Miu Spies: Nuffnang Footprints

guess where's my namecard?

I drop by Nuffnang Office this morning with my BlackBerry and met Jestina & Nicholas at the front desk. They're so friendly! (let's give them a few more years and when nuffnang becomes famous & see if they still cheerful friendly people muahahhaha). Anyway, I won't tell you why I was at Nuffnang Office! but I will tell you what I spied there! the place is pack with nuffnang staffs! from management to sales team to design team. I could actually see what they're working on! (projects to come and cool designs for innit and churp churp twitter). Nicholas introduced me to well ALL OF THEM! me feeling pretty shy at this moment coz so welcome-my. The one thing that caught my attention when I first step into Nuffnang office is the Nuffnang Footprints Board! which initially when I read about it, I was thinking to send in pink fluffy lingerie to be displayed there (hope there's no censorship?) or maybe a big giant portrait of myself saying I love Nuffnang? Turns out there's still a big load of space to be "footprint" by us bloggers! I say take this opportunity to send in some crazy stuffs to be pinned up there and hey this is a good chance to get notice! Anyone going to send something in? I wanna send something in!

the nuffnang footprints wall! think Hollywood walk of fame?

Hey Nuffnangers,

We have a WALL! Our interns used to hold up our office for us previously. We kid, we kid! We’re actually turning a part of the Nuffnang office into the Nuffnang Footprints Wall.

We’re always thinking about our bloggers, so we’ve decided to dedicate a part of our office to YOU! All you Nuffnangers’ pretty and handsome faces will be featured on this awesome Wall so that you can be a part of our office always, and we Nuffies will be able to see you guys everyday when we come to work (all together now – awwww!).

So if you would like to claim a place on our wall while there still is space, just mail in your photos and we’ll stick it up on the Wall for you! It could be a picture taken at a Nuffnang event, a picture of you with your fellow Nuffnangers, a picture of you proclaiming your love for Nuffnang, or just an image you would like us at Nuffnang to see – attached with a Post-it size note of a few words you would like to say to us. You can also choose to send just a note or just a photo if you want to. Snail mail anything you wanna have featured on the Wall to the Nuffnang KL office, and address it to:

The Nuffnang Footprints Guardian
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd
12B-5 & 12B-6, Heritage House,
33 Jalan Yap Ah Shak,
50300 Kuala Lumpur,

Alternatively, you can just come on over to the Nuffnang KL Office and pass it to us personally. Who knows, you might even get a chance to say hi to the Nuffies by doing so. So don’t hesitate to send in those awesome images of yours! We’ll be keeping you guys updated on the Wall here on the blog as well, so do stay tuned.

Hurry and mail your photos in, while there’s still space! Catch you guys on the wall!!


  1. got top secret project there ke ?? do keep us posted !!

  2. haha.. there got lotsa projects on.. i wish i can work there too hahahaha

  3. i hav just sign up a nuffnang account
    no time to add ther adverts and blog about their events kekeke

    can really generate $$ or sponsor?

  4. stellar: quickly put up your ads :) it will generate $$ for you depending on your blog traffic and crt clicks.

    But what's more cool is, u get the chance to go for cooler events organized by nuffnang & their clients (sponsors), contests, etc.

    And you might also get the chance to participate in advertorials like me :)

  5. Jln yap ah shak?? I think is far from my place..hmm

  6. YES!! jln yap ah shak!! very near u!!!

  7. i haven't put up my nuffnang ads yet.. haven't figured it out yet.. clueless when it comes to these things..

  8. There's a guide at the ad section of ur nuffnang account. 3 types of ad u can put in ur blog n they'll tell u how :)

  9. its on the board!!!

  10. yap,Nuffnang always comes up with interesting and happening campaign and events that we can join.im also looking foward to send my image to be posted at their wall.so cool mehhhh.but aiyaa so lazy to mail laaaa..

  11. Project Alpha? Going to UK???


  12. Dalila: omg r u gona send in ur newly tangkap potraits? gosh i better go tangkap nice gambar also!!!!!

  13. Heron: haha i not going lah, i aint that popular..

  14. haiya..already bored with that old pic..but i will try to send some pics.maybe they can put it beside yours!so banggaaaaaaaaa woooo

  15. hahha yeah!!! ^_________^ darn.. i think i will send in my alice in wonderland group pic!!


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