Happy Birthday Plusizekitten!

1st June, 2013 - still 7x kg & happy

Sawadepkap!!! Good morning Malaysia, good morning my beloved readers! It's 1st June, 2013 today and the first things that came into my mind is "OMG it's already half a year?!" I can't believe how time flies. I'm getting older sob sob, but no worries I just hope I get wiser and more mature because I still act like a juvenile kiddo. June is also my blog birthday month! It's the one month I look forward to every year to throw either a blog party for my readers or have giveaways. Though I am very broke and tired at the moment, I still will find ways to do a giveaway! Starting with the Lucky Dips I organized last 2 weeks ago, I click on rafflecopter to generate 5 lucky winners out! Who are they? *drum rolls*

 it's my blog birthday yeah yeah (sing song)

June Mdy, Jessica Lp, Nala, Mai Sarah & Vanessa Chia
emails has been sent! please reply with mailing details

tonight a Thai dinner feast cooked by me!

It's been 5 years since I was blogging on blog spot, 15 years since I started my Geocities page (no longer exists coz Geocities closed down) and 17 years since I was an MIRC addict (cured). I'm still the same person but wiser and smarter. Thanks to blogging and the encouragement from my readers, I have become a happier and bubblier person that I was before. Thank you readers for making my blog birthday a dream come true, because without u guys I guess there will be no life to this blog! Cheers.

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  1. topi hebat? hahahahaha

    anyway really miss those mirc moment :P a/s/l? hahahaha

    happy blog birthday month babe :)

  2. Happy Birthday :D hehe.. same month as my son birthday.

  3. Thanks tammy !!! Happy BurpDay to Plusizekitten.com !!!

  4. hi..love reading your blog...anyway, happy birthday to you and to your blog also. :)

  5. "Just bangun hair" haha so cute. Happy Birthday Plusizekitten! <3

  6. Happy Birthday miao miao! Sweet 18 forever please <3

  7. I love your Topi Hebat :D happy birthday Tammy's blog!!!! Looking forward to more exciting times ahead! <3

  8. It's double birthday time! woohoo... Happy birthday to you, sis. and also happy blogiversary. remember, age is the number only. the most important is always stay cute. good luck, keep on blogging & happy always.:)

    I won! Thank you very much, sis. muah muah...

    **your hair looks so healthy. (jealous).**

  9. Happy Birthday to Meowww
    Happy Birthday to Miaooo
    Happy Birthday to Meow Miao
    Happy Birthday to Miow!! =D
    Dai ko lui lo~ =D <3

  10. Thanks for the giveaway Tammy, and Congratz to the rest of the winners! Of course, not forgetting, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PLUSIZEKITTEN.COM!!! How ever you wish to celebrate, you know we will all support you! *hugs* ^_^

  11. Happy birthday to plusizekitten.com!! wohoo!! *throw confetti* You've been doing so many great thing for ur readers and always bring happiness to all of us here!! whee~~

  12. Happy Birthday to meow meow Tammy aka Plusizekitten!! :D

  13. Actually i like you cute yellow beanie! :D

    Happy Birthday Pluzisekitten!! :)

    Always happy and also happy always! xx

  14. Happy birthday !
    Those were the days. Mirc icq ....ah ;)
    Geocities mblog blogdrive ... ate all my blogs up! :#
    Here's to more birthdays!

  15. Happy Birthday Plusizekitten! :D

  16. Topi hebat? haha. Happy birthday Plusizekitten!!!

  17. Happy Bloggie Birthday Tammy@Plusizekitten... Sawadepkap to you too... Gan Bei...Yaaaaaaaaaam Seng...

  18. happy birthday to plusizekitten blog! 5 years! seems like my blog is a senior. hahahaha..


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