Do Not Buy Canon 70D Malaysia

Canon 70D Error 80

After a year of owning the Canon 70D which is the most expensive camera that I've ever bought and to which I have taken good care of it as oppose to my Canon 550D, I'm shocked to see it suddenly passed out one day with the error 80 alert. Now I've been a Canon camera customer for so long, I trust their products and I've only bought Canon cameras so far. My 550D which was with me through thick and thin is now 5 years old and has never failed me before.

It was a shock that my Canon 70D retail over RM4K in the market, hardly use suddenly powers out with the error 80. After a day or two, it would be okay back again but when you need the camera for an all important travel gig, it suddenly passes out again with the error. Not acceptable.

I went googling for answers and came about European and Brazil Canon 70D users who were not happy at all with this error. They even made a petition online to voice out this was a factory fault concerning the video usage linked to motherboard fault that would happen. Here's what they say below from an online petition which I also signed but unfortunately, I'm from Malaysia and consumer rights here is almost zero.

Online Petition On Canon 70D Error 80
Canon should issue a statement, recognizing that there is an error in the design of the 70D, which produces that with the use (apparently when the temperature of the camera increases), error 80 appears on the Canon EOS 70D and die.

There are thousands of affected users, who have their camera broken, by a bad Canon design.
In Canon Brazil have recognized that it is a factory failure and are arranging cameras free of charge to those who have said mistake, and returning the money to the people who have paid the repair (400 €).
For now the support of Canon says that are isolated cases (lie, are hundreds/thousands of models that have been affected by this error).
I have talked to several repair services, and comment that when they repair the camera they put a motherboard "upgraded", so it is evident that the old plates had some problem.
We want Canon Europe to study the issue, and offer us a solution, just like in brazil they have offered. There is a low-end camera (Ni cockroach) for it to spoil the year, 2 years, 20,000 shots, with a good use. This is clearly a factory failure.

Groups to talk about problem:

P.S: I really hate dealing with all these issues... but I can't help sharing. I have to use my precious leave to take my camera to Canon Malaysia to check/fix the error 80. I message Canon Malaysia FB about this issue and even tell them to recall the 70Ds. I think it would fall on deaf ears anyway. I'm thinking to buy the Sony RX100 iv compact camera now as reviews says it's the best travel camera.

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