Marie France Bodyline Session 2

no hunger no pills no forced exercise!

Kinda interesting how things turn out for us fatties here. With popping pills, crash diets and meal replacements  which is unhealthy and sometimes bounce back the weight (and worst!). That leaves probably the two common methods - going to a slimming center if one has the moolah and going to the gym if one has stamina. 

Marie France Bodyline Singapore's Ad
(I like the idea of the tape that went places)

I don't have time to commit to a regular gym schedule or paying for 12months contracted fee to one but if I was getting married soon or wanting to do find an alternative to sweating it out in public, I'll go to a professional slimming center and sweat it out privately while relaxing. 

 the VS3 Vacuum like machine I was talking about
(looks like this one here)

Yeah who knew slimming treatments could be relaxing? Just the other day I went for my 1st session where I tried one of Marie France Bodyline's signature treatments - VS3 Radio Wave Body Perfector. That uses a vacuum like machine with infrared energy penetrating 15mm deep into my fats. My second session today is more traditional, a tummy massage treatment because I have tummy problem *cough cough*. Before my tummy treatment begins, I was given a seaweed mask on my tummy and thighs. This helps to aid the tummy  massage session where the therapist will massage and break fats on my tummy.

my 2nd session has a seaweed mask waiting for me!

The tummy massage treatment was not as painful as I thought it would be. That's probably because the therapist might have overheard that I'm scared of painful tummy massage. To sum up, I was actually enjoying the tummy massage as the therapist rolls, kneads and massage my spare tyre. Surprisingly, the Marie France Bodyline Boutique Manager - Jennifer came in to check on me. She was worried if the massage was too painful for me to bear. She introduced to me that for the Marie France Bodyline's 26th Anniversary, the first treatment that I tried was now on a package promotion at half price! There will also be lucky draws for those who spend above RM2k. 

Even after 50% off, the VS3 Radio Wave Body Perfector Package was still not affordable to me although I have seen the immediate results of it on my tummy. I'll ask Jennifer what other packages is available under RM1k? For first timers like me, I believe we are very careful in committing to our first slimming center and would like to see how the services and environment fits into our life. I see the Marie France website has this poster to enjoy 24 sessions for RM688. I'll ask Jennifer what it is on my next trip.


  1. Marie France, expensive. but if it's really effective than I will say, "worth trying??" but rmb to watch out the bills!

  2. Jean: I haven't try b4 slimming programs :( this is my first time trying out a full fledge slimming sessions. I'm going to see after 30 days to see if I should sign up a package.

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