Superstars of Magic 2: A Magical Experience in Genting Highlands

weekends in Genting Highlands

Over the weekend, I had a chance to experience a magical evening in Genting Highlands. Proud to be one of the spectators of the short "limited edition" season of Superstars of Magic 2 (yes it's the second installment featuring 8 specially handpicked magicians by David Lai, director and producer of the show). The not to be missed show is only here for 3 weeks, you have until 9th September to catch it. The shows is almost booked out everyday until they need to add extra showtime to cater to the demand.

1st August - 9th September, 2012

Genting International Magic Festival 2012

welcome to the land of Oz!
(well Genting International Showroom)

step right in ladies and gentleman!

If you're thinking of having a break in Genting Highlands, do not miss this out. Your stay will not be complete without watching Superstars of Magic 2. Let me tell you why in 8 reasons:

hilarious dude! he makes me laugh

love this funny guy Chipper!

1. Chipper Lowell - Stage Comedy Magician of the Year
Jack of all trades, he opens and close the show with his funny antics. Kinda like the MC of the event, he's so dam funny I can't stop laughing. He tickles the audience's funny bone with a variety of magic couple with stand up comedy.

veterans that you'll love!

2. Charlie Frye and Company - World's Best Variety Act
One of the best in the business, the silent Charlie moves like Charlie Chaplin but looks like Dick Van Dyke. He juggles and juggles while his wife Sherry pays no attention to help (busy filling her nails). You can't help but support Charlie!


3. Nestor Hato - France's Card Manipulation Champion
If you watch Speed, then this is speed with cards minus the police chasing. He's popular with his card manipulation act that's high speed, high energy performance - one of the most awarded act.

tv reporter got pick pocketed!

4. Christian Lindemann - Europe's Best Pick Pocket
Hold on to your pockets! Christian Lindermann is the Artist of the Year/Europe Award (best variety act) and is a pickpocket artist in the famed Cirque de Soleil in Germany. He combine funny humour with pick pocketing and engages the crowd in a fun time! 

 the most suspense act of all *heart thumping*

5. Dean Gunnarson - World's Greatest Escape Artiste
This guy will make you count the seconds while holding your breath! The most suspense act in this show, Dean Gunnarson is the only escape artist in history to be presented with "The Houdini Award" and acknowledged as the "World's Greatest Escape Artist" in Japan (tv). You'll be lucky to be selected to stand beside him, making sure the locks and chains are "the real thing"!

(3rd from Left) Dato Anthony Yeo – Senior Vice President of Public Relations & Communications, Genting Malaysia Berhad presented a souvenir to (2nd from left) HE Mr. Ong Keng Yong, Singapore High Commissioner, accompanied by (1st from Left) David Lai, director of “Superstars of Magic 2”and (1st & 2nd from Right) Asia’s Premier Illusionists JC Sum and ‘Magic Babe’ Ning.

6. JC Sum and "Magic Babe Ning" - The Grand Illusionist 
The best illusionist in Asia, JC makes my jaw drop when he did an act out of nowhere while Magic Babe Ning is... freaking hot on stage. Also shocking me when she appeared out of nowhere in one act!

seen in on videos/tv? it's better live!

7. Sos and Victoria Petrosyan - World Best Quick Change Act
You have seen the quick act change on tv lots of time right? nothing beats watching it live as I stare tentatively at how Victoria changes her clothes (I lost count how many) in a matter of few minutes. It was spectacular! I love the last act... was magical. My favorite pair in this show!

Sos Junior in Moscow

8. Sos Petrosyan Junior and Tigran Petrosyan - World's Youngest Manipulation Artistes 
Sound familiar? Yes! we have a happy family here! They're the sons of the most famous Quick Change artist in the world! Before the boys were old enough to speak or walk their father taught them pantomime, dance, juggling and magic. I'll leave you to guess which brothers gave an act of sweet angelic movements while the other is hot sexy red opposite.

Don't miss out the Superstars of Magic 2, your kids will love you for it! (as I see from the kids in the show, was mesmerized by the magicians and laughing away). They're only here until the 9th September and tickets are limited so book early! If you're a GWC member, you get discount for the tickets =) 


  1. wow! looks interesting! thanks for sharing! :)

  2. I've watched the show too and it was absolutely awesome!

    1. I miss them now!!! they just left Genting yesterday...

  3. Awesome magic show :D I especially love Sos and Victoria Petrosyan - World Best Quick Change Act,it's awesome :P


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