MIB is not Men In Black

I bet none of you know what's MIB right? Please it's not Men in Black, I didn't meet Will Smith yesterday but I did meet the CEO of Malaysian Institute of Baking Mr. Don Yong ^_^ (hola his face is on his MIB shop, yes the one with the baker's hat)

Pretty awesome shop? Who would have known MIB is a shoplot in New Town, Petaling Jaya (k xcept New Town folks and anybody affiliated with MIB OH OK mebbe it's just me).

The workshop started with Dr. Don introducing to us about MIB, baking tips and secrets, and how he loved baking - his passion. Mind you baking is not just about a dash of this and that. It's rocket science! Ok I'm being dramatic but it all sounds like love making to me (HOI dun think BLUE OK) The timing, the pairing of ingredients, the foreplay (fermentation) the whipping of meringue which was like an orgasmic volcano erupting into fluffy poofy white yummy clouds. Ok I am stopping here, don't want people to start thinking I am some kind of pervert.

We were all given a group number, and mine was Group 9 (MEOW, cat has 9 lives). As you can see, the classroom was divided into groups and each group with 4 potential bakers at a workstation. Best of all, each group was assigned to a MIB student who patiently guided, taught and answer all our questions. I would like to thank the angel sent to us, Sin Nee for all the help and confidence she gave to me and my group. Thank you Girl!

And of course to Shirley, for saying "Yes!" to be my partner. She can bake serious chocolate brownies I tell u! I know b'coz she bake me chocolate brownies for my birthday! Oh and thank you Harvey for borrowing me your wife! ngek ngek.

Shirley and our Group 9 workstation. She's so happy!

the things I've fallen in love with..

If you're wondering why I've taken a pic of the dough it's bcoz I'm crazy for round, white and minimal (Watch Ugly Betty?), those aren't just any ordinary dough, it's the dough of our tasty yummy buns. I say between the red bean, tuna and hotdog - Tuna wins hands down! My *miki mouse* cookies was an experiment which hmm needs more work to be done. AND boy if you've seen what I did to my cake, you'll go on a Diet, man! it has chocolate chips all over 'em. Yes I'll call it my master piece for now (I don't want to admit I didn't know how to make rose or design on them using the knife sob sob). If I could name my cake, it would be "OMG" or mebbe just Chips Ahoy!

WARNING: The following image may be offensive, religious, or repulsive.

Ok can u guess what I've experimented on besides making "miki mou" cookies? Please don't kill me! I am only having fun experimenting what kind of shapes I can make. Perhaps I could patent this shape and sell to Pets Wonderland or Joke Shops (that sells edible jokes).

goodies from clove two
curi pic from save the cheeze!

The best part of the workshop? the goodies we're able to bring back! yes everything that we bake we can bring back! which means tons of buns, chocolate chip walnut cookies and a cute cake to show for our efforts. OH and nthe freebies the organizers gave us like coupons, flavours magazine, MIB baking cap & apron and friendship cooked up at the event!!

GOSH! I have so many pictures and so much to say, I think I'll continue them tomorrow or maybe not coz I'll b exposing some MIB Top Secrets. Anyway! I am really happy to have been selected to attend this workshop! thanks to AMBP & MIB for such a lovely event. This is the first time I've ever been to a baking class and I must say it was a very interesting morning despite rushing to bake 4 stuffs in 3 hours! I got chocolate all over myself *lol*. The Best was, I'm so happy to have met the other bloggers who won:
SO for more juicy stories about our day at MIB you can click click on them links (especially Thomas since he wants some traffic! dude.. me no traffic la but I'll curry u k k)

Curi some group pics from them also coz I dun have any..sob sob

The Bloggers & Michael!

The Group Photo! I'm at far right corner..sob sob.


OMG! my cake is awesome! I'm not a chocolate fan but it taste like brownies (bcoz I kept the cake in fridge so it's a bit solid) and OMG it taste fabulous with vanilla ice-cream (urm... no harm done in eatin with ice-cream right?) I thought my chocolate chip will be like a drug overdose but no it's awesome man, it's so crunchy & chocolaty. I've fallen in love with chocolate chip cake now.. *dreams*



  1. of course it is awesome, hur and i spent our manly energy mixing the batter, sob sob. :))

  2. that sound so wrong!!!


    hur n thomas spent their "manly" energy "mixing the batter"

    (no wonder taste awesome! got secret ingredient!)

  3. so that's where you get the "manly energy" term from...lolz

  4. hoi! when the mind is "dirty", every innocent word also sounded suggestive.

    we stirred until hand also wanna fall off leh. go gym also not so tiring leh.

  5. hahaha. glad you guys had fun - manly energy, creative (cookie) expression, yummy cakes etc. thanks for attending, miu. do keep active on amb. we'll see if we can do Round 2.

  6. thanks michael! nice meeting u2!

    have more events yeah, i think the bloggers really enjoying meeting each other and blogging about it ^_^


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