One might wonder what's this baking workshop all about? well =) click on the banner and you'll soon find out why this kitten is so adamant about baking, and not just literally baking. Yes AMBP also stands for All Malaysian Blogger Project is giving 5 lucky winners along with their friends to a baking workshop where they'll learn:
- Sweet buns (with red bean, tuna and hot dog fillings)
- Moist chocolate cake
- Chocolate fudge &
- Chocolate chip walnut cookies
The complete itinerary:
Bakin' with Dr Baker
And the tricky part is convincing them why you should be one of the lucky 5! so here's my word:
I am no grandpa, neither do I have little children to bring to or a modern age man who can cook, clean and now wants to bake (dude! u don't want to be tag as GAY do u? ok if u r one sorry.. my mistake let's go shopping) but I can tell you this! I have absolutely no idea how to bake, well ok I can read guidelines on the Instant Muffin Box at Giant Supermarkets and try to make a "muffin" in my microwave oven and when the muffins are done, I'm left wondering where did the rocks come from?
Seriously! if you really want to enlighten 5 cylones, i mean people about baking, you should at least select those who needed HELP, note I used the word HELP which means that person obviously has issues about baking and needs to be house train to at least feed the poor with meals that don't end with any of these words:
hospital clinic bomba fire stomach pump police army forces 911
and come on, don't give it to those people who already know how to bake! look at the recipe:
- Sweet buns (with red bean, tuna and hot dog fillings)
- Moist chocolate cake
- Chocolate fudge &
- Chocolate chip walnut cookies
Well you know as with the current economic and financial situation now (petrol hike etc domino everything to naik harga) I can't afford to eat out anymore even at Mamak! 1 sirap limau ais is RM2-00!!! can u believe that? I really need to learn how to bake, so I can feed myself, my family, my friends and even donate to the poor especially to KSK! Kenchara Soup Kitchen whose mission is to help feed the poor in KL City. With baking, I no longer need to buy a cake for birthdays (dam u all bakery who keep on hiking the price on cakes.. it used to be only under rm30 for a 1kg cake.. now it's rm80!!) and I could actually give muffins to friends/events as gifts (cut cost on shopping for gifts) just like Bree in Desperate Housewives.
SO PLEASE! I BEG YOU! GIVE THE KNOWLEDGE TO HELPLESS PEOPLE LIKE ME.. living in a era of Petrol Hike, Food Price Increase and have no money to buy gifts for people to LEARN BAKING at least a muffin so the world can be a better place.
SOB SOB SOB... tears of petrol hike.

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- Nhạc doanh chủ cứ nói.
Thần sắc của Cao Thiếu Lăng hơi biến đổi, sau đó lập tức khôi phục lại vẻ bình thường.
- Ta muốn Cao Tông chủ cùng với vị trưởng lão trong tông kia đi cùng với ta vào Đấu Khí học viện, ở trong đó còn vài cường địch, mọi chuyện xong xuôi ta sẽ giải trừ linh hồn ấn ký cho Thiếu Tông chủ.
Nhạc Thành cất tiếng nói.
Lần này hộ pháp của Hắc Ám Thần điện hẳn là đã đi vào Đấu Khí học viện, không biết họ mang theo mấy người nhưng Cao Thiếu Lăng cùng với vị trưởng lão đấu tông kia Nhạc Thành dĩ nhiên sẽ không bỏ qua, nhiều thêm một người tức là thêm một phần lực lượng.
- Được, ta tin tưởng doanh chủ.
Cao Thiếu Lăng biết mình không đồng ý cũng không được, đành bất đắc dĩ đáp ứng.
Về phần Nhạc Thành đáp ứng không đụng tới U thành và Quỷ tông, Nhạc Thành