Say Hello To The Smile Makers

the women's guide to smiling (adult version)

Today I'm about to embark on something more... educational. You probably already know about the birds and the bees from your parents television such as Sex & The City (SATC), if not your friends, school's sex education or another source of information (google). I'm going to warn you first, if you're not over 18 years old please ALT+F4 (shutdown) now. Why? because today I'm going to talk about smiling. No, not the normal smiling but the adult kind after some sexy time alone / not alone.

Samantha meets Wanda
(there are episodes dedicated to "gadgets")

I'm a big fan of SATC so Samantha has been a great source of girly intel. If you follow the show, you'd know she believes in staying young by having lots of sexy time. Is this the anti-aging secret to staying youthful? No, no the act of it but the outcome of the act. Samantha gets a lot of big Os (Orgasm).

so do you know which can make you smile (happy)?
all of them, but one gives you the big O without a man

They're good for your health because studies show that orgasm releases the feel good hormones - oxytocin and endorphins to destress, reduce pain, and make you happy (smile). Why in the olden times, doctor's treated hysteria by massaging your lady parts in what's called "medical massage". Vibrators came about in the late 1800s for the same purpose (I read it from Oprah).

Like Samantha, she's not ashamed of sharing what works and what doesn't in the bedroom scene. I'm no Samantha but I have been adventurous in trying and testing anything that would be useful as a female humanoid. In Asia, subjects like these are taboo since it's embarrassing (social stigma) and also not encouraged in some religions. So let me be the Samantha for a while here and tell you all about the latest products from The Smile Makers, a Singaporean company who's sole mission is to empower women, one orgasm at a time.

Their current products are the infamous vibrators designed shy free with curious names such as the fireman, the Frenchman, the millionaire, and the tennis coach. I laughed hard when I first read about them. I laughed even harder when I saw the shape of the vibrators! Take a look below to see what I mean.
which one made you smile? (don't lie to me)

I was surprised that Watsons Malaysia selling these!. It's unusual to see sex toys being sold here but Smile Makers managed to get onto the shelves. I guess it must be because they're not marketed as sex toys but as a consumer electronic brand. The difference between them and the ones you get off "Petaling Street" or some dodgy place or from calling the hotline from posters stuck to street lamps are that they're safe. Check their site and you'll see they keep their products in high standards - safety and quality wise. 

The Smile Makers are waterproof, made with body-safe silicone (approved by FDA). They don't contain phthalates.
Our products are also independently tested and certified in accordance with regional regulations. For example, for sales in the European Union our products have been independently tested and certified with the CE mark in accordance with European Directives EMC directive (2004/108/EC). Smile Makers also adhere to the European Union’s directive on Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS).
meet the Smile Maker lubricants made for women

packaging in pretty pastels with minimalist concept

And that's not all. After these "funny looking" vibrators, they just released a new line of lubricants, obviously to be paired with the Smile Makers! Ingenious isn't it? The lubricants are safe for our bodies, it's paraben-free and fragrance-free. The lubricants are made of 5 ingredients:

A thickener that alters the viscosity in the product. pharma-grade (US), no allergens.

Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate
An anti-stinging, anti-inflammatory natural plant extract used to counter irritation caused by mechanical friction during sexual activity. It is used by some luxury Japanese skincare and French skin care brands.

Sodium Benzoate
A salt used as a natural preservative to prevent microbial growth, instead of using parabens as many other lubricant brands, as parabens are deemed bu the US FDA as potentially dangerous (carcinogenic).

Refined Glycerine
A water-soluble synthetic used to make the lubricant slippery. It is used in skin care products to retain moisture on the skin.

Methyl Propanediol
A water solubilizer added to give velvety- silky feel during and after use. It is a brand new product on the market, that we have chosen because it is the highest grade available and it provides benefits of silicone (increased slipperiness) without using silicone (silicone lubricants not compatible with sex toys. This makes our lubricants far more slippery and silky than other water-based lubricants

They are certified CE Mark 2A, which means that the formulation, manufacturing processes and claims have been reviewed by an independent EU body.

three different variants to suit your needs (and wants hehe)

My first impressions were that they were surprisingly light, felt natural just like watery skincare. I even tried it on my hand and legs, and wouldn't mind using this as a moisturiser because I love water base products on the body! They glide onto the skin so well, making my skin soft and comfortable. There's no fragrance to it which is great, and it's gentle to the skin thanks to natural plant extracts. This means sensitive skin is okay to use! but all three are different so here's the summary of each one:

The Generous Gel 

Rich and luxuriously textured, this ultra-sensorial lubricant provides the right amount of cushioning. A rich lubricating gel to alleviate any discomfort for sexual intercourse. Its richer texture makes it the perfect internal-use lubricant for women with strong lubrification needs (vaginal dryness for example).

The Little Light Liquid 
As light as a feather, this lubricant is formulated for a natural sensation. A lubricant with a light texture for a natural feel. For women with a light need of extra lubrification.

The Stay Silky Serum
Silky and soft, this lubricant instantly soothes the skin for a smoother, velvety feel. 
A balanced lubricant, extremely soft and perfect for any situation. This lubricant is a perfect fit for women with a moderate need for lubrification.

you can use it with your vibrator if you want to
(I have the hot fireman Smile Maker!)

here's the texture comparison between the 3

The Smile Makers are priced at RM129.95 while the lubricants are priced at RM59.95. They're available at Watson Malaysia outlets but if you're shy or have no time, you can get them from the online site here. The packaging is reasonably shy-free (looks like a toy) and no one would know you're buying something naughty. For instance, the vibrator actually features cartoon versions of the names e.g the fireman is a cartoon fireman with fireman's hat on (the design is inspired by the fireman's hat!).

The lubricants are packaged in frosted cool faint pastel colours, with feminine designs on it. Compared to brand D's lubricants which from one look everyone knows what you're buying. The words behind "Beauty Starts With A Smile" just have you imagining this was made for a woman by a woman.

would you buy one for your girl friends?
(wedding gift?)

Overall, lubricants make things easy down below during me time/sexy time. Those experiencing dry spells would know this comes in pretty handy! I know menopausal ladies who would use lubricants to keep their V garden watered well (really!). You don't want to know how a dry V feels like. Your skin gets patchy, flaky and itchy. How do I know all these? Well easy... I'm a woman.

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