Free MNG Tote Bag from Cleo

since MidValley MNG out of stock, I went 2 Curve
(yesterday during lunch time! still got stock)

finally redeem my MNG @ Mango Tote Bag!

Coupon is in this month's Cleo Malaysia issue (MNG Ad Page). Fill up coupon n take to the nearest MNG outlet. Be warned! MidValley MNG already out of stock and readers complaining about the rude or don't care less about you attitude from Sales Assistant there. Typical look down on you attitude? or were they too busy to notice you? I did a test run last Monday and true enough, the S.As could not care less why you are standing in front of them (at the cashier) holding a coupon. Neither one asked if I needed help or assistance or whether I am here to redeem the tote bag? (by now they should know why everyone is coming into their shops with a coupon in their hands). A few minutes pass by and I am still standing at the same position waiting for the S.A to serve me. Feeling very uncomfortable and unwelcome at this store now. The S.As are busy chatting among themselves while doing work, and one of them is actually in front of me serving a paying customer.

Finally I just flagged her down and told her I am here to redeem the MNG bag. She flashed a look over to her comrades and they told her out of stock. Well that's my cue. Time to leave and never return to this land.


  1. that's the same at MNG Kota Kinabalu (@ 1 Borneo) maybe they thought thier status is different if work under MNG....i shud say haloooo....even Gucci and Prada SA are better than them

  2. Yes I don't neither like the MNG store in Mid Valley too ! They are so rude and I don't know like may be they think they are high class staff since they are working in MNG ?!
    The MNG staff in KLCC is quite friendly and nice^^ they really give me a call when the tote bag has arived as they promised ^^

  3. I think is the management problem, they should proper train the SA sales attitude it will ruin the company reputation if the SA attitude is very bad,i just dont understand how come they could be so rude to customer sometimes and even look down to us...i dont think MNG is any high class brand they are only brand from other country

  4. I redeem it at Pavilion MNG on Tuesday, same thing happen.. They all like busy not free to bother, and throw me a "not very friendly" look. never speak a single word to me when she give me the bag..

  5. When I took my coupon over to MNG KLCC they said the stock hasn't arrived so they told me to leave my name & no.. Guess what they actually called me when the stock got ther.. & they were nice and friendly about it too..

  6. Me too... i went to MNG MV... I really waited at the payment counter there holding the coupon.. but no one bother to even "entertain" me... damn upset on it... it's like we do not spend in the shop but just wanna grab those freebie!! then we hand over the bag that time... just throw on the counter... not even put it into a plastic bag for me... kns... hate it... dunno why MNG staff like that... if they so great.. then dun have to work as SA la... go back and become siu lai lai la...

  7. i went to mng pavilion, i asked one of the s/a if they still have the bag. that s/a was really really nice that she even told me what to do to get it. i went out to purchase my cleo and when i got back, another s/a serve me, she was just okay.

    2 days later, i help a friend to redeem the bag at pavilion, different s/a served me, this time, nothing being said. look at me, like muke blur or was it muke bengang.then give me the bag just like that, when i asked for a plastic bag to carry it, then she gave with a face..haiyaa..

    the first s/a who attended to me was nice that she even put it in mng plastic bag.


  8. hey love! just found ure blog and im so excited about it! cant wait to catch up on ure postings! ure adorable!

    love and blessings,

  9. Complain and write to MNG directly. Tell them if they are not sincere in giving away the free totebag with such a rude service. Might as well don't offer it.

  10. I feel the same way with the SA in MV too.
    I went there a few months back to get back my altered pants (which is paid already).

    I want also standing at the counter (holding the MNG slip) for a couple of minutes with some SA chit-chating and not bothering to serve me.

    At last, I need to speak up in order to be heard. That also I was served with lack of enthusiasim. Got back my pants and then straight cabut.

    I can imagine the treatment if I were there to get freebies.:(

  11. Joey: true, what's MNG compared to Prada n Gucci for them to be acting this way?

  12. Yjia: KLCC MNG sounds more respectable! glad u got a good experience :)

  13. Pinky: I'm feeling the level of service in Malaysia is dwindling, perhaps the staff there is just working part time, so they don't need to give full time attitude/service to customers. They're so easily replaced and recruit in Msia.

  14. Jean: same feeling here T_T is it so hard to smile..

  15. Fatin: wish I redeem at KLCC, but i no longer go there since Lilian quit RMK. There's no point for me to shop in KLCC, since everything is in One Utama now.

  16. Candy: OMG? the SA throw the bag on the counter for you? =_= what an attitude!!! kesian u lah i think u had the worst...experience from all of us

  17. Harim: sigh the first SA was doing a very good job! The SAs are the frontliners to the company/brand, i wish they all realize that...

  18. BBM: omg.. where did u come out from! thx for the lovely comment ^___^ are u a blackberry messenger?! (BBM)

  19. PiggiYing: maybe write to CLEO coz the coupon from CLEO and that basically makes us all CLEO READERS who majority got bad experience from participating in Cleo promotions.

  20. Anonymous: gosh... for paying customer.. =_=!!! MV is really horrible then.. all the complaints are mainly coming from MV branch! I guess anything to do with not earning commission/sale will result in a non-happy commitment to the customer! grrr...

  21. I also redemn at Mango MV & got same treat like candygal. They not even look at me or smile. I was like a silly begger asking for something from them. Even i got the beg but i not happy for their service.


  22. somehow SA'a in many outlets in MV seemed very air-headed and snobbish..Kiehl's MV also like dat..said can try 1st b4 buying but when request for sample, they made this stupid "bengang" face..i love Kiehl's MV, n MNG curve is ok too..they nicely giv it to me with a smile n entertained me there n then..wats with this MV SA's??-angelzoe-

  23. I redeemed from 2 different outlets. Same it goes to most people experienced in MV MNG.The SA frm MV MNG, their service is really thumbs down. Customer has to stand at the counter for few minute and approach them first. They just treated the customer like transparent busy chit-chatting there. They don't even bother much just simply throw the tote bags on the counter for customer as if we don't spend anything there just for redemption then we do not considered as their customer. I will not shop at MV MNG since they so lansi and they think their outlet sales too good liao, I will go to other outlets. However the SA frm curve MNG, they are not that rude. Still find their attitude are friendly.

  24. hi miu =)

    i went to redeem the tote at MNG Sunway Pyramid..
    well, i just go straight to the cashier, flashed the whole CLEO mag on the counter without tearing it yet cz, well, i just dont really like to tear my
    and the SA saw it, not saying anything to me but she just keeps talking to her coleague, she tore the whole coupon 1st she took a scissors but maybe she felt easier to just tear it up, lol! n then she gave me the bag n i said thank u..
    lol, that's my experience with MNG at Pyramid =)


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