I Want to Win an Awesome Tropical Island Holiday with Cikipedia!

Hey guys I’m participating in Cikipedia’s Healthy Getaway Weekend! to win a trip to Pangkor Laut, where the best spa village is hidden. I can almost taste the cold water dripping on my head and the aroma senses filling my spirits.

(Then in around 50 words or so)

My daily workout routine starts in the morning where I flex my biceps reaching out to shut the annoying alarm clock. I warm up by stretching my arms and racing to the bathroom in matrix style. I practice my kungfu brushing fist so I can punch robbers while doing speed walk chasing down the bus!


  1. LOL cute! do you brush your teeth for half an hour ?! :P

    1. if that's what it takes to be fit for your contest, i shall start brushing my kunfu up to 30mins!!!

  2. Replies
    1. thanks cikzulin! btwwww Guardian has a media launch for Customer Choice Awards! u wanan go? 19/7 3pm - 5pm at Tropicana City Mall :)

  3. hi tammy i would really love to get some tips from you.

    how do you go about getting a boyfriend? getting him to propose? make him remain loyal?

    especially someone who looks the way you do.

    thank you.

    1. just be yourself :) love will come the least you expected of it


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