32nd Bon Odori 2008 Shah Alam

My friend Tim & Deb went to the 32nd Bon Odori 2008 event in Shah Alam last weekend and showed me their awesome pictures (glowing with envy). Thankfully, Tim allowed me to blog about the event hehehe and said that next year we should all go together to the Bon Odori event wearing yukata!! (yayy yayyaya) just like the girls below:

omg aren't they super cute?

tim says there's an alarming rate of young kiddies at this event..
(I'm having second thoughts to go next year now.. )

The skies are filles with colourful air baloons
(omg i want one too..)

This is what Tim could afford to eat (Tipu.. he so rich!). He said a lot of japanese company came to promote here e.g Sushi King brought their own sushi conveyor belt!

OMG is this super cute or what? somehow I just like how the japanese ice cream stand..stands out. RM6-00 only? I want one japanese ice cream too!

Lotsa yukata chicks around.

Cute Kids with yukata

My now I am really envious..

Look even children are wearing yukatas!

nice yukata

Ok I just can't stop saying they're so cute!

Let the Festivities Begin!

But I have got to say that the stealer.. is these jap street kids? Look at their mismatch fashion, printed and pinkie shorts?

Love what they did to their clothes..

Thanks Tim for sharing the pictures with me. You take really awesome pics man.. what camera did u buy? can recomend? don't tell me it's SLR.. those things cost like a bomb. Dang, I really would love to go next year, been missing it all my life as none of my friends are into these. I think I'll get my mom to make me a Yukata! muahahha.. she's a fashion designer after all.



  1. let's go together next year, this looks like a good hunting grown. you hunt for guys, I hunt for chics. Btw, those pics taken by you or your friend? why so many backside shots?

  2. is yukatas = kimonos? why called yukatas? sorry, not so into japanese thingy. drag hurley along next year, he is so into backside (shot) now....
    now now, don't think dirty....

  3. hahaha, i just read my comment "drag hurley" - almost sound like you gonna "drag" (dress up) hurley in yukatas - for that, i am willing to go and join you in this festivities. it's would be priceless..........

  4. u sure u wanna go? can't seem to see anyone around ur age group in the photos =P

  5. harlo harlo!!!
    say want to condemn +size, you go and condemn me instead, what kind of brother are you?
    i might be older that you guys but i am not THAT old :P

  6. HOR.. condemn me ah! backfire now! lol..

    yukata is like a summer cotton kimono (lighter for summer)can be worn by men n women (if the men in msia dare)

    sounds fun! let's go next year ok?! backside shots? i thought its shots of yukata, but hurley see something else (nudge nudge wink wink).

    we pester michael to have bon odori outing! muahha...

  7. good idea, when's the next one? once a year only?


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