Marie France Bodyline Day 18 - Did I Lose Weight?


My friends and readers has been asking me about my slimming progress with Marie France Bodyline. Truth be told, I probably still looked the same but don't let appearance fool you! Few days ago, I met the Marie France nutritionist and she had a lil chat session with me. I was scared to death about having my weight checked on the 3rd week of my program. Shivering as I step onto the weighing scale, thinking about my judgement call, flashbacks of me finishing up a plate of Nasi Lemak came back to haunt me. "Die lah this time" I said. 

eat right if not everything is futile! 

When the readings were printed out (Marie France Bodyline has this weighing machine that reads your water retention, fat percentage, weight, fat mass etc! it prints the reading out after u get off the scale), the Nutritionist sat me down with a stern face. Have you been drinking enough water she asked? I lower my head down like a sad puppy and gave a guilty no. You see I work in the office most of the time under constant air conditioning and this made my skin and body dehydrated. It didn't help that I did not pay attention to drinking any water during work, so my metabolism was affected. The Nutritionist advised me to at least drink a big bottle of water a day (8 glasses of water) so that my body can flush out toxins and stuffs. I have been drinking 3 cups of water only so far compared to one each day. 

The Nutritionist said "Well you have lost 1.8kg so far". I was like "WHAT?!" 

Yes here's your readings. I stared at the piece of paper with my eyes wide open. OMG 1.8KG after 2 weeks of slimming treatments?! The Nutritionist said I should worked towards drinking more water and taking care of my diet. No more Nasi Lemak or oily or fried stuffs. A healthy diet is the path to slimming.

1.8kg wow! 


  1. gigitjari: ^___^ yeah... nice is the word!

  2. gambate Tammy! no more nasi lemak for a while.

  3. yeah.. that's a good result!!

  4. thanks JCWYien! JEan! Lavender, gigitjari!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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