The Butterfly Fundraiser Walk Story

the story of how the butterfly walk fundraiser came about
(this pic is drawn by msbulat)

The things I do for my community includes organizing impromptu events just because an idea fell from the great blue skies onto my head. Well okay that's not what happened but yeah this is how the Butterfly Fundraiser Walk came about. It was in a car ride with Illy who is already in the last trimester of her pregnancy, her romeo husband and her charming brother. We were just talking about how we can raise funds to build our community website. The website we have now is good but we are looking to make it awesome for our community, called The Butterfly Project. It is a community where female bloggers who share the same passion can come together and experience activities together.
We think the motto "one for all, all for one" is fantabulous. As bloggers, we know what's best for our friends and what makes them go "OMG". We believe in creating experiences, having something to talk about and surprising our community in every calendar. However being a community sets us apart from agencies who earn thousands from engaging and working with bloggers. We do the same but we rather call it experiences.

Let's go Forest Bathing!

Continuing the story in the car, it so happened we passed by TTDI Park and it hit us. Why don't we do a fundraising walk? It's the perfect place to encourage our community to take out their shoes for a walk. Beauty is not about make up or skincare, it's also about being healthy, being confident and staying active. A 30mins walk a day as a start is a beginning to a healthy lifestyle.

In Japan, Shinrin-yoku translated as "forest bathing" is the act of walking in nature to manage stress and relax.

Do this everyday for 30mins and your health will improve considerably. Lower blood cholesterol, improve your immune system, lower the rate of heart attack, increase your happy hormones (endorphins) and many more just google.

So yes why don't we start a Butterfly Walk fundraiser and only charge RM10?. In less than a week, Illy and I organized and plan for the walk to happen. She was on the go with DBKL to rent and get the license to use the area while I talk to brands for sponsorship. We found out that even if we pay for rent, it is still open to the public to use (urm?). We were advised to keep it simple by DBKL because anything bigger would require electricity deposit and consumption would be charged to us, Rela to come jaga, ambulance for standby, guards and so on. Zumba was out of the question from here on and we didn't have funds to do all that. What we wanted was to walk together as a community on Sunday morning.

We started with 1 sponsor Gong Cha who would be coming with the Gong Cha truck bringing their delightful blend of tea to quench the thirst of our walkers. We then think why not feed the walkers with say a breakfast bar? and that's how we got Yogood Glow Bars in with their deliciously yummy cereal bars made from multigrain cereal flakes, fruit pieces and yogurt coating. Each bar contains less than 100 calories and 1g of collagen, just perfect for us girls.

Soon after many more brands join in the support like TT Mask Malaysia who has been our community brand friend since the start. Her International Award Winning Halal Certified Facial Masks are loved by many and she continues to surprise and delight us all. Last month our community collaborated with Dove to promote the Dove's School of Skindulgence where the message that women can pamper themselves at home via the three pillars of skindulgence #stayactive #eatright #betterthanmilk. Just simple acts of exercising at home using the stairs, eating a bowl of yogurt with strawberries and bathing with Dove in the shower can be fulfilling without needing to spend too much.

A friend from WD Unique (Cancer Wellness Centre) caught on with our walk and asked if she could sponsor bandanas to shield our walkers from the sun. The bandanas are multifunctional seamless wear which can be use not just as a bandana but as a wristband, headband, scarf, mask, or even as a hairband. WD Unique sells Post Mastectomy Wear & Chemotherapy Accessories. At WD Unique , their trained mastectomy fitters will help you to get the prefect fit with your breast forms, prostheses, bras, swim forms, lingerie & swimsuits.

The best gift was from Posh! Nail Spa who said they didn't mind to throw in complimentary treatments in each goodie bag to support us. Posh! Nail Spa is just 5 mins drive away from the TTDI Park and they have 2 outlets, the other in SS2. Each person would be receiving an indulgent express worth RM45 (choice of pedicure or manicure). The next nature walk you take you can show off your pretty nails from them.

Just right before I send the Butterfly Walk poster to my printer a brand called Human Nature pops us a message. They love what we're doing and would like to sponsor vials of their new overnight elixir, made with 9 essential botanical oils. 77% of women experience radiant, luminous skin after just one use. It's 100% natural of course and designed for use before bed on the face and neck. I thought this would be a lovely addition to our goodie pack.

We kept the last brand, Kiehl's for an exciting activity. A lucky draw in the form of a "golden ticket". In each goodie bag, there will be a sample pack and out of 200 goodie bags, there will only be one golden ticket where the lucky walker can come to our pop up car booth to collect their prize. Try before you buy says Kiehl's who believes in providing their patrons uniquely efficacious skin and hair products through the most attentive, personalized service.

Our fundraising walk is a simple walk, there is not balloons or fireworks. It is held in a public park called TTDI Park. We paid for license and rental of the place but it's still open to the public (at least DBKL won't come kick our arses when they see us there having big "rally" group).  Register here

There is an option to register for your guests & make payment together. This walk is open to all who wants to donate rm10 to our community and receive a goodie bag. Children walk for free but will not get goodie bag.

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  1. (T_T) i really wish i could come (T_T)

    1. aww.. no worries Mieza, just bad timing :(

  2. awesome!! fun walk and enjoy the nature

    1. I didn't even know there's a thing call forest bathing until I google it out today. The Japanese calls it Shinrin-yoku. How cool.

  3. Male is not allow? How about my driver (bf )who drive me here. Heheehe

    1. male is allowed :) it's for anyone

    2. yeah then i registered for him also! later i bank in t o you Tammy^^

    3. yes pls do bring him ^_^ he might not appreciate face mask, pedicure/manicure treatment or that human nature elixir vial.. but I bet you would hehe

  4. Thank you for this awesome activity ^_^
    I join marathon/ walkathon occasionally; so this Butterfly Walk really excites me :D :D :D
    Hope one day I can be part of a marathon/ walkathon organizer crew too, so that I know what happens behind all the running/walking events, hehe ^_^
    Anyway, well done!! Can't wait :)

    1. Ours is more of a forest bathing as I found out today. In Japan they call it Shinrin-yoku, to destress and relax walking in nature.

      Oh man.. u can ask Ayna/ Illy / Caroline / Nala how working behind the scene is like. I am so glad I have them helping me out as volunteers. We became close friends because of this <3

    2. Yup, I know....that's why I'm bringing my parents ^_^ Forest bathing for 30minutes everyday is very good for health; too bad I live far from any park =_=

      Hehe, good for all of's always working and spending a lot time together that enforce the's priceless ;-)

    3. Cp Moon: after I have my knee injury... I become more aware that exercise even the bare minimum is important :( like me.. so old already and don't exercise as much as when I was younger. Knee tak boleh pakai bila dancing... >_< n have to go emergency ward in hospital.

      camaraderie <-- new word that I learn today !!!!

  5. saying it once seems not enough. wish i can join and just ditch everything.even my bro said he wanna join, before another plan came up. anyway congrats for making it this far in such a short period of time. amazing!

    1. thanks Anis, it's alright. It's the wonderful support and wishes from butterflies like yourself that makes me happy. I'm very proud of Illy & myself, we manage to organize this within a week!

  6. Replies
    1. aww but don't so excited coz it's no big organization walkathon with rela troops, ambulance, banners..etc T_T

  7. T^T So touching. Thank you so much to the Butterfly team for always giving us, the bloggers with the best blogging experience.

    1. T^T I'm also touched u understand what we're doing.. sob sob sob..........

  8. Replies
    1. woohooo!!!!!!!!!!!! forest bathing :D together!

  9. Really wish that I can join but have fun girls!!

    1. awww.... maybe our laser tag party you can join! ^_^ we're running that project now for May

  10. i joined!!! very excited about it! thanks tammy for giving us such amazing experiences =) (^_^)

    1. I hope to bring more amazing experience for bloggers!!! gambate to us all! thank you for joining :) is your registration confirmed?

  11. i managed to join!! just registered oh yeah :) Thank you for another amazing butterfly experience Tammy!

    1. I'm so glad you made to the 200 spot!!! we receive over 200 registrations and had to refund :((

  12. Can't wait to receive my birthday present from all these brand! hehehee :)

    1. AHHAHAH i like your positive attitude Innanie!

  13. I have registered & paid, hope can make it coz I am stay at Klang but not familiar the area...
    anyone from klang can help me?? wonder I will get lost !
    By the way, me also got2 rush back Setia Alam for my daughter's activity !!

    1. Hi Lee Anne,

      Thank you for supporting our walk! Swee San if u can locate her on facebook is coming from Klang. Just head towards 1Utama from there if you can gps to TTDI Park you'll be alright. Do be on the look out for the map at Butterfly Project's FB page!

  14. Thank you to you n team and also the sponsors for such generous goodie bag! :-)


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