Essential Oils: Quick Pick Me Ups

essential oils to help de-stress

Whenever you are at the bathroom basin, even if it's just to brush your teeth - take the chance to de-stress. It's a quick way to enhance your health and wellness, recharge yourself and spice up your life with essential oils. So this is what you can do, plug in, run hot water until your basin half full and add three to four drops of your favorite essential oil. Put a towel over your head and bend over the basin. Keep your head approximately eight inches from the surface, close your eyes and breath in deeply and out.

Here's some tips on which essential oil you can use to relieve some symptoms:
  • mental fatigue
    basil, mandarin and lavender
  • worry
    bergamot, lavender and geranium
  • anxiety and depression
    clary sage, orange and bergamot
  • head cold
    lemon, tea tree and eucalyptus
  • sinus congestion
    peppermint and eucalyptus

This quick pick me up is also great for your skin. The warm water gently steams your skin, cleanses and releases toxins and encourages a glowing complexion. Try it :)


  1. Wow. nice. I like essential oil!
    REcently I found that in Parkson there is a brand from London that sell essential oils!
    Culpeper The Herbalist!


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