Machines Clearance 1Utama (Bargain Corner)

today's machine haul

Alright to all you apple fan boys and girls, Machines is having a clearance at the Bargain Corner, 1Utama (Rainforest Ground Flr). Today's the first day and you can get casings for your apple products from RM10 onwards. Just to name a few things I spotted, iPhone crystal screen protector RM5, RM10 for 3 iPhone casings, RM20 leather sleeves for Macbook Pro 15", RM20 for Macbook Air 11" and the display apple products will be on sale this Friday. Basically you can find casings at an average of RM10 for iPhone 4 - 5s. Casings for iPhone 6 is limited, same goes to iPad 2 to new iPad, iPad Air, iPad mini. Powerbanks (below 10K mAh) are priced from RM20 onwards.

new toys for my babies
Machine Clearance, Bargain Corner 1Utama (Rainforest)

My retail theapy today? RM80 for 4 items - Genuine Leather Macbook Sleeve 15" RM20, iPhone 5s casing in champagne gold (that mimics the phone design itself) RM10,  iPad 2 transparent plastic casing at RM20 and lastly a cute Tulip powerbank that I have been looking for at RM30 for 3,000 mAh (very low but meh it's super cute). The clearance starts today until end of this month. I'm super happy with my find :)

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  1. You're such a real apple fan Tammy..haha ^_^
    All things sold in an affordable price too..that's a nice thing!


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