How To Lose A Guy In 5 Ways

my version on How To Lose A Guy

If you ever felt like you need to scare off guys if things are getting serious or you feel he's not the one, use these techniques. They'll definitely be running away thinking they're better off without you. This works like a charm as I have learnt from the professional love gurus out there. Here's my version on How To Lose A Guy in 5 ways.

1. Tell them you love them
Yeap you heard it, guys freak out during the early phase of dating to know you "love" them. Just say those magic words and you'll see him "avoiding" you. Well this applies to majority of guys out there, unless you'll unlucky enough to have this man confessing he loves you back (like hell, how old is this kid to think love is like a fairy tale). Run for your life instead.

2. Start controlling him
The last thing a guy wants is have his "freedom" taken away from him. Ask him to report his whereabouts, call him and check on him at hours he's hanging out or "free" to see what he's doing, who's he hanging out. Throw in some pushy pushy words like I want you to see me now. Any full blooded dude will feel he's going to be chain up forever.

3. Intrude their privacy stalker behavior #1
Start asking for their e-mail / facebook / etc password. You know... since couples shares everything? The guy will totally get uncomfortable and think you're a stalker.

4. Show up at their doorsteps stalker behavior #2
Contrary to belief, when men do crazy stuffs like this it's called romantic but when women do crazy stuffs like this, it's call stalker / desperate / crazy / clingy / [insert worst possible criminal behavior here]. They will start thinking you're into them too much that they want you to stay away.

5. Cling to them stalker behavior #3
Yes text them everyday, every hour, every minute. Hundreds of texts, throw in e-mails, missed calls and facebook or social channel messages. He'll freak out that you're so clingy, he would want some room to breath.

P.S: If I may add, to speed up point 1, you can even say when will he marry you? (guarantee heart attack).

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  1. 5 ways to know if he is really here to stay. Relationship is a two way street. Takes 2 person to decide on sharing the same path. It is never complicated when 2 person decide to really work on being on that mutual path.

  2. Love this post!! Yup, man get really scared if we get a little bit stalker to them .

    1. haha they're so full of themselves. When they do it to us, it's call "chasing". When we do it, it's call "crashing"

  3. hahahahahaha..xD
    wait, for point 1, I have to comment.. xD I hv no intention to leave the guy. We say lots of 'I love you's (yes, immature and I always ask him to meet my he said okay but never came anyway (upon consulting a friend, she said I was being too was only 2 months! haha). As of now, the relationship is NA-DA! so your tip is proven to work. Try it girls if you want to lose a dude or avoid it if you don't. But just know that it is completely relevant for you to drop the marriage hint if you're serious and you suspect he is only wasting your time.

    1. 2 months woah.... but then again you'll know a guy's true colours when u test these 5 tips out.. especially on the meet my parents / marry / i love u / i wan to have your babies HAHAHAHAHA.

      And yes, I think laying the cards down is good so they don't waste our bloody time.

      As of now, I'm not looking for a husband so.. but definitely will scare them away saying that to see their reactions.

  4. OMG I just saw this entry! Remembered our late night conversations in Cebu. Lol. And yes, all 5 points are pretty accurate, la! :))

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