Hada Labo Samples

"one drop locks an ocean" - Hada Labo

Anyone got their hada labo samples yet? I got mine on Thursday, checked my mail box and there she is! in a generous miniature size hada labo and a sachet of moisturizer. It's not too late to try Hada Labo girls, register for your samples at Malaysia Hada Labo or Singapore Hada Labo website.


  1. i had not-so-good experience with Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid! :( after using it for 2 week, my face got acnesss and breakoutsss all over! *gasp* a very horrifying experience for me. even my friends & colleagues got shocked over the changes in me. :( i stopped using for almost a week now, and my face gradually gaining back its initial stage. *phew* guess that Hada Labo doesn't suit me (i got oily on t-zone, dry on cheeks, combination skin).

  2. T__T sad to hear that Mei Wah, i guess not everyone suit hada labo.. maybe it's too rich for you the lotion.

  3. i've received mine. but miu, show me (and others) how to use it. pretty please?

  4. swit@kong: Ahh!! really wan me show ah T_T okie i try tangkap gambarrrrrrrr

  5. it really works for me..i have using it for 1 month plus already...my skin not so oily (fyi..my face really2 oily..i notice my face kinda glowing also

  6. thanks miu. hehehehe looking forward!

  7. SN: hey it suits your skin type? i'm surprised! great to know that, thx SN.

  8. I got mine too and start using it. Kindly of like the moisturing lotion..dab dab on the face. How much is the range of the skin care product?

  9. hey.. Miu.. i already got the samples from hada! yea... Love the lotion.. :D

  10. Shirley: hmm the range hang on.. coz there's a complete guide of product listing n pricing on their facebook. u can refer here:


    and click next next, coz each product - 1 photo n details n pricing would be below it.

  11. Roxy Starzy: cool, I like the lotion too, but i prefer use at night b4 sleep hehe! very sticky for me.

  12. Miu: Yea.. same here.. I used it b4 sleep too!

  13. sigh....so long mine not here yet. maybe the posmen took it for himself already. haih...


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