My GoGirl Review & Giveaway

what's pink & new in Malaysia?

Here's an interesting review for my readers today. When I first got the e-mail to review GoGirl I go what the **** is it? I did a fair bit of reading on GoGirl's website and was throughly impressed by the thingamajig. Not only it's in pink it's something that I could use during emergencies when there is no real clean bathrooms around. When I say real, I mean real proper bathrooms where there's flush, toilet paper, no signs of brownies anywhere (yes I shall call them brownies for now) and clean toilet bowl to sit on.

watch the introduction on video

Girls in the UK understands it, as the video goes. Girls in America is starting to use them. How about girls in Malaysia? I am probably the first few to start using this, particularly because I have been wanting a solution like this since I have trouble keeping my pee during road trips and wish I could just pee like a man  but not turned into a man. I love being a girl.

I say girl and not woman on purpose.

Simply put, GoGirl is the way to stand up to crowded, disgusting, distant or non-existent bathrooms. It's a female urination device (sometimes called a FUD) that allows you to urinate while standing up. It's neat. It's discreet. It's hygienic.

Alright, so how am I suppose to review this? Well no girls I am not going to take a picture of myself using the device on my **** and start peeing. I did however test it when I needed to go in my bathroom. I tried it standing up (works) and I tried it sitting down (nope don't work). I wash it and tucked back into the pink reusable tube it comes in (need a bit more practice).

Before I say more, let's see what's really in the pink reusable tube it comes in?

yes it's made for girls & it's small too

the reusable packaging it comes in

here's what you get

So there you have it, once you tear off the seal around the cap, your GoGirl literally pops out along with a plastic bag that has information on it and a tissue which is really weird. Why 1 tissue? well better than no tissue at all.

The GoGirl is made of medical grade silicone and it is really flexible as I bend it around like a toy. It's soft and rubbery to feel, it's not pink but lavender in color. Clean the GoGirl with water and soap but if you're out there and there's no soap, just find a water source to clean it. The website says it's germ resistant and heat resistant :)

the size of GoGirl

examining the product up close

compact, small & travel friendly

the right way to hold GoGirl

girls who need GoGirl

How To Use GoGirl? 
Easy, just hold it against your body, forming a seal. Aim and, well, pee. Pretty simple, huh?
GoGirl is small and somewhat cute. I can put it in my purse, my bag or even my pocket if its big enough. Keep it in the car compartment for road trips to Malacca, Ipoh or Penang. No more being embarrassed hiding behind the car door squatting at a drain or roadside trying to pee. Now just open door, still hide behind it and pee standing up. Nobody will know you're even peeing because you're not female squatting on the roadside anymore. It's alright when we're kids but now that we're adults, I rather not people know why we are squatting out in the open.

P.S I don't dare to go into the "hutan" to pee. 

Also it comes in handy if you really do find yourself a public toilet but dare not sit or squat in fear of monster germs or yucky brownies getting on your skin. After use, just wash it with water at the sink. 

Only GoGirl is made with flexible, medical grade silicone. Dispose of it after use. Or clean and reuse as you like. (Urine is sterile, but the product can come into contact with contaminates during use, so take precautions when cleaning.) Our patented splash guard eliminates messing and spilling. Once you practice a time or two, using GoGirl is going to feel like second nature. 

Test #1: Using GoGirl Standing Up
It was easy, I just hold the short part front, fit it nicely there somewhat like a cover and pee. Well at first it was weird peeing into a device like this but after the 3rd testing, I'm already peeing like man. There's no spills or overflowing pee. I wash the GoGirl and dry it on my sink.

Test #2: Using GoGirl Sitting Down
I was trying to see if I could pull this off like a man in car peeing into a bottle. It's really tricky, the device is made to flow downwards (gravity yes) but I am sure one day I can master the art of peeing sitting down using GoGirl. At the moment, I must say I can't do it because it leaks out >_< in sitting position at the back. Alright I did this in the bathroom not in my car okay.

After testing it for several days, I concluded that while this may be new to us girls in Malaysia it's still something that we can use during emergencies, travel, road trips, at concerts, sports (you know when it's scary to sit on the portable toilet), germ phobic, and well just basically if there's no proper toilet, do it like a man! My next question to my readers is...


Thanks to My Avenue Malaysia, I will be giving away 10 GoGirls to my readers worth RM48.90 each. How to win? Register via my rafflecopter app below and leave a comment here on what you think of the GoGirl and if Malaysians would be open to try it? I will announce the winners on my facebook fanpage after 18th April, 2014. The prizes will be posted to you by My Avenue Malaysia.

Can't wait to get your own GoGirl? Visit to purchase one at RM48.90. You can save if you buy them in packs of 3 for RM138.90 or 13 for RM538.90.


**please e-mail**
(name, email, contact, mailing address)


  1. Malaysian nowadays are dynamic, on the move and busy chasing dreams. I think they would be open to Gogirl if it makes life easier. Especially considering the yuckiness of public toilet even when you paid 20cents for it. However, I do think it's a bit pricey for a pee device. They would be open to the idea but to the price, they might be thinking twice kot..

    1. Thanks for your feed back Syafiqah :) I think for the price, it's probably due to tax and the value of our currency.

  2. I saw something like this in 2 broke girls, Oleg invented it. It is very convenient, especially to people like me, cerewet.

    1. LOL! Yeap now I remembered! It's the St. Patrick's Day episode Oleg wanted to sell pee thingy hahahahahha he's so cute.

  3. I always thinking how can I pee like a man, as I have trouble squatting down and it is really hard to find a clean public toilet. I had perianal abscess surgery last month, I had big trouble going to the toilet, can't sit down, squat or bend. I tried to pee like a man though but it was whole big mess. How I wish I get this thing by the time.

    1. Oh wow Kylie, sorry to hear that. If you have Go Girl that would have been helpful :( I hope you get better already.

  4. It's emergency time good to use, plus seeing the eeky yarking toilet you know.. you wouldn't want use it. Better use gogirl!

  5. I think Malaysians will be fine accepting it as I think it's really convienient (maybe a bit scary for the first few times)! I mean when you go to a dirty toilet and it's difficult and dangerous to squat, Gogirl would be your rescuer!

    1. It's not scary just weird I think! Things in pink, nahhh no scary haha.

  6. done all. I need it too.
    I will be travelling around now and I want this so much as I'm quite germs phobia
    hiak hiak hiak...I want to pee like a man too ^^

    1. Congratulations Emily :) You've just won yourself a Go Girl! Please e-mail me your name, contact, email & mailing address.

  7. it seems very weird at the thought of trying it haha, like i don't know if i can aim properly not hahaha,
    but its really useful when it comes to public toilet. urgh

    1. it would be fun to know we can, aim properly than men! HAHAHA

  8. I think i am the one who need gogirl very much..i dont really like to go public toilet as i am afraid of those scary bacteria and germs..sometimes i just "tahan...tahan...and tahan...until i beh tahan" only i went in the know it's really unhealthy for me to tahan always..but i just dont like to go public toilet since i was a yeah, i think i need gogirl to rescue me as i travel a lot too..=P

    1. Congratulations Caroline :) You've just won yourself a Go Girl! Please e-mail me your name, contact, email & mailing address.

  9. I think it's weird but super innovative (not to mention super handy!). I'd probably be like 'what the heck is this' while giggling trying to use this device, haha! I'm not a germophobe but sometimes I do get grossed out by public toilets and stuff, so this would be super useful. :D I think most Malaysians would be open to try it because it's really convenient to carry around and use, also would be great when you're stuck in traffic jams or at highway where restrooms might be hard to find.

    1. and pee right out the window? muahhahah... just joking!

  10. Hi Tammy!
    Thank you for the information and I think Go Girl is just brilliant!
    I've always envy guys because in time of "emergency" then can just settle with a....bottle :P
    I can only complain and complain and tahan ><
    Well I think most of the Malaysian ladies would be open to try it out anyways but I think minority might not be so open minded about this.
    What I mean is they might have bought it, used it, but didn't tell anyone XD
    I'll definitely keep one in my bag and share with my girls!

    1. share with your girls! gosh.. i think you're the only reader who says this here!

  11. Woahhhhh I've never thought that this was actually possible!!!!I've always wanted to do so coz of the gross toilet loo almost everywhere in Malaysia. It sounded impossible until gogirl is invented!! Wtf wei this invention is just too cool and boys would probably be jealous of girls as we can now stand, sit or squat to pee. Hehe. Beat that boys! I know Malaysian girls will be willing to try it when more malaysian girls talk about it openly and prove that they're really useful! Eh hello!!! not needing to sit on so called "other people butts warmth" and the yucky germs, it's just far too worth it!! :D

    1. Congratulations Jia Hui :) You've just won yourself a Go Girl! Please e-mail me your name, contact, email & mailing address.

  12. Fantastic design, bye bye disgusting toilet bowl

    1. Hey you're usually quite chatty :D how have you been

  13. Go Girl is definitely a great invention! I've never thought we girls could pee like a man. And now we can pee however we want and wherever we are. Say goodbye to dirty and smelly public toilet! No more emergency and fuss finding toilets. Malaysians would be open to try it, as it's so convenient and useful for everyone.

    Must trained at home first before using it outside. Hehehe~ =D

    1. hahah you're right! That's why I tried a few times before I could give my review :)

  14. I am proud to even say i can pee like a man now with GoGirl's invention especially since some of us girls suffer from severe cases of weak bladders especially during long road trips! I remember when my cousin had to stop in the middle of the jammed highway to pee with an umbrella as cover because she has that problem :(
    And for us adults it's kinda embarrassing makes us wish we were kids again (can pee anywhere & anytime XD)

    1. have you tried anything like this before Arisa?! :D

  15. I think this product is really cool! I would try GoGirl because I always 'tahan' my pee which is quite sick...if I can't I'll just put lots of tissue around the toilet seat, take a deep breath and leave few cm distance to pee! It is really suffering man! Why do we girls have to went through this oh gosh

    I think it's time for Malaysian girl to use this seriously! This is our hero T.T I am sure that Malaysian girl do care about our personal hygiene as well as using the public washroom so I think this really comes in handy! One more thing the design looks unique and secure too haha! Please do welcome this invention ohoho~

    1. Congratulations Miss Irean :) You've just won yourself a Go Girl! Please e-mail me your name, contact, email & mailing address.

    2. I'm so late to saw this reply omg...I just email you Tammy >.<

  16. Is really cool ..pee like a man..

    1. and let men pee like women for a change ahhaha

  17. It's freaking cool! Even though I used to pee like a man when I was showering but yet to try peeing like a man outside the washroom teehee! Showing 'em that I can pee standing anywhere anytime! I guess it'll be quite a special things to us, Malaysian girls, and somehow we will try it intentionally. Surprisingly most of the girls used to squat on the toilet seat, if we have this gogirls which come in handy, it may save some of our time cleaning the toilet bowl and taking a risk of falling off when peeing. It's not embarrass to bring around as the package is so cute and they are tiny, nicely fit in bag!

    1. lol... u just made me laugh (on the part u admit peeing like a man in shower) I do that too lol...

  18. I think GoGirl is really a good invention! Never thought there is a device for girl during emergency! Totally convenience girl! Although at first I just saw the photo , I was thinking how to pee on a tube, after read through, found it its come with a device. REALLY UNEXPECTED girl can pee like a man! I think Malaysian girl will wish to try it since it really convenient to girl and easy to carry! ;)

    1. I didn't think there was such a thing.. oh wait i did think using pampers for road trips would help hahahhaha

  19. Hahaha, this is GREAT. No longer have to do the half squat stunt over the toilet bowl anymore.

    1. lol.. yeapp and see yucky foot prints on it by someone else too

  20. WOW~~ this is a super creative invention. Definitely need one of those as we always stucked in traffic jam for hours. I know this might sound something really "new" to Malaysian girls but I think it's really a good invention. So girls, don't be shy and start pee like a man~~ LOL!!

    1. I'm already having fun trying it out few times to pee like a man haha... definitely fun

  21. To me this is very interesting, sometimes perempuan juga memerlukannya..Jadi mungkin Malaysian girls akan suka produk macam ini like me..;)

    1. thanks for your feedback Izas, I also hope Malaysian girls would be open to accept products like this in our country that would help us :)

  22. I can pee like a man, like finally! Is great products for malaysian girls, we no need bear anymore! seriously wanted to try gogirl! :D

    1. Koey Leow, I hope one day you can try this and pee like a man!

  23. wow this is extremely good product to introduce to us as I can't bear any dirtiness toilet where you still had to use it

    1. I can't bear dirty toilets too >_< hope there is more products like this to help women out there combat ugly fugly dirty toilets

  24. I think all age group of malaysian girls would like to try this product we are more aware of personal hygine but our toilet in malaysia really dirty all the time. For mums they dun have to bring their kids together in a dirty toilet. I myself really needs this product as I have weak bladder

    1. You can try kegal exercise to strengthen your bladder Chiu Chin Chan. It helps! I've been doing this because my bladder is also weak :(

  25. I tried peeing standing up. I failed. I make a mess. Give me a GoGirls, I shall try again!

    1. lol I failed too... until GoGirl comes along haha

  26. Actually I saw this product for the past few years, kinda attractive as it is convenient and easy to use! Tried to search within Msia but didn't get it, guess is a nice product! So if Malaysian like me wondering already, why not other Malaysian wondering? As Malaysian got shy culture, with cut off it, im sure EVERYONE of us will like to use it!

    1. I checked GoGirl's website (USA) and the distributor for Malaysia is MyAvenue, the same sponsor here :) so glad to know at least there's a company selling this here.

  27. I read from the website that this product is also disposable, hence that ONE tissue? But it would be a waste to use it once and throw away! LOL! When I first heard of GoGirl (in your fb post :p) I was intrigued and went researched on its main web. Actually til now I don't really understand how to use it when you're outdoors. Do you need to put a plastic bag at the bottom to collect the urine? Or you just let it flow to the ground? Would the urine get sprayed to your legs? In the website it is stated that you can unzip your pants and use GoGirl without taking your trousers off. Hmm...Oh well, I would have to use it to find out! Teehee! As for whether Malaysian girls are open to using GoGirl, I think it would most suits those outdoorsy kinda girls and they would need it when there are no readily available toilets. But IMHO, I think most Malaysian girls would still need some time to get used to this concept as I wouldn't say it's a necessity tho :)

    1. Congratulations S May Lee :) You've just won yourself a Go Girl! Please e-mail me your name, contact, email & mailing address.

      P.S: Now you can experiment and try it for yourself if you can use GoGirl without taking off your pants!

  28. Dear Tammy,
    I think that the GoGirl is a great concept! Actually I have heard about this concept b4 about girls peeing by standing..I think it was through the newspapers, and at that time many people were against it about things like looking low on girls..something like that. Anyway, actually I was hoping if the concept could be real! It is really convenient and if possible, I would definitely get one! If you go to public toilets, you would find the "brownies" on the toilet bowls. Especially for me in my hometown, the toilet bowls are totally hopeless...the first impression I always get when looking at the toilet bowls would be "Disgusting!" So, I always have to do like a half squad to pee which is actually ridiculous..So, I would definitely use this as it is really really really convenient! Who knows when will you have those really emergency pee problems and the toilet is too nasty to pee in comfort?
    For answering your second question..I think Malaysians will be open enough to try it. Why? Coz for me, this thing is really personal. Actually when you use it, nobody will know about it, unless you really blog it out or Tweet it or even state it on ur Facebook status. And also if someone actually sees u washing it at the toilet sink. GoGirl is a really nice concept and for me as a Malaysian, I am one of them who would willingly and openly try it out! There's nothing to be ashamed about, we are who we are and it just proves us Girls to be brilliant enough to even think about GoGirl~ =P

    1. Congratulations Wei Ying :) You've just won yourself a Go Girl! Please e-mail me your name, contact, email & mailing address.

      P.S: Now it is REAL and you can tell me if you like it after receiving your own GoGirl to try!

  29. GoGirl is innovative enough!

    I strongly believe that Malaysians would be open to try it... after all, not trying it in the public ^_^

    1. thanks for your input :D I would like to see Malaysians become bolder!

  30. I had been waiting for someone to bring one of these in (for way too long now) - would be great for the portaloos at outdoor festivals, or (if desperate) stanky ass toilets in gas stations or if worse come to worst, along the side of the road O_o

    People would try it if not to have their butt cheeks touch toilet seats of questionable cleanliness and don't want to get bimples (butt pimples)...

    1. Congratulations Synical :) You've just won yourself a Go Girl! Please e-mail me your name, contact, email & mailing address.

      P.S: butt cheeks.. ahaha u're still very synical as always!

  31. It also helps to reduce urinary tract infection among ladies which is quite common now... resultant of holding the pee

  32. This is a creative way that solve the problem when we did not find a toilet especial during jungle trekking, beach and others. I think Malaysian will be open to try this as it is very convenience.

    1. thanks for your feedback J-Mei! Glad to hear you think it would be open to Malaysians to try.

  33. brilliant idea!! I would love to try out this product =D

  34. Just purchased mine. . Cant wait to receive it :)

  35. It's a great product especially for us Malaysian because, well, unless you are at some shopping mall, else, chances for you to find a decent toilet is almost negligible!

    1. glad you think it's a great product in Malaysia :) I find it fascinating haha

  36. As a lady in her 26th week of pregnancy, I think GoGirl is an absolutely brilliant idea. All my life I've been using the toilets that required you to squat down and it has been a struggle for me to get up every single time as the baby gets bigger and bigger. There's been a few times where I almost fell down just trying to stand up and sometimes I even have to yell at my husband to rescue me! I hate going to the toilet these days so I would end up holding my pee but it only lasted for awhile as my baby thinks my bladder is his punching bag. With GoGirl I would no longer have to dread going to the frequent toilet trips. Furthermore I believe it's way more hygienic as I've gotten awful urinary tract infections in the past for using public toilets. I believe it would sell like hot cakes in Malaysia, especially for pregnant ladies.

    1. Congratulations Arrie Ow :) You've just won yourself a Go Girl! Please e-mail me your name, contact, email & mailing address.

      P.S: I'm not sure if you can use GoGirl properly during pregnancy because your tummy would be blocking your view. It might take a few times to practice but... hey u can tell me when u try!

  37. Hi Tammy! Travelling up and down KL-JB frequently can be tiring, and it's even more sickening when you have to hold in your pee for 3-4 hours each journey! As a child, my brother would be able to just settle his "business" in a bottle in the car but we girls just can't do that! GoGirl is a GENIUS invention and has benefited countless girls everywhere. I strongly believe that women are capable of doing what a man does and this is the epitome of that belief! Malaysian girls are starting to open up and be more independent, so I don't see a reason why girls wouldn't want to try this in Malaysia :) Just look at the comments above mine and you can see the proof! XD

    1. Congratulations Caroline :) You've just won yourself a Go Girl! Please e-mail me your name, contact, email & mailing address.

      P.S: Let me know how GoGirl works for u when you're traveling up down JB - KL!

  38. Finally! A product that puts the freedom of peeing anywhere, firmly in one's hands (literally).

  39. The person who first came across my mind when I read this was my mum. For mid-age woman like her, who has five children,find it hard to control her pee and the frequency she goes to washroom is also more than we girls. I came to know this fact when whole family was out for a trip and she always ask to go to washroom. Then, I know from her that woman who has more children will have bigger v*****, which make them hard to hold their pees when reach certain age. I believe this GoGirl not only helps girls to pee in a hygiene way but also helps mid-age woman to pee whenever they want to pee.

    1. That's an interesting point to share with me. Thanks Chooi Ping! Do let your mom know that she can practice doing "kegal exercise" to straighten her muscles down there that will help her to control peeing.

  40. They selling this through

  41. I wanna feel how it's like to pee like a man!

  42. Wah. At first I couldnt believe what I'm reading but its like awesome! Especially if you're stuck at nowhere and had to pee! Gotta have it!!

    1. I didn't believe it also when they ask me to review this item LOL.. i was like huh? come again..

  43. it's a great invention! as we girls can finally pee standing up like a man LOL. plus it's convenient to use during traffic jam when the cars don't budge at all! i think for its novelty the girls might find it interesting and would like to try!

    1. hey how to pee in traffic jam.. hahahhaha...

  44. Replies
    1. ^_^ glad you find that interesting Seereena R

  45. Yes, I think Malaysian ladies will consider this as we hardly find a clean washroom in public area such as R&R Highway or even shopping complex, worst part as now all of us are suffering from water crisis. The restroom area are getting for bad to worst.

    1. i wish there is another invention or innovation to this GoGirl that allows it to be connected to a disposable plastic bag (not easily leak or bocor) so we can just pee into it and throw later.

  46. At first I though this is for high heels use but after I knew is for pee, I was totally shock!
    How can this creative and convenience stuff been invented? I think I will not use it at hutan because I still feel shy about it but I will use it in a toilet because Malaysia's public toilets are dirty enough to use especially those sitting style toilet bowl, I can pee inside this GoGirl urinal and pour it to toilet bowl and use the pipe to wash it and keep it in my bag and walk like a boss.

    It is more hygiene because your butt will not contact with the toilet bowl plate.

    1. LOL... I thought it look nice in my high hells.. HAHAHHAHA no lar

      I was trying to potray how women can also pee like a man, hence the most womanly product (heels) be shot with a GoGirl haha.

      P.S: Like the way you say walk like a boss

  47. In my opinion, the majority will find it difficult to cough out that amount of money for a "disposable/portable toilet". but hey, for rave goers like me, i'll def appreciate not sitting on the toilet bowl for once. and to h*ll with those who squats on the toilet bowl! sigh.

    1. Congratulations Grace Myu :) You've just won yourself a Go Girl! Please e-mail me your name, contact, email & mailing address.

      P.S: I'd like to hear what you think about it after u go raving!

  48. Thanks Izas for your feedback about GoGirl, I hope many Malaysians would be open to products like this. It can bring in a lot of other variety of products into Malaysia that would benefit women :)


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