HLB Hero to the Rescue

what happened last Saturday

I just want to share a "kisah benar" story today that made my blood pressure went up on Saturday. Of all people, I didn't think I would be one of those people who experience the don't turn away from withdrawing your money at ATM machine to talk to stranger scenario because you might be conned!. It was 15mins before my schedule myteksi taxi ride is due and I realize I didn't have enough cash on me to pay. 

ATM Scams using high tech & distraction methods

Instead of Maybank, I opted to withdraw my money from Hong Leong Bank which was closer. While waiting for the ATM machine to dispense my cash, suddenly an Indian lady next to me asked for help. She was showing me her ATM card number and NRIC number, asking me to help withdraw money for her. I was caught off guard for a moment, how weird is it that she doesn't know how to withdraw her money from ATM card. She even told me her pin number is her NRIC number! A man came up from behind and offered to help her phew! I turn back at my ATM machine and my money and ATM card is nowhere to be seen! 

Now at this point I am already panicking. Where is my money?! Where is my ATM card? Why did I turn my back away from the machine?! How on earth did the machine process n close in a few seconds while eating my card? Or maybe when I turn my back away, someone came in, took my money and card away in a flash? I bet you'll panic too!

What's worst is I didn't have any other ATM cards and no cash to pay the taxi driver coming in less than 10mins now. I panicked and the man who came in to help the Indian lady turns out to be a HLB staff (off duty) and he listened to me gasping for air and logic.

I frantically explained to him what happened and ask him if I could get my ATM card out now? I needed the money else I won't be able to go Langkawi let alone reach the airport. The whole story seems "off" to him I am sure. Why would someone come to withdraw cash at HLB using Maybank card when Maybank is just down the road. How did cash and ATM card disappear too in a matter of seconds. Sounds like I am the one conning him.

Thankfully this man kesian me and borrow me money for the taxi fare. He didn't even ask for my details (I gave it to him anyway). He handed me his name card and I promise to come back on Monday to pay him back and also retrieve my ATM card from the machine. He also took photographs of the ATM machine that I was using.

While technology has allowed criminals to remotely steal your debit card details many fraudsters still use more low-tech methods of stealing your money. So while not strictly a sign that an ATM has been compromised you need to be extra vigilant if anyone is loitering nearby. Distraction scams work by drawing your attention while using the cash machine in order to snatch your card or cash without you realising. A fraudster may accidentallydrop something at your feet or bump into you in a seemingly innocent fashion while you are at the ATM terminal and use the distraction to their advantage. Source: 4 ATM Scams You Need To Know.

The moral of this story is, never turn your back away from the atm machine when you're withdrawing money. The stories of people getting conned from unsuspecting strangers asking for help may just be a distraction method in ATM Scams. Thankfully, I didn't get conned because my money is still in my account and I have blocked my atm card while on the way to the airport.

I would like to thank the HLB man and HLB for having such awesome employees around who offered help in times of need. I would not have gone to Langkawi if not for him. Thanks Carlos Chan, the HLB employee who walk in on a Saturday to help me :) 


  1. ah.. I would be panic like you. lucky he's there to help you out.

    1. Sherry, I already panic like mad somore asking him to borrow me money. Nobody else already to help me. At home nobody around so teruk... that day, lucky didn't pengsan.

  2. omg, that is scary! did you manage to get back your maybank card in the end?? :o

    1. I called Maybank while on the way to airport to block my card. The customer service told me can't block temporary, they will need to cancel my card and I have to reapply for a new one and update my banking details on Monday.

  3. Replies
    1. Wanted to burst into tears thinking my hard earn money is gone coz I turn away from atm machine to help a lady.

  4. omg that is scary! And so fast too! Hopefully you got your card back in the end - so nice of the HLB guy to help you out though <3

    1. Today went to check HLB, my atm card is destroyed since it's a 3rd party atm card. They apparently don't keep that for security purposes. Needed to get a replacement card and walk over to HLB to return the money and thank him again.

      I feel this is a story that needs to be shared out! There are nice people out there.

  5. kacau lahhhh that aunty..... kesian you! :(

    1. almost tak boleh lepak with u all at Langkawi haha..

  6. my goodness, this is dangerous! thanks for the info Tammy, I'll surely keep this glued on my mind! thank god you're okay and your account is safe.

    1. I'm so naive but after this panic experience, I will not GIVE A DAM who is talking to me while I am on my ATM machine doing stuffs.

  7. usually ATM area would have security camera.if you make police report, u can request to view that i think...

    1. yeah I taken that into consideration when I was at the bank. If Monday come back and find out my atm card n cash is not in the machine, it would mean I kena scam already and I need to make police report n retrieve cctv footage

  8. scary!!! and so nice of that man!

  9. yeah loh.. so this is a tribute to a hero haha...

  10. you should be careful from now.

  11. it could happen to anyone and it is very wise to share this info out.. I mean with all the crime happening.. we never know we could have been the victim any minute any time of the day..

    On a silver lining, faith in humanity restored when the guy form HLB help you out :)

    1. yeah thank goodness he was around.. if not I would need to pay taxi by credit card which won't happen

  12. OMG, I'm so sorry you had to have this experience but thanks so much blogging about this Tammy! I think you have reminded us to not let our guard down. So grateful to you and the wonderful Hong Leong staffer who helped you out. As bad as people are, there are also good ones among us.

    1. Social sharing about stories like this, you read but when it happens u actually don't remember it's one of the things u should not do! Gosh.. well after this experience.. I'm definitely not going to repeat the same mistake again and also I better have cash lying around at home or a second atm card should anything happen

  13. Replies
    1. Yeah Pam.. dumbo me wanan withdraw cash 15mins b4 taxi come to take me go KLIA.. atm eat card n money didn't come out. Hell break loose man in my heart.

  14. Thanks for sharing, sis Tammy. Next time, be careful ok? You should buat muka garang macam mau makan orang, then they will think twice ask for your help. :)

    1. Puteri Panda, I though my muka dah garang... sigh........... yes I be more careful at atm and no more next time !! no moreeee

  15. This is freaky man! Thankfully there are still decent people in the world who are willing to help. Glad all ended well!

  16. OMG..this is scary and just happened within the few seconds. I ll keep this in mind..always.

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