ve tagged you.

    I like Snowman Invasion at most!



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