Winter is Coming...

inspiration board wall for my next wanderlust adventure

Recently inspired by the fall/winter fashion from Japanese magazine, I decided to tape pages from Jasmine magazine on my wall. It's just one of those visuals that inspires me in life. Someday I would like to own all these jackets, cardigans, sweaters in my wardrobe. I love styles that's demure, simple and comfortable. Also I'm saving up to travel to Japan or Europe this year, Japan on top of the list. Europe, I always wonder how it would be like. I know friends says it's depressive but that happens to be my middle name. My relatives Mandy Bond is there (dad's side) and my cousin Danny who became a daddy already. Curious, I should give it a go and explore the world for a change. Somewhere further than Asia perhaps as the only places I've ever been to is Thailand, Indonesia (Bali), Singapore and Australia. Somewhere cold, because I love the chilly air blowing in my face.

winter in Englad (source)

winter in Tokyo (source)

of bitter sweet symphonies and vanilla ice-cream

getting inspiration for my next wanderlust

Researching what to wear when I go, I've stuck pictures of clothing I would wear and the different poses with it on my bedroom wall. I spent a day admiring my wall, thinking and dreaming of my adventure travelling by myself in a foreign country. I had on a watch, which reminds me that my time on earth is short and that I should enjoy what little time I have before it's too late. 

a special watch to mark a special day

xxx wanderlust time xxx

This classic watch would make the perfect pairing for my fall/winter clothing. It's a Alain Delon limited edition watch designed with sapphire crystals (front & back) comes with a leather strap with purple stitching. Specially crafted for AD Time's 25 years of success in the retail and fashion industry, only 999 made in the world and mine is no. 909.

congratulations AD Time for celebration 25 years of success

I had the honour to receive one and to attend their extravagant gala dinner at Shangri-La Hotel Kuala Lumpur as the founder of The Butterfly Project, the beauty & lifestyle bloggers community in Malaysia. I invited along 4 of my beautiful butterflies to grace the red carpet with me. The night was filled with lights, magic and beautiful people from all around Asia. Clients, lifelong partners, celebrities and VIPS were given the ultimate treatment and appreciation awards for supporting AD Time throughout the years. Lucky draws gave me the chills as prizes totalling up to RM150,000 were thrown given away from cash prizes to luxury brand products, shopping vouchers and even electronic devices like iPad, iPhone 6 and cameras.

xxx wanderlust time xxx


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