Laura Mercier Clearance 1Utama

*screaming away like mad*

My shopping haul today with Ella and Jannah (girls day out) includes some really neat buys from Laura Mercier, one of my favourite brand for natural makeup! what do I buy from this brand? The almighty face primer (love love love this) and their tinted moisturiser (mega love this too). The coverage given by their tinted moisturiser is from light to medium, generally more suitable for light coverage for that breathable skin feel. Today I was lucky to spot the clearance and special OneCard Member price to buy the tinted moisturiser for only RM59 instead of RM169!!! *screams*. I choose the oil-free one and the expiry is next year :D (said the promoter).

40% and 70% off selected products!

find Laura Mercier at New Wing Concourse
I just love Laura Mercier's bath & body range!
(they're all 40% off including the candles, oh the candles!) 

 cosmetics & gift sets at 40% off too

what's 70% off? the flawless face book (sand)
(travel face palette with concealer yay!)

 rp RM229, now I'm paying RM68++ only

SO DAM HAPPY I grabbed these babies for a great deal! I've been looking for concealer to cover my dark eye circles (yah yah.... not enough sleep lar.. now like this). I think I'll go back and get another tinted moisturiser but not oil-free one as I find the oil-free one a bit dry. Anyway there is no limit to how many units u want, if u want to sapu 10 pun boleh. Happiness! AND GAHH I really want to buy the bath & body set (creme brulee) but I can't afford it sob sob even after 40% I feel the pinch in my pocket. I also want that big candle 40% it's at RM130? also can't afford. I don't have a full time job T_T sob sob.

What's in The Flawless Face Book Portable Complexion Palette? 
Laura's on-the-go steps to flawless face touch-ups
- flawless coverage with tinted moisturiser creme compact spf20
- flawless concealer with secret concealer
- flawless concealer secret camouflage (2 shades) + brush
- flawless finish with mineral pressed powder + sponge

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  1. OMG SO CHEAP!!! Do you know when it ends?

  2. Shit. I was at the old wing earlier. But i only had 1 hour. Sigh....

    1. yah i was there for dinner with Ella & Jannah and we walk around window shopping but I end up buying these and two tops from H&M hahahha

  3. Good deal! Thanks for sharing, Tammy! :D

  4. You're so lucky to have Laura Mercier in your country! Great deals!

    Naeemah | The Jam Jar Blog ✿

  5. Is that only for one card members or for everyone??

  6. the clearance is for everyone, where else the special RM59 deal for their tinted M is for OneCard members. You can easily just ask someone around to borrow their card to u, since they will be getting points from it

  7. Replies
    1. you're welcome!! which one grabbing?

    2. Tinted moisturiser for sure and may be the same palette..:)

  8. Huhu I also dun have a full time job leh....
    Here sales, there sales, all tempting me

  9. Thanks so much for the share and helping me to get it babe!!!! can't wait to get my hands on this!!!!!! :D

  10. i just went there yesterday. awww, don't have a chance to meet you :\

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  12. Oooooh how much are the candles?


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