BYTara Fastrim & Nightrim (Slimming / Weight Maintenance)

How To Maintain Your Weight?

After losing 20kg last year, the one question my readers and friends asked me is how do I maintained my weight after?. We all know losing weight is easy, it's maintaining it that's freaking hard. Well the lazy girl's guide to maintaining your weight or keeping the pounds off when you have money and don't want to excise or keep fit (which is still the best way mind you) is to go buy yourself the next miracle weight loss / maintenance oral consumption. Yes yes call me guilty, I'm just being honest here.

While I have tried many slimming or weight loss products in the market (as well as services), I have developed some phobia to some yucky tasting ones which apparently works but I just can't stomach the taste. Here's my top concerns when I use these products:
  • yucky taste
  • bad cramps
  • headaches
  • doesn't work, just makes u go toilet a lot
Yucky taste tops it all because if you can't *cringe* take the taste, how can you follow through the program. I remember this one product that's famous in Singapore, it was fairly expensive for a 1/2 monthly program. Costs RM250 for a box but works wonders for beginners. A friend (which I won't disclose her identity) let's call her Miss N managed to lose her weight and found an awesome boyfriend. However it was expensive to keep consuming this for 1/2 month. I however didn't make it through because the drink tasted like slimy sewerage ooze (almost puke).

I was just sharing to her the other day that I started consuming something similar but not as yucky. Recommended by a reader Charlie Siaw (got her permission to quote her name here haha) who followed my dramatic weight loss story. While I have lost 20kg last year, it was fairly difficult to stayed below 70kg after my HCG program. A challenge I would say as I am living alone and unable to exercise due to my still healing knee. I just hate to mention my knee because it sounds like I'm a granny already with weak knees but I had to stress that I am not able to jump, run, walk fast or hop due to my knee so exercise or keeping fit is out of the question. Staying alone, it means I eat for only one so I don't cook anymore (lazy).

Anyway yes, I have been yoyo-ing between 65kg - 70kg for the past 3 months. However I lost 2kg in December because I started consuming a slimming product (drink) in a bid to maintain my weight. It's called BYTara Fastrim and Nightrim. There's no colorings, preservatives, no chemical additives, no flavoring, no sugar added.  Each box comes with 15 sachets weighting a total of 225gm (15gm each sachet) for 1/2 month program. Don't worry about it being a banned or illegal product because it's approved by Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, GMP, HACCP & ISO 22000 Certified, Halal and 100% Natural

jeng jeng introducing what I'm drinking now

15 sachets in a box RM178 (1/2 month program)

how it works - sounds like a miracle worker

Just a bit intro on these products, the ingredients come from Japan and it's not only for slimming but it contains fish collagen as well to firm and improve your skin texture after slimming. This means you're staying young while losing weight lol so I guess that's one of the reasons why I am looking more like a college student these days.

BYTara Fastrim Benefits:
  1. No Side Effect 
  2. No Synthetic Chemical 
  3. 100% Natural 
  4. Expels Wastes, Water Retention 
  5. Detoxify, Lose Weight and Trim your body shape 
  6. Restore Skin Cell Elasticity, Improve Skin Fairness 
  7. Reduce Pigmentation and Wrinkle 
Recommended Consumption:
For weight loss: Consume daily in the morning.
For maintain weight: Consume 3 days a week in the morning.

Not be taken during menstruation or pregnancy. For best result, drink at least 2500ml of water a day.

Direction Of Use:
Mix 1 sachet Fastrim into 150ml of lukewarm water, stir and consume immediately with empty stomach.


My comments on Fastrim by Tara (Cocoa Flavour):

Fastrim RM187: slimming with fish collagen (block, burn, lose)

There's a day and night because it works differently. I particularly love the Fastrim by Tara (day) because it's in Cocoa Flavour which tasted like diluted milo. I take this every morning when I wake up by mixing 1 sachet with a glass of lukewarm water (shake and drink straight). There's residues left behind after I finish a drink of what seems to be oats and cereals. It's not yucky and it keeps me away from eating nasi lemak for breakfast (seriously!). I find that this day drinks helps to control my appetite throughout the day and just by consuming it for breakfast, it's sufficient. The calorie count for one drink is 369 calories. Nasi lemak is over 600 calories.
Ingredients: Soya powder, Isolated soy protein, Oat flour, Cereal powder, Cocoa powder, Dextrose, African wild mango, Garcinia Cambogia, Guarana, Hoodia Gordonia, White kidney bean, Fish Collagen, Fructose. 
How the ingredients help?
African Wild Mango - burn fats & suppress appetite
White Kidney Bean - starch blocker & stabilized blood sugar
Hoodia Gordonia - suppress appetite, reduce gastric acid
Garcinia Cambogia - suppress appetite, burn sugar into energy, reduce hunger
Guarana Extract - boost metabolism, energy booster, improve mood and alertness
Fish Collagen - anti-ageing ingredient (maintain youthfulness)

My comments on Nightrim by Tara (Mango Flavour):

Nightrim RM118: slimming & detox (improve digestive & bowel system)

Now this is quite similar to Spirulina drink. It's only to be consumed at night, immediately after a meal (no food is allowed after consuming this). Works the same way as the Fastrim, one sachet with a glass of lukewarm water, shake or stir well. It's green in color, tastes sweet and pungent (sweet Mango Spirulina), texture wise it's not thick or slimy, easy to drink. Made with 100% fruit and vegetable formula this drink helps you if you have constipation problems by improving your digestive system and bowel movements. I been going toilet every morning (tmi). BYTara says indigestion and constipation will clear up and those with bad breath and body odor will begin to see a change after a week.
Ingredients: Psyllium Husk, Mango Powder, Dextrose, L-carnitine, Garcinia Cambogia, L-arginine, Citric Aid, Fructose, Maltodextrin. 
How the ingredients help?
Psyllium Husk - fiber to treat constipation & clean colon
L-carnitine - fat burning
Garcinia Cambogia - suppress appetite, burn sugar into energy, reduce hunger
L-arginine - improve wound healing & blood flow

where to buy? Beautyland e@curve
Lot 1-45 to 1-47 (first floor)

Apparently one can lose 10kg in two months of consuming Fastrim (4 boxes X RM178). When my reader introduced this to me, I only took a box of Fastrim and Nightrim (1/2 month program) with no results. According to BYTara website, Fastrim helps burns off excess body fat and increases one's metabolism rate. It also functions as a detox while the fish collagen helps in anti-ageing. Results can be seen from 2 - 3 weeks, whereby one can lose 2kg in 2 weeks.

So I continued on with a second box and saw results. I started losing water retention and tummy bloat, slowly my weight stabilised between 65kg - 67kg. Though my friend Miss N asked if it caused stomach cramps? I must say when I started this, there were stomaches in the morning but it wasn't that bad as compared to frigging holding your stomach rolling on the bed cramp (happened to me before when I drink slimming tea). It's January and I'm continuing my 3rd box now.

It might be slower than HCG but it's okay since I'm using this to maintain my weight *gambate Tammy!*. Where To Buy? Beautyland e@curve where I got mine and I think you can shop from their website Did I miss any info here? leave me a comment to ask questions and I'll try my best to share my experience. Thanks to my reader Charlie for recommending this to me!!! *hugs*.

P.S: Now they have promo on website buy 3 free 1 for Fastrim / Nightrim!!!

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  1. Oh wow... amazing product to try.... I am badly in need of some slimming....huhuhu

    1. you should try this! it's working for me :D

  2. Wahh, well maintained leh dear! #myinspiration Remember to do exercise also to firm up your body! Let's leng leng before CNY :D

    1. yes let's gambate together before CNY!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't exercise due to my knee injury :(( I do some physio atm got...

  3. So how is it after 3rd box, what's the total weight loss?

  4. Hi Tammy, if:
    Recommended Consumption:
    For weight loss: Consume daily in the morning.

    Does that mean I only have to get the morning box?

  5. I thought you have posted this piece before? Exactly same topic and content.. why the repeat?

  6. Wow, what an educational and important post! The list of veggies is very helpful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and thank you for the recipe too!


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