Win A Hair Makeover From A Cut Above!

Time for a hair cut but don't know where and what to do? Always thinking about this one celebrity that you adore? A Cut Above wants to know which celebrity hairstyle you love the most! Just by sharing your comment you might win a complimentary hair cut by Senior Stylist from A Cut Above salon! I had my hair makeover done by Winnie Loo (A Cut Above) last year and it was an amazing change for me. Many thanks to Wevents for making it happened! (Wevents = Women Only Men Not Invited)

from blah to wow! (even I can't believe it) 

 change your look, be versatile!
styling our new hair with just some hairspray 

Winnie Loo says a hair makeover will make u look younger! 

Are you brave enough to chop off your long locks (grown over the years) and look from Blah to Wow?  Start commenting which Celebrity Hairstyle You Love and you might win a hair makeover from A Cut Above too! Join A Cut Above's Facebook Fanpage for more information.

WEVents with Winnie Loo in the Star 9 August 2010

WEVents with Winnie Loo in NST 10 August 2010

WEVents with Winnie Loo in Creative Home Sept issue

Thanks to Wevents, A Cut Above and the Wevents volunteers for making this happened!


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