08 Jul 12

wanna win method goodies?
watch this upbeaty clean happy video and answer the slogan!
I was all alone in my room and suddenly I was just surfing around facebook and saw this contest going on by Method Malaysia. I didn't think much of the video but after watching it, I became happy! seriously, probably because of the beat, the colors and the way they choreograph the music video. It's fun and almost glee-like. Didn't know clean can also be so cool!
How to win Method Goodies?
How to win Method Goodies?
- Like Method Malaysia Facebook
- Share this post
- Complete the slogan: We are the people _____________ ____________
hint: clue is to watch the video!
Click https://www.facebook.com/MethodMalaysia to join the contest :) you might be one of the 5 winners who knows!
Looks nice^_^