Re-Gen Oil Review: Same Same But Different

meet my friend re-gen oil

You probably guess I was high when I did the photography shooting for this product review. I was making a batch of homemade bath salts and couldn't resist the beautiful light pink color of Re-Gen Oil which matches my beautiful bath salts. DIYs are a cheaper alternative to having to purchase products outside which costs a bomb. I used Re-Gen Oil, Himalayan Rock Salt and Lemon Grass Essential Oils to whipped up a batch of deliciously spa foot treat.

Just an example of how you could be creative with your products at home other than using it directly as it is. The homemade bath salt not only smells heavenly of lemon grass but also moisturizes my dry chapped legs while the soothing Himalayan salts eases the tension away.

DIY Homemade Foot Bath Salts

During the winter, oils come in handy to moisturized and protect our outer skin layer from dehydration and dryness. However in Malaysia, there is no such thing as winter hence many of us neglect the importance of "oiling" ourselves until it's too late (like when we notice how dry and burnt our skin looks). Being lazy as I am, I try to make use of the "me time" I have to mix and match things up in my kitchen. Creating a combination of products that would give me more than one benefit in a nick of a time. Here's my DIY recipe if anyone wants it:

DIY Homemade Foot Spa Ingredients:
Himalayan Bath Salts or Epsom Salts
Your Fave Essential. Oil (not burning fragrance oils. Oils (Olive Oil, Almond Oil, Coconut Oil or Re-Gen Oil.

There is no right or wrong to the measurements. I just do it like Jamie Oliver style. A pinch of that a dash of this, walah. Of course you just need a few drops of Essential Oils for aromatherapy while the good oils for moisturizing can be a 1/3 cup or less depending on how you want the texture to be. The mix them all up and throw a handful into your bath tub or foot bucket.

P.S: Re-Gen Oil has 4 types of natural botanicals @ essential oils - Lavender, Rosemary, Chamomile and Calendula and 4 types of carrier oil in it's formula. You can skip adding essential oils, I just wanted the scent of lemon grass.

Rich in Vit A (regeneration) & Vit E (anti-aging)

 light red-pink color with a oily but non-greasy texture

There is another product similar to this that I have reviewed before called Bio-Oil. Both products are very identical in terms of packaging, ingredients and it's use. However if you peek into the ingredients list, Re-Gen Oil has less ingredients used than Bio-Oil. Whether that is good or bad comparison factor remains questionable. There is one thing for certain that makes you reach out for Re-Gen Oil, the price factor. Since both products gives the common benefits of moisturizing, improve skin condition (scars, blemishes) and prevents stretch marks, ultimately it's a customers choice in terms of affordability and ingredient research. Re-gen oil is slightly less fragrant than Bio-Oil, which is a good news to those who don't favor oil scents but needs to use them. Say I was from Thailand I will say "Same Same but Different".

essential oils, carrier oils, vitamins in one bottle

contains active ingredient PCL liquid inside!
to promote skin regeneration)

Readers if you're looking for a cheaper alternative to improving skin appearances (scars/blemishes/pigmentations), to condition your skin or to prevent stretch marks you can consider buying the Re-Gen Oil at any Watson pharmacies near you.

What I like:
Cheaper alternative to the existing anti-stretch mark and improving skin conditions on scars. Makes it an affordable good oil to do homemade beauty products to moisturize skin. The texture of the oil is oily but does not leave a long greasy effect on your skin. The absorption rate is fast thanks to the carier oils and I like to say, a little goes a long way. I use this oil to massage my legs and arms in hopes to improve my sun barbecue looking skin.

What I don't like:
Look too identical to the existing product in the market. Maybe they can come up with another design to stand out from the crowd? Also maybe Re-Gen Oil can consider upping up the fragrance department a bit for aromatherapy suckers like me. Perhaps maybe adding some botanicals like Lavender bits inside too?

Price & Product List:
Re-Gen Oil 75ml - RM29.90 
Re-Gen Oil 125ml FREE - RM45.90 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

you can diy bath / beauty products using it or use it straight to reduce scarring, pigmentations or hydrate your skin. Re-Gen Oil Malaysia will courier the prize to you! (so there's no delay waiting from me coz I'm busy haha)
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  1. Aaaahh so nice ur product photoshoot! XD I didn't know you can use this to make foot spa treatment; sounds nice :D This one is way more affordable than the other brand, lol *coughcough*

    1. Yeah I chance upon this accidentally coz I ran out of my coconut oil to make some diy beauty stuffs. Then I realize Re-Gen Oil a lot of ingredients in it already that I don't have to go looking for. Just tambah dalam my bath salts yay! :D got 4 types of essential oils somore.

      Yes cough cough more affordable. At least now won't look at scar oils too long in pharmacy to decide if wanan buy.

  2. Hi Tammy, as excellent review... I soo need to get this Re-Gen Oil... have massive stretch marks after popping out 3 munchkins and have tried a few brands but nothing has really worked. Will give this a try and see if it can erase or at least lighten those marks!!!

    1. Hey Sharon, thanks so much for your compliments. Hmmm! stretch marks is a *biatch* I say. It's going to take more than oils :( to lighten it e.g massages yay. Incorporating massages using Clarin's signature movements (up down rub not circular) on the targeted area might help to improve skin regeneration and release some bad stretch marks from it's grasp.

  3. Tammy i memang tengah plan nak beli oil ni :) seriusly ada give away?? i tunggu lah. mana tahu ada rezeki kan!!!

    1. Hey Innanie, lama tak jumpa haha.. serious. I tengak tunggu konfirmation nak bagi set hadiah ke.. botol botol ke... etc.. besok akan tau! :D sila datang kembali haha

  4. Hey Tammy,

    Just wondering where did you buy the bath salts from? Would love to try making some of my own too! Looking forward to meeting you at the Spa Party! -Dina

    1. Yo Dina :)

      I get my bath salts from supermarkets (go for Himalayan Rock Salts they are pinky) or Epsom Salts (hard to find in markets). Shops like Country Home Organics sell them cheaper too but I will need to hunt down the shop. There is one at TTDI pasar besar, a small shop. Members gets discounts too.

      Organic shops sells bath salts as well. Though u can use normal rock salts, Himalayan or Epsom is much better in terms of mineral benefits.

      They make great party favors or gifts too when you whip up a batch, put in some dry lavender or rose bits.

  5. Okay, im getting this Re-gen oil for sure! Scars and pigmentations still my biggest enemy now! :<

    1. but scars as bad as they look, they're also a bad ass to remove. Massage and constant usage will help lighten and loosen the scarring up :D

  6. Thanks for the review. Was considering if I should buy this product since it is similar to another brand and I am in the process of getting rid of the mosquitoes bites scar on my leg. Thanks for helping me to make a decision! Thanks. :)

    1. Price wise, and the main ingredients are the same. Join my contest! maybe u will win a set to try :)

    2. Hi Tammy, I've joined the contest and hope that I'll win. =)

    3. Good luck Kangaroo dear!

  7. Would love to try..still searching..hopefully this is greater! I want it!! ^_^

    1. ^___^ do join!!! you may never know u'd win a gift here!

  8. Hai Tammy! :)

    Sorry for asking, this oil only for body or can also be used on face? Hoho.

    I am new to this & hope can win one to try :D

    1. Hi Dibah,

      It can be used on the body and face, but it'll be too oily for your delicate facial skin. Come join :) maybe you will be lucky!!!


  9. Hi Tammy! I really love seeing the pictures you uploaded, and of course, reading your excellent review gives me the confidence to try Re-Gen Oil too!

    1. it's a cheaper alternative to Bio-Oil, which I give my two thumbs up! price fight the war!!!!

  10. And 1 more Tammy, why does the comment section in Rafflecopter gave us the link to comment on the Takes Two To Rock contest?

    1. ops sorry dah buat salah kat rafflecopter, i dah correct hahahaha

  11. And the tweet too, it wrote : Win a beauty hamper by reading Tammy's Kayaking Adventure on her blog!

    1. case brain dah damage dah ni... hahahhaha

    2. ahaha! my roommate and i was puzzled at first, like "eh ni yang mana satu punya giveaway?". then we decided "alah mesti ada error kat mana2 ni, layan jelah". hehe, sorry for messing ur comment section thrice btw :p

  12. nice photos! <3

    She sells seashells by the seashore.
    The shells she sells are surely seashells.
    So if she sells shells on the seashore,
    I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

    1. Thanks Abigail! The sea shells comes in handy to deco my diy bath salt :) also it's kinda related hahaha!!! Think shell think oil hahhaha

  13. ok, I think i can give it a try! need it for my bad skin too! :DD

    1. I made a scrub using this oil as the ingredients too u know!! Body scrub :)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Heyya Tammy!
    I must say you have added creative queen ante up to the max in your resume!
    Super love the peachy- sand background (I'm guessing it's the Himalayan bath salt) with decorative seashells to compliment Re- Gen oil. Your DIY foot spa treatment gives me another great recipe to be added to my beauty regime. All those strutting and no pampering made my feet looked like expired Choki Choki.
    Just kidding! Having extremely sensitive skin, I find it hard to find a good product without too much fragrance to get rid of my scars and post-acne marks. With Calendula in Re-Gen oil, I guess I could try it with no worries, kudos to your fab plus awesome as always review! Hoping I'd be among the lucky earthlings to try the Re- Gen oil experience like you did, Tammy! XDD

  16. been follow and reading your blog for quite to scroll your blog to find reviews on products that i gonna try and it does help.

    1. Thanks Step! It's always nice to meet new people who stumble onto my blog. With work n community activities, I hope I get some free time to blog more.

  17. super curious on the works of this product! :)

  18. is it able to treat scars that get burn ? ><

    1. Hi Chocky how long is your burn scar and how did you get burn? Cooking, fire accident?

    2. while i'm ironing my cloths ><

  19. Hullo meow =) I love cats too... by the way your photos were really good! with the seashells, pink sand (bath salts)? and all. =D I have two keloids on my skin due to a previous fall... had been trying various ways to make them disappear but to no avail...really hope to see this baby work it's magic on my skin! =)

    1. Yes the pink sand = Himalayan rock salts + salt. Oh no keloids would be difficult to get rid off. It's permanent scar tissue, and depending on the size might take more than just oil.

  20. yes i hope I can win this!! I have this patch of dry skin on my leg that looks unsightly!!! :( Wish this can work wonders for my skin :D

    1. Ah dry skin will love this!!!! Especially awesome if u use the homemade lip scrub to scrub that area, then wash & apply body oil to massage.

  21. Wow!! Thanks tammy for introducing something waay much cheaper:) Hopefully my scars will disappear yoXD

  22. Cool Tammy! You found yet another use for this Oil! And made it look so pretty with the salts and the shells!

    Wah it sounds like I need this. There is a reason I wear long pants all the time you know. So nobody has to see my unsightly scars on my legs. I've got scars, bites, and keloids too. Sigh....*fingers crossed*

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Another giveaway! Woohooo :D I got quite alot scars on my leg :/

    1. Me too... No thanks to tropical island climate, banyak nyamuk one

  24. Wow it seems like Bio-oil ? Is it from same company ??

    1. Same same but different haha. Different company, this under DKSH.

  25. Thanks Tammy for this giveaway! I heard a lot of good comments about it. I would like to try it to regenerate my skin with stretch marks and fade my older scars on my legs >_<

    1. Thanks for joining the giveaway Jocy! If u win I can try :)) but need consistent use and massage to fade scars and release the stretch marks.

  26. excellent review tammy! :) n thanks for the giveaway!

  27. Thanks for the giveaway! Btw, you are one awesome photographer. I can never take pics like that.

  28. Im super curious about this right now ;)

  29. Been looking for products that can reduce stretch mark ... but some are expensive foe me... btw...i go aeon big jusco...why can't see this brand /·\

  30. Whoa... you have really good photography skills. Man! Jelly!!

    Anyhow, I have used Bio-Oil before but I wasn't one of those who would be lucky enough to experience the power of the oil. My bad ass scars never even budge a slight bit. =(

    Heard of Re-Gen oil recently but I'm sceptical given my past experience with similar products. How would you say Re-Gen oil fair? Hopefully, Re-Gen oil could do me good.

  31. i would gladly try this product!!

  32. I need more supply to prevent stretch mark!!

  33. The product sounds convincing. SHOuld try on me , my mum and my bf :)

  34. I'm a long time user of bio-oil . I love bio oil but their price its really pricey for long term usage . I cant wait to try out re-gen oil since their price is much cheaper

  35. Thanks for organizing this giveaway...Currently I'm 10 weeks old in my pregnancy..Hopefully got the chance to win n try this good product to prevent stretch marks...:)

  36. Seriously, I'm more suitable using oil than lotion because I got very itchy and sensitive skin. Hope to try this for sometime already.. hope it can heal my super dry skin la!! hehe! :)

  37. I love Re-Gen Oil, one try falling in love with it..
    Support support support!! =)

  38. Ahah! Another product to rescue my legs! If i dun win it, i m so gonna buy it and test it out myself! In a hope that my ugly scars hapus from my kaki!!

  39. I have tried Bio oil before but it doesn't work well on my stretch marks. Hopefully this product would yield better results :)

  40. Hahah. I don't think you're high, I just think of you as an active person :)

  41. I've always wanted to give the Re-Gen Oil a shot.I've got some serious scars on my legs that need immediate rescuing. This is ONE extremely useful giveaway :)

  42. Hi Tammy, Nice review and love your pictures!
    I've tried Bio Oil before when I was in my teen years and it does helps to lighten the black spots/ scars on my leg.
    I wonder Re-Gen Oil does the same?
    Should give it a try since it costs slightly cheaper than Bio Oil. Hehe...

  43. Hi Tammy, thanks for sharing this review with us. Will definately give a try on Re-Gen Oil. Can you tell me where I could purchase the Lemon Grass essential oil?

  44. Tammy, thanks for your review & giveaway :D

  45. Hi Tammy, Nice great blog that I found with nice and good reviews. Thank you so much

  46. Hi Tammy, thanks for sharing this review with us.

  47. i love lemongrass.

  48. o long as we have millions and millions connected with motor vehicles working in your towns, need connected with primitive gas can be increasing bonny light crude oil suppliers

  49. Excellent photo collection. i would like to take photo like this. essential oils, baby

  50. Good Collection of Photo. I have a wide collection of essential oils


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