Interviewed by Bernama TV "The Nation" On Being A Woman, A Blogger & Founder of The Butterfly Project

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein

"How did you start blogging?" - an infamous question posed to me from time to time and I never get bored of answering "it all started when I decided to quit online gaming". Yes I was a gamer for 6 years before I became a blogger. Even as a gamer, I strive to be a part of something greater even if it's in a virtual environment.

Deep down, something was missing... so I quit gaming and started blogging.

At that time it was just for fun, a hobby. It wasn't for the money or for popularity sake. Who knew blogging would change my life forever, character and career wise. I have become someone I wouldn't be 6 years ago. I created an online persona nick name Miu, to remain anonymous as a writer. That didn't work well because soon I was meeting my readers, bloggers and being out in the open as a "blogger". I loved meeting new people, connecting and sharing the same passion together.

getting touch up for my live tv interview on Bernama TV - The Nation

I blogged about shopping, beauty, workshops and events. Little did I know,  it struck gold (metaphorically). From a nobody to somebody, women were calling out to me in the streets. I receive e-mails, comments and Facebook friend requests. My unique traffic went up to 30,000 a month in a matter of few months. Nuffnang started engaging me to blog for campaigns and my face was seen on the banners when I took up the Nippon Paint challenge. Everything happened so fast, I was enjoying this new life of mine.

many thanks to the gorgeous Bernama TV host
Tehmina who is also a passionate person
chasing her dreams & love for life

sharing how I started blogging & the Butterfly Project

also on set is my idol, Shelby Kho of Bisou BonBon
(she creates wonderful homemade bath & body care)

As time passed, I started wondering if I could change the blogging industry by breaking the norm at that time. The blogging scene needs to evolved. I hated how self centered and aloof one can be, when they reach that "point" of being a blogger. I wanted to bring together like minded bloggers and share my opportunities to them. After all, what use is it to keep everything to myself?. Let's bring fresh faces, uncover hidden talents, writers and passionate people out there to the open.

Combining my passion for events, for bloggers and to connect brands / bloggers together, I created the Butterfly Project in 2013. I wanted it to be different, I wanted it to be special. Through ups and downs, trial and errors, friendship made, destroyed and rekindled. The Butterfly Project is the result of my relentless spirit in believing this is a place for all of us, whether old, young, new or popular.

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." -Harriet Tubman


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  1. Such an inspiring post.. Always looked up to you. Thank you for creating The Butterfy Project and giving me so many opportunities meeting new friends and experiencing new things.


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