Moomedia I Like On Facebook

Moomedia's latest photo - sunset at Bali Tanah Lot

Just sharing one of my must visit facebook page when I am bored. It's a page about people who capture magical moments of couples in love (well also weddings, mainly weddings). The photographs are amazing and the videos, the first time I realize how "high tech" the wedding industry is, is when I watch the wedding video from Moomedia. Yeah a bit "ketinggalan" zaman yeah? The videos and photographs makes me happy for some reason, so I though I would share it here for someone out there to see. Maybe it will bring a smile to your face too. 

one of my favorite funny wedding videos

What do you think? this page really fascinates me... I could never get tired of checking the updates and looking at all the photos and videos.  Visit Moomedia


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