Free Perfumes & Great Deals At Metrojaya Hollywood Sales!

gosh totally didn't see this in my email until now!
(click for larger view)

It was Day 13th yesterday and if you're first 10 at KLCC Isetan or Metrojaya you can get a free Davidoff Adventure perfume 50ml FREE! yes totally FREE! but beware, though it seems tempting I have heard nightmare and fighting stories involving customers who went to redeem their free perfume. In Asian countries, I think its a good gimmick but understanding the nature of the people here, good turns bad. Who saw the fights? please share the stories here! I didn't go but I would like to hear more! Check out the other dates for special deals for Lavin (tried this yesterday, smells lovely!), Prada, Issey Miyake, etc! 


  1. Any idea if we wanna be the first 10 shoppers to get the free perfume , where should we redeeem it at ? and any purchase required ah ?

  2. no idea where to redeem, i am guessing at the counter of the brand and no purchase required. Totally free perfume

  3. Wish they would do more special prices instead of just free. That's recipe for disaster :D

  4. I receive sms abt free perfume frm metrojaya too, this flyer also appeared in Female mag dec issue, but dun bother to go.

  5. yeah i agree, more special prices or buy 1 free 1 at least for first 10 to avoid "May 13th" happen

  6. Doroshi: me too, n i got the email also.. but never bother until someone told me about the war that happened yesterday

  7. written "the 1st 10 shoppers".. i think need purchase laaah... but not sure whether is purchase under that particular brand or store wide purchase?

  8. i got ask the sales lady, she say totally free oh.. hmm..

  9. wao... means collect it at the particular brand counter? all die die for it!

  10. Yes it’s a war! I received the sms and went to MetroJaya Mid Valley to redeem the free CK perfume (5th Dec). I arrived like 10 minutes before the MJ door opens and there are already more than 10 peoples queuing up at the ground floor – cosmetic & fragrance department floor (including grandmas and grandpas are there). Once the MJ door open, they are running to the CK counter, this includes the grandmas and grandpas as well…and here is where the interesting part are coming into the picture. The MJ door on the first floor was opened earlier than the ground floor, so a couple was there in front of the CK counter already (they are coming from the above floor). So the front people are very unhappy because they have been waiting for hours (The terms is, whoever comes first to the CK counter, not the MJ door). The heat turns up when the SA said she had been informed only 5 perfumes will be given, not 10. This A guy said - 10 perfumes been stated in the promo and suspect the MJ staffs keeps the other 5 (why laa accusing the poor SA like that…I guess it’s total of 10 for both outlet)

    Anyway after the heaty argument, the SA called the manager and finally give out 10 perfumes and the rest of us got the miniature (I should thank to A guy because of him we also get the miniature )

    So I try my second luck for Salvatore Ferragamo perfume on 7th Dec. I went a bit earlier and arrive at 9.30 and there were already more than 10 people over there, I understand they start queuing around 8am. This time the management is much better, 10-15 minutes before the door opened, the staff gave numbers for the first 10 who queue there. No additional miniatures are given this time, so I did not get anything that day.

    I did not go for Davidoff as I’m working and I think I will not be the first 10 anyway, so no point for me to try. I am not up for long hours of waiting and 30 minutes of queuing is quite long enough for me 

  11. WOW!! thanks for sharing this! now i get the whole story even better!!! O_O omg..grandpas n grandmas need perfume?

  12. Juli: yeah got one person who went confirm de.. at the counter


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