Expectations VS Reality : Online Shopping

expectations vs reality Lazada version

Last month I shared this on my Facebook because it was just too hilarious not to share. You see, I purchased 6 feet inflatable palm tree for a party from Lazada Malaysia thinking it would wow my guests. The price was affordable, it was RM80, about RM40 cheaper than Spotlight Malaysia RM120. It would take weeks to arrive, so I waited eagerly for my palm tree to come.

Then when it did, it was in a tiny flat parcel and I was stunned. I opened the parcel to discover flat pieces of material. Did I just buy a 6-inch palm tree instead of 6-feet? You know like how people always mistakenly buy miniature things for a fraction of a price without really reading into the finer details of the deal.

My staffs blew it up and we laughed - HARD. Instead of the 6-feet palm tree, what I got was a reindeer hat. This is a huge difference and clearly a big joke. While I was very angry and frustrated over my purchase and having to wait weeks for it, I couldn't stop laughing at how silly shopping on Lazada can be.

Thank god it wasn't a sex toy. Imagine what people would think I buy?

have you got a story to share?

I complained to Lazada's customer service and they gave the generic standard apology and whole nine yards of copy paste. This isn't my fault, to begin with, and I wasn't allowed a refund until I returned the goods. Seriously? So if I don't return it, could I report to the consumer ministry that I've been scammed by this website and they won't return my money? Technically, this is a scam. I can start selling diamond rings but deliver a burger instead.

So I had to fill up a form, print it out and spend time and money to travel to the nearest Lazada approved "returned" station to drop the parcel back to them before my refund could be processed. I just wish I was compensated for this? The reason I shopped online = convenience, but I guess these are the cons of shopping online.

You'll never know what may come.


  1. Hahahha this situation is so funny 😂😂😂 but at least Bo looks good in the hat 😂😂😂😂

  2. Hahahahha...sometimes shoping on9 can give a headache...


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