Win IPMAN2 Preview Tickets at TV3!

new style of Kung fu

WIN IPMAN 2 MOVIE PREVIEW TIX AND ALSO BE IN THE RUNNING TO WIN HANDPHONE! no time to talk more, rushing out work. Please read the website! here click click. Don't forget to vote for my Afro IpMAN2 pose!!! 1st 50 to submit pic/video of u posing/being/reenacting IPMAN will win the IPMAN2 preview tickets to watch on 28/4/10 at GSC 1utama! subsequent 50 participants will win season pass to watch. And the best of the best wins a HANDPHONE! check out the poster below...


  1. ahaha.. so cute! love the pose!

  2. eh u should post ur superwoman pic la aiyoo fighting kungfu pic remember? hahahhah

  3. voted u doroshi! hahah but i see some ppl got 3.5k votes leh.. cannot win oledi lah but at least can watch ipman2!!!! yay!!!

  4. i submitted my photo also.. the website cacat one.. u can vote more than once!

    here is my photo hahah

  5. Nian Tse: saw ur photo just now!!! i voted for u too!

    Doroshi: i have no idea... :( the preview is on wed somore

  6. but we r the top 50 wat, should be able to win the tics rite...mann i hope they do publish the results soon, since the preview is on wed.

  7. i voted u & doroshi oledi... gud luck !! i'm going to watch Ip Man 2, 2nite at pavilion, a fren won tix & invited me along...

  8. so nice.. n lucky u...... kaima...

    Doroshi: yah.. i hope they inform faster... coz the ending date is.. same day as preview movie?

  9. Sexymummy: thanks for votin me :))

  10. doroshi: u very welcome !! donnie yen is super hot & looks cool as well hor, been liking him 4 d past 20 yrs ... hehehe

  11. miu - sungguh comel la....btw, u nampak so kurus...


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